Deployment Plan Management changes

The goal of this work is to improve GUI and CLI interoperability by changing the way deployment configuration is stored, making it more compact and simplify plan import and export.

Problem Description

The problem is broadly described in mailing list discussion [1]. This spec is a result of agreement achieved in that discussion.

TripleO-Common library currently operates on Mistral environment for storing plan configuration although not all data are stored there since there are additional files which define plan configuration (roles_data.yaml, network_data.yaml, capabilities-map.yaml) which are currently used by CLI to drive certain parts of deployment configuration. This imposes a problem of synchronization of content of those files with Mistral environment when plan is imported or exported.

TripleO-Common needs to be able to provide means for roles and networks management.

Proposed Change


TripleO plan configuration data should be stored in single place rather than in multiple (mistral environment + plan meta files stored in Swift container).

TripleO-Common should move from using mistral environment to storing the information in file (plan-environment.yaml) in Swift container so all plan configuration data are stored in ‘meta’ files in Swift and tripleo-common provides API to perform operations on this data.

Plan meta files: capabilities-map.yaml, roles_data.yaml, network_data.yaml [3], plan-environment.yaml

Proposed plan-environment.yaml file structure:

version: 1.0

name: A name of a plan which this file describes
description: >
  A description of a plan, it's usage and potential summary of features it provides
template: overcloud.yaml
  - path: overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml
  ControllerCount: 1
  TrovePassword: "vEPKFbdpTeesCWRmtjgH4s7M8"
  PankoPassword: "qJJj3gTg8bTCkbtYtYVPtzcyz"
  KeystoneCredential0: "Yeh1wPLUWz0kiugxifYU19qaf5FADDZU31dnno4gJns="

This solution makes whole plan configuration stored in Swift container together with rest of plan files, simplifies plan import/export functionality as no synchronization is necessary between the Swift files and mistral environment. Plan configuration is more straightforward and CLI/GUI interoperability is improved.

Initially the plan configuration is going to be split into multiple ‘meta’ files (plan-environment.yaml, capabilities-map.yaml, roles_data.yaml, network_data.yaml) all stored in Swift container. As a next step we can evaluate a solution which merges them all into plan-environment.yaml

Using CLI workflow user works with local files. Plan, Networks and Roles are configured by making changes directly in relevant files (plan-management.yaml, roles_data.yaml, …). Plan is created and templates are generated on deploy command.

TripleO Common library will implement CRUD actions for Roles and Networks management. This will allow clients to manage Roles and Networks and generate relevant templates (see work items).

TripleO UI and other clients use tripleo-common library which operates on plan stored in Swift container.


Alternative approach is treating Swift ‘meta’ files as an input during plan creation and synchronize them to Mistral environment when plan is imported which is described initially in [1] and is used in current plan import/export implementation [2]

This solution needs to deal with multiple race conditions, makes plan import/export much more complicated and overall solution is not simple to understand. Using this solution should be considered if using mistral environment as a plan configuration storage has some marginal benefits over using file in Swift. Which is not the case according to the discussion [1]

As a subsequent step to proposed solution, it is possible to join all existing ‘meta’ files into a single one.

Security Impact


Other End User Impact

CLI/GUI interoperability is improved

Performance Impact


Other Deployer Impact


Developer Impact

This change makes Deployment Plan import/export functionality much simpler as well as makes the tripleo-common operate on the same set of files as CLI does. It is much easier to understand the CLI users how tripleo-common works as it does not do any swift files -> mistral environment synchronization on the background.

TripleO-Common can introduce functionality manage Roles and Networks which perfectly matches to how CLI workflow does it.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:
  • d0ugal

  • rbrady

  • jtomasek

Work Items




Feature will be tested as part of TripleO CI

Documentation Impact

Documentation should be updated to reflect the new capabilities of GUI (Roles/Networks management), a way to use plan-environment.yaml via CLI workflow and CLI/GUI interoperability using plan import and export features.


[1] [2] [3]