Support for generic mediated devices

As Nova already supports to manage existing mediated devices via the libvirt driver for virtual GPUs, we would want to help the operator to use this for generic PCI devices that use the VFIO-mdev framework but aren’t GPUs.

Problem description

As the Linux kernel supports a framework that’s called VFIO-mdev , hardware vendors can use it for their devices, like nVidia does for their GPUs. For example, you can create virtual GPUs by asking the kernel to create a new mediated device to the parent. As this API is abstract, any hardware could use this framework for supporting the fact to create a virtual device off the physical device.

In the Queens release, the libvirt driver gains support for looking up existing mediated devices for enable managing virtual GPUs and can also directly call the kernel API to creating a new mediated device if needed. Unfortunately, while this kernel API is abstract in terms of usability between different physical devices supporting mediated devices, we created in Nova a fake and unnecessary reciprocity between a virtual GPU and a mediated device : a virtual GPU is indeed a mediated device, but a mediated device can be something other than a virtual GPU.

In this spec, we propose to remove this unrelated reciprocity by considering a mediated device to be a distinct Placement resource class and not a virtual GPU, if specified.


As currently, we only support stateless physical devices, as Nova just reuses existing mediated devices between instances.

Use Cases

As an operator, I want to provide new flavors for my customers that would ask for generic mediated devices that aren’t virtual GPUs, as I already have hardware that use VFIO-mdev fremework in the Linux kernel for abstracting virtual resources.

Proposed change

We will minimize to the very least number of changes, that won’t be breaking existing users of the virtual GPUs in Nova :

  • we’ll just extend the configuration options for managing mediated devices in Nova by proposing an extra option that will tell whether it’s for GPUs or else.

  • we’ll propose to use custom resource classes for scheduling decisions.

Existing flavors won’t need to change.

The configuration changes

Today, you can allow the Nova libvirt driver to use mediated devices for virtual GPU management by defining in nova.conf :

enabled_vgpu_types = <type1>,<type2>
device_addresses = <pci_address_1>,<pci_address_2>
device_addresses = <pci_address_3>

We propose to rename the enabled_vgpu_types option name with enabled_mdev_types and just use the old name as a legacy alias. Accordingly, groups could be named mdev_<type> or being kept as vgpu_<type> for a couple of releases. An extra option could be specified under a mdev_<type> group, named mdev_class and which could be defined as below :

           help='Class of mediated device to manage.')

An example would be as follows :

enabled_mdev_types = nvidia-35,mlx5_core-local
device_addresses = 0000:84:00.0,0000:85:00.0
device_addresses = 0000:86:00.0


We already have configuration checks for this but we could try to look at the inventories to detect unwanted changes if allocations were create and prevent the compute service to start.

The custom resource classes

Nothing really fancy here. The Nova libvirt driver will lookup at existing PCI devices that support mediated devices and create inventories as of now. The only difference is that if a PCI device is set as something other than the default vgpu class, then the inventory of the number of virtual devices it can create for the specific type will use a custom resource class named CUSTOM_<type>. For example, in the example above, inventories of physical devices using the mlx5 mdev class will have resources of a class named CUSTOM_MLX5 (we will convert the characters to uppercase in order to be accepted by the Placement API).

Accordingly, if a flavor specifies an extraspec with resource groups like resources:CUSTOM_MLX5=1, then Placement will create allocations on a Resource Provider with this resource class. When, later in the boot sequence, the libvirt driver will get allocations for the instance in the spawn() method (or for other move operations), it will not only lookup at the VGPU related allocations but also the CUSTOM_MLX5 ones and will consequently either bind an existing mdev or ask sysfs to create a new one. In order to do it, the driver will first look at all the custom resource classes that are accepted by the configuration options above.


We could describe the capacity with the new inventory YAML files but this would disrupt a bit more existing users of the framework. Another alternative could be to stop using the VGPU resource class and just use the new MDEV resource class but this is a more breaking change for users which would potentially require to modify existing allocations. Besides, other virt drivers could continue to use the VGPU resource class, which would mean a discrepancy between virt drivers.

Cyborg can also be an obvious alternative as they start implementing virtual GPUs too. There are no problems with having both projects supporting generic devices as we let the operator choose what they prefer in terms of maintenance and usage while the code itself is mostly shared (as eventually the mdev allocation from Cyborg reuses the same methods).

Data model impact


REST API impact

None. Currently, all operations but live migration are supported and we don’t see the need to propose a microversion for users opting into generic devices. As flavors are managed by operators, there wouldn’t be visible changes for the end users.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

See the configuration options described above.

Developer impact

Potentially other virt drivers could use the opportunity to propose generic devices too, mainly the Xen driver which already supports virtual gpus.

Upgrade impact

None as existing flavors and inventories won’t change. We will specify to only use the new generic class for new hardware in order to prevent unneeded and unnecessary Placement inventories modifications, but this isn’t really changing the situation where some operator decides to reshuffle their GPUs with different types.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Feature Liaison


Work Items

  • Amend the libvirt driver to populate inventories of custom resource classes.

  • Amend the libvirt methods to look at allocations of known custom resource classes.

  • Expose the configuration changes.




Good news are, we could use the mtty fake driver for testing generic mdevs (and by extend virtual GPU management in Nova) with Tempest without relying on some proprietary and expensive driver which is impossible with our upstream gate jobs.

Documentation Impact





Release Name


