Get valid server state

When a compute service fails, the power states of the hosted VMs are not updated. A normal user querying his or her VMs does not get any indication about the failure. Also there is no indication about maintenance.

Problem description

VM query do not give needed information to the user about a compute host that is failed/unreachable, nova-compute service that is failed/stopped or nova-compute service that is explicitly marked as failed or disabled. The user should get the information about nova-compute state when querying his or her VMs to get better understanding about the situation.

Use Cases

As a user I want to be able to have accurate VM state information even when the compute service fails or host is down, so I can do quick actions for my VMs. Mostly the failure information is critical to a user having HA type of VMs that needs to make a quick switch over for service. Other thing is for user or admin to do something for the VMs on the host. Action might be case and deployment specific, as some admin actions can be automated for external service and some left to user. Normally user can just do just delete or create for a VM.

As a user I want to get information about maintenance, so I can do actions for my VMs. As user get information about host being in maintenance (service= disabled), user knows to plan what to do for his or her VMs as host may be rebooted soon.

Proposed change

A new host_status field will be added to the /servers/{server_id} and /servers/detail endpoints. host_status will be UP if nova-compute’s state is up, DOWN if nova-compute is forced_down, UNKNOWN if nova-compute last_seen_up is not up-to-date and MAINTENANCE if nova-compute’s state disabled. Needed information can be retriewed by host API and servicegroup API if new policy allows. forced_down flag handling is described in this spec:

A new policy element will be added to control access to host_status. This can be used both to prevent this host-based data being disclosed as well as to eliminate the performance impact of this feature.


When returning the VM power_state, check the service status for the host. If the service is forced_down, return UNKNOWN instead. This would be an API-only change, it is NOT proposed that we update the DB value to UNKNOWN. This means we retain a record of the VM power state independent of the service state, which may be interesting in case the host lost network rather than power. Community feedback indicated that as the power_state is only true for a point in time anyway, technically the state is always UNKNOWN.

os-services/force-down could mark all VMs managed by the affected service as UNKNOWN in db. This would sometimes be wrong as a VM can be up even if its host is unreachable. This would make also a need to remove this state data in case VM evacuated to another compute node.

A possible extension is a host NEEDS_MAINTENANCE state, which would show that maintenance is required soon. This would allow users who monitor this info to prepare their VMs for downtime and enter maintenance at a time convenient for them.

An extension could be added for filtering /servers and /servers/detail endpoints response message by host_status.

Data model impact


REST API impact

GET /v2.1/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id} and /v2.1/{tenant_id}/servers/ detail will return host_status field if “os_compute_api:servers:show: host_status” policy is defined for the user. This will require a microversion.

Case where nova-compute enabled and reporting normally:

GET /v2.1/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}

200 OK
  "server": {
    "host_status": "UP",

Case where nova-compute enabled, but not reporting normally:

GET /v2.1/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}

200 OK
  "server": {
    "host_status": "UNKNOWN",

Case where nova-compute enabled, but forced_down:

GET /v2.1/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}

200 OK
  "server": {
    "host_status": "DOWN",

Case where nova-compute disabled:

GET /v2.1/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}

200 OK
  "server": {
    "host_status": "MAINTENANCE",

This may be presented by python-novaclient as:

| ID    | Name | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks | Host Status |
| 9a... | vm1  | ACTIVE | -          | RUNNING     | xnet=... | UP          |

New policy element to be added to allow assigning permission to see host_status:

"os_compute_api:servers:show:host_status": "rule:admin_api"

Security impact

Normal users may be able to correlate host states across multiple VMs to draw conclusions about the cloud topology. This can be prevented by not granting the policy.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

An additional database query will be required to look up the service when a server detail request is received.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee: Tomi Juvonen Other contributors: None

Work Items

  • Expose host_status as detailed.

  • Update python-novaclient.




Unit and functional test cases needs to be added.

Documentation Impact

API change needs to be documented:
