TripleO Template and Deployment Plan Storage

This design specification describes a storage solution for a deployment plan. Deployment plans consist of a set of roles, which in turn define a master Heat template that can be used by Heat to create a stack representing the deployment plan; and an environment file that defines the parameters needed by the master template.

This specification is principally intended to be used by Tuskar.

Problem Description


The terminology used in this specification is defined in the Tuskar REST API specification.

In order to accomplish the goal of this specification, we need to first define storage domain models for roles, deployment plans, and associated concepts. These associated concepts include Heat templates and environment files. The models must account for requirements such as versioning and the appropriate relationships between objects.

We also need to create a storage mechanism for these models. The storage mechanism should be distinct from the domain model, allowing the latter to be stable while the former retains enough flexibility to use a variety of backends as need and availability dictates. Storage requirements for particular models include items such as versioning and secure storage.

Proposed Change

Change Summary

The following proposed change is split into three sections:

  • Storage Domain Models: Defines the domain models for templates, environment files, roles, and deployment plans.

  • Storage API Interface: Defines Python APIs that relate the models to the underlying storage drivers; is responsible for translating stored content into a model object and vice versa. Each model requires its own storage interface.

  • Storage Drivers: Defines the API that storage backends need to implement in order to be usable by the Python API Interface. Plans for initial and future driver support are discussed here.

It should be noted that each storage interface will be specified by the user as part of the Tuskar setup. Thus, the domain model can assume that the appropriate storage interfaces - a template store, an environment store, etc - are defined globally and accessible for use.

Storage Domain Models

The storage API requires the following domain models:

  • Template

  • Environment File

  • Role

  • Deployment Plan

The first two map directly to Heat concepts; the latter two are Tuskar concepts.

Note that each model will also contain a save method. The save method will call create on the store if the uuid isn’t set, and will call update on the store if the instance has a uuid.

Template Model

The template model represents a Heat template.

class Template:
    uuid = UUID string
    name = string
    version = integer
    description = string
    content = string
    created_at = datetime

    # This is derived from the content from within the template store.
    parameters = dict of parameter names with their types and defaults

Environment File Model

The environment file defines the parameters and resource registry for a Heat stack.

class EnvironmentFile:
    uuid = UUID string
    content = string
    created_at = datetime
    updated_at = datetime

    # These are derived from the content from within the environment file store.
    resource_registry = list of provider resource template names
    parameters = dict of parameter names and their values

    def add_provider_resource(self, template):
        # Adds the specified template object to the environment file as a
        # provider resource.  This updates the parameters and resource registry
        # in the content.  The provider resource type will be derived from the
        # template file name.

    def remove_provider_resource(self, template):
        # Removes the provider resource that matches the template from the
        # environment file.  This updates the parameters and resource registry
        # in the content.

    def set_parameters(self, params_dict):
        # The key/value pairs in params_dict correspond to parameter names/
        # desired values.  This method updates the parameters section in the
        # content to the values specified in params_dict.

Role Model

A role is a scalable unit of a cloud. A deployment plan specifies one or more roles. Each role must specify a primary role template. It must also specify the dependencies of that template.

class Role:
    uuid = UUID string
    name = string
    version = integer
    description = string
    role_template_uuid = Template UUID string
    dependent_template_uuids = list of Template UUID strings
    created_at = datetime

    def retrieve_role_template(self):
        # Retrieves the Template with uuid matching role_template_uuid

    def retrieve_dependent_templates(self):
        # Retrieves the list of Templates with uuids matching
        # dependent_template_uuids

Deployment Plan Model

The deployment plan defines the application to be deployed. It does so by specifying a list of roles. Those roles are used to construct an environment file that contains the parameters that are needed by the roles’ templates and the resource registry that register each role’s primary template as a provider resource. A master template is also constructed so that the plan can be deployed as a single Heat stack.

class DeploymentPlan:
    uuid = UUID string
    name = string
    description = string
    role_uuids = list of Role UUID strings
    master_template_uuid = Template UUID string
    environment_file_uuid = EnvironmentFile UUID string
    created_at = datetime
    updated_at = datetime

    def retrieve_roles(self):
        # Retrieves the list of Roles with uuids matching role_uuids

    def retrieve_master_template(self):
        # Retrieves the Template with uuid matching master_template_uuid

    def retrieve_environment_file(self):
        # Retrieves the EnvironmentFile with uuid matching environment_file_uuid

    def add_role(self, role):
        # Adds a Role to the plan.  This operation will modify the master
        # template and environment file through template munging operations
        # specified in a separate spec.

    def remove_role(self, role):
        # Removes a Role from the plan.  This operation will modify the master
        # template and environment file through template munging operations
        # specified in a separate spec.

    def get_dependent_templates(self):
        # Returns a list of dependent templates.  This consists of the
        # associated role templates.

Storage API Interface

Each of the models defined above has their own Python storage interface. These are manager classes that query and perform CRUD operations against the storage drivers and return instances of the models for use (with the exception of delete which returns None). The storage interfaces bind the models to the driver being used; this allows us to store each model in a different location.

Note that each store also contains a serialize method and a deserialize method. The serialize method takes the relevant object and returns a dictionary containing all value attributes; the deserialize method does the reverse.

The drivers are discussed in the next section.

Template API

class TemplateStore:

    def create(self, name, content, description=None):
        # Creates a Template.  If no template exists with a matching name,
        # the template version is set to 0; otherwise it is set to the
        # greatest existing version plus one.

    def retrieve(self, uuid):
        # Retrieves the Template with the specified uuid.  Queries a Heat
        # template parser for template parameters and dependent template names.

    def retrieve_by_name(self, name, version=None):
        # Retrieves the Template with the specified name and version.  If no
        # version is specified, retrieves the latest version of the Template.

    def delete(self, uuid):
        # Deletes the Template with the specified uuid.

    def list(self, only_latest=False):
        # Returns a list of all Templates.  If only_latest is True, filters
        # the list to the latest version of each Template name.

Environment File API

The environment file requires secure storage to protect parameter values.

class EnvironmentFileStore:

    def create(self):
        # Creates an empty EnvironmentFile.

    def retrieve(self, uuid):
        # Retrieves the EnvironmentFile with the specified uuid.

    def update(self, model):
        # Updates an EnvironmentFile.

    def delete(self, uuid):
        # Deletes the EnvironmentFile with the specified uuid.

    def list(self):
        # Returns a list of all EnvironmentFiles.

Role API

class RoleStore:

    def create(self, name, role_template, description=None):
               version=None, template_uuid=None):
        # Creates a Role.  If no role exists with a matching name, the
        # template version is set to 0; otherwise it is set to the greatest
        # existing version plus one.
        # Dependent templates are derived from the role_template.  The
        # create method will take all dependent template names from
        # role_template, retrieve the latest version of each from the
        # TemplateStore, and use those as the dependent template list.
        # If a dependent template is missing from the TemplateStore, then
        # an exception is raised.

    def retrieve(self, uuid):
        # Retrieves the Role with the specified uuid.

    def retrieve_by_name(self, name, version=None):
        # Retrieves the Role with the specified name and version.  If no
        # version is specified, retrieves the latest version of the Role.

    def update(self, model):
        # Updates a Role.

    def delete(self, uuid):
        # Deletes the Role with the specified uuid.

    def list(self, only_latest=False):
        # Returns a list of all Roles.  If only_latest is True, filters
        # the list to the latest version of each Role.

Deployment Plan API

class DeploymentPlanStore:

    def create(self, name, description=None):
        # Creates a DeploymentPlan.  Also creates an associated empty master
        # Template and EnvironmentFile; these will be modified as Roles are

    def retrieve(self, uuid):
        # Retrieves the DeploymentPlan with the specified uuid.

    def update(self, model):
        # Updates a DeploymentPlan.

    def delete(self, uuid):
        # Deletes the DeploymentPlan with the specified uuid.

    def list(self):
        # Retrieves a list of all DeploymentPlans.

Storage Drivers

Storage drivers operate by storing object dictionaries. For storage solutions such as Glance these dictionaries are stored as flat files. For a storage solution such as a database, the dictionary is translated into a table row. It is the responsibility of the driver to understand how it is storing the object dictionaries.

Each storage driver must provide the following methods.

class Driver:

    def create(self, filename, object_dict):
        # Stores the specified content under filename and returns the resulting
        # uuid.

    def retrieve(self, uuid):
        # Returns the object_dict matching the uuid.

    def update(self, uuid, object_dict):
        # Updates the object_dict specified by the uuid.

    def delete(self, uuid):
        # Deletes the content specified by the uuid.

    def list(self):
        # Return a list of all content.

For Juno, we will aim to use a combination of a relational database and Heat. Heat will be used for the secure storage of sensitive environment parameters. Database tables will be used for everything else. The usage of Heat for secure stores relies on PATCH support to be added the Heat API. This bug is targeted for completion by Juno-2.

This is merely a short-term solution, as it is understood that there is some reluctance in introducing an unneeded database dependency. In the long-term we would like to replace the database with Glance once it is updated from an image store to a more general artifact repository. However, this feature is currently in development and cannot be relied on for use in the Juno cycle. The architecture described in this specification should allow reasonable ease in switching from one to the other.


Modeling Relationships within Heat Templates

The specification proposes modeling relationships such as a plan’s associated roles or a role’s dependent templates as direct attributes of the object. However, this information would appear to be available as part of a plan’s environment file or by traversing the role template’s dependency graph. Why not simply derive the relationships in that way?

A role is a Tuskar abstraction. Within Heat, it corresponds to a template used as a provider resource; however, a role has added requirements, such as the versioning of itself and its dependent templates, or the ability to list out available roles for selection within a plan. These are not requirements that Heat intends to fulfill, and fulfilling them entirely within Heat feels like an abuse of mechanics.

From a practical point of view, modeling relationships within Heat templates requires the in-place modification of Heat templates by Tuskar to deal with versioning. For example, if version 1 of the compute role specifies {{compute.yaml: 1}, {compute-config.yaml: 1}}, and version 2 of the role specifies {{compute.yaml: 1}, {compute-config.yaml: 2}}, the only way to allow both versions of the role to be used is to allow programmatic modification of compute.yaml to point at the correct version of compute-config.yaml.

Swift as a Storage Backend

Swift was considered as an option to replace the relational database but was ultimately discounted for two key reasons:

  • The versioning system in Swift doesn’t provide a static reference to the current version of an object. Rather it has the version “latest” and this is dynamic and changes when a new version is added, therefore there is no way to stick a deployment to a version.

  • We need to create a relationship between the provider resources within a Role and swift doesn’t support relationships between stored objects.

Having said that, after seeking guidance from the Swift team, it has been suggested that a naming convention or work with different containers may provide us with enough control to mimic a versioning system that meets our requirements. These suggestions have made Swift more favourable as an option.

File System as a Storage Backend

The filesystem was briefly considered and may be included to provide a simpler developer setup. However, to create a production ready system with versioning, and relationships this would require re-implementing much of what other databases and services provide for us. Therefore, this option is reserved only for a development option which will be missing key features.

Secure Driver Alternatives

Barbican, the OpenStack secure storage service, provides us with an alternative if PATCH support isn’t added to Heat in time.

Currently the only alternative other than Barbican is to implement our own cryptography with one of the other options listed above. This isn’t a favourable choice as it adds a technical complexity and risk that should be beyond the scope of this proposal.

The other option with regards to sensitive data is to not store any. This would require the REST API caller to provide the sensitive information each time a Heat create (and potentially update) is called.

Security Impact

Some of the configuration values, such as service passwords, will be sensitive. For this reason, Heat or Barbican will be used to store all configuration values.

While access will be controlled by the Tuskar API large files could be provided in the place of provider resource files or configuration files. These should be verified against a reasonable limit.

Other End User Impact

The template storage will be primarily used by the Tuskar API, but as it may be used directly in the future it will need to be documented.

Performance Impact

Storing the templates in Glance and Barbican will lead to API calls over the local network rather than direct database access. These are likely to have higher overhead. However, the read and writing used in Tuskar is expected to be infrequent and will only trigger simple reads and writes when manipulating a deployment plan.

Other Deployer Impact


Developer Impact

TripleO will have access to sensitive and insensitive storage through the storage API.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Implement storage API

  • Create Glance and Barbican based storage driver

  • Create database storage driver


  • Glance

  • Barbican


  • The API logic will be verified with a suite of unit tests that mock the external services.

  • Tempest will be used for integration testing.

Documentation Impact

The code should be documented with docstrings and comments. If it is used outside of Tuskar further user documentation should be developed.
