Allow admins to query and create keypairs owned by any user

This change allows admin users to query keypairs owned by users other than themselves, as well as to create/import new keypairs on their behalf.

Problem description

Currently, keypairs are only available to their owners. Admins should be able to see the keypairs of other users, and create new keypairs on their behalf, when needed.

Use Cases

As the admin of an openstack cluster I need to see what keypairs a user has.

As someone with admin permission, I want to be able to create an instance with someone else’s keypair assigned so that they can log into it.

Allowing the administrators to create keypairs and importing public keys on behalf of the users will allow the users to have access to an instance booted with it.

For instances that require additional post-deployment configuration using Configuration Management tools (Ansible, Puppet etc..), having a pre-installed keypair deployed by the administrator is also very useful.

Project Priority

(yet to be defined)

Proposed change

For querying operations, this change doesn’t affect the API format or schema in any way, but merely adds a query key to select a specific user for the keypair query. However, an optional user_id parameter will need to be added to POST operation to specify the user for which a keypair is being created.

The following requests are currently allowed for querying:

GET /os-keypairs GET /os-keypairs/[keypair]

After this change, admins would be able to do this:

Get a list of keypairs for [user_id]:

GET /os-keypairs?user_id=[user_id]

View a specific user’s keypair

GET /os-keypairs/[keypair]?user_id=[user_id]

  • Future work:

    Allowing the admins to list keypairs from all users will require additional work, that will involve changes to the database scheme, will be submitted in a separate spec.


We could add a new admin API method to facilitate this, but doing so would be a lot more work for little (if any) benefit.

Data model impact


REST API impact

  • Specification for the querying methods

    • The existing index operation for keypairs will be extended to honor an optional “user_id” parameter, if the proper microversion is active.

    • Method type: GET

    • Normal http response code(s): 200

    • Expected error http response code(s)

      • 403: If the user does not have permissions, per the policy file

    • /v2.1/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs?user_id={user_id}

    • /v2.1/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs/{keypair_name}?user_id={user_id}

    • Parameters which can be passed via the url: The alternate user id

    • JSON schema definition for the body data is unchanged

    • JSON schema definition for the response data is unchanged

  • Example use case:



  • Specification for the create/import methods

    • Create method will be extended to honor an optional “user_id” parameter, that will be provided in the request body, if the proper microversion is active.

    • Method type: POST

    • Normal http response code(s): 200

    • Expected error http response code(s)

      • 403: If the user does not have permissions, per the policy file

    • /v2.1/{tenant_id}/os-keypairs

    • JSON schema definition for the response data is unchanged

    • JSON schema definition for the body data will change to include the optional user_id parameter:

  "keypair": {
      "name": "%(keypair_name)s",
      "type": "%(keypair_type)s",
      "user_id": %(user_id)s"

  "keypair": {
      "name": "%(keypair_name)s",
      "type": "%(keypair_type)s",
      "public_key": "%(public_key)s,"
      "user_id": %(user_id)s"
  • This will add new policy elements which will allow assigning this permission:

"os_compute_api:os-keypairs:index": "is_admin:True or user_id:%(user_id)s"
"os_compute_api:os-keypairs:show": "is_admin:True or user_id:%(user_id)s"
"os_compute_api:os-keypairs:create": "is_admin:True or user_id:%(user_id)s"

Security impact

Admin users will be able to see the public keys of other users and create new keypairs on their behalf. However, these are generally regarded as material suitable for public viewing anyway.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact

  • This change will imply changes to the python-novaclient to allow specifying the user for which keypairs should be listed or created.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

Dan Smith, Dan Radez

Work Items

  • Add a new microversion and make os-keypairs honor the user_id query/create parameter




Unit tests are sufficient to verify this functionality, as it is extremely simple. API samples tests can be added to make sure that the output of the list call does not differ when a user_id parameter is passed. Add new API sample to verify the create/import request schemas.

Documentation Impact

The nova/api/openstack/rest_api_version_history.rst document will be updated.
