Add attachmentId to responses of the os-volume_attachments API

This spec aims to outline the use case for adding volume attachment ids to the responses of Nova’s os-volume_attachments APIs.

Problem description

When using the Cinder volume attachments API to attach a volume to an instance Nova will record the id of the Cinder volume attachment within the block device mapping table. However this is not exposed at present through Nova’s os-volume_attachments APIs and is only visible through Cinders attachments API or direct queries to Nova’s database.

For example, using the v2.79 mircoversion GETs against the API provide the following responses:

  • GET /servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments

    "volumeAttachments": [
            "delete_on_termination": false,
            "device": "/dev/sdc",
            "id": "227cc671-f30b-4488-96fd-7d0bf13648d8",
            "serverId": "d5e4ae35-ac0e-4311-a8c5-0ee863e951d9",
            "tag": null,
            "volumeId": "227cc671-f30b-4488-96fd-7d0bf13648d8"
            "delete_on_termination": true,
            "device": "/dev/sdb",
            "id": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113",
            "serverId": "d5e4ae35-ac0e-4311-a8c5-0ee863e951d9",
            "tag": "foo",
            "volumeId": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113"
  • GET /servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{volume_id}

    "volumeAttachment": {
        "delete_on_termination": true,
        "device": "/dev/sdb",
        "id": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113",
        "serverId": "2aad99d3-7aa4-41e9-b4e6-3f960b115d68",
        "tag": "foo",
        "volumeId": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113"


The id returned above responses is the id of Nova’s block device mapping record and not that of the volume attachment in Cinder.

This renders the API useless in most volume attach troubleshooting scenarios, for example when attempting to ensure that Nova has an existing and correctly updated volume attachment recorded.

Use Cases

As an operator or user I want to be able to confirm the id of the Cinder volume attachment associated with a given block device mapping record within Nova.

Proposed change

Introduce a new microversion that will display the volume attachment id of a given block device mapping record in the response of GET /servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments or GET /servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{volume_id}.


We could provide this information to operators via a nova-manage command however that would require DB access and wouldn’t be available to users.

Data model impact

None, attachment_id is already stored for each block device mapping record.

REST API impact

In a new microversion, expose attachmentId in the following responses:


While implementing this spec it was agreed that the id field that duplicates the volumeId field would be removed under this microversion with the uuid of the underlying BlockDeviceMapping object also added under a new bdm_uuid field.

  • GET /servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments

    "volumeAttachments": [
            "delete_on_termination": false,
            "device": "/dev/sdc",
            "serverId": "d5e4ae35-ac0e-4311-a8c5-0ee863e951d9",
            "tag": null,
            "volumeId": "227cc671-f30b-4488-96fd-7d0bf13648d8",
            "attachmentId": "1ce1a7ee-c88c-41ce-a4d3-ce78b1ab20bf",
            "bdm_uuid": "2420cbab-4aef-409f-97c0-b60c0e1d6902"
            "delete_on_termination": true,
            "device": "/dev/sdb",
            "serverId": "d5e4ae35-ac0e-4311-a8c5-0ee863e951d9",
            "tag": "foo",
            "volumeId": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113",
            "attachmentId": "810511b1-ab87-4f42-9033-199543376ddb",
            "bdm_uuid": "e50caeba-b3f0-4a59-9973-7125d232d511"
  • GET /servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{volume_id}

    "volumeAttachment": {
        "delete_on_termination": true,
        "device": "/dev/sdb",
        "serverId": "2aad99d3-7aa4-41e9-b4e6-3f960b115d68",
        "tag": "foo",
        "volumeId": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113",
        "attachmentId": "1ce1a7ee-c88c-41ce-a4d3-ce78b1ab20bf",
        "bdm_uuid": "2420cbab-4aef-409f-97c0-b60c0e1d6902"

Security impact

None, operators and users have access to the underlying attachment details via the Cinder attachments API, all we are exposing here is the mapping of the volume attachment to the block device mapping record within Nova.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact

The nova volume-attachments $SERVER and openstack server volume list $SERVER commands will be extended to expose the attachment_id when provided with a high enough microversion.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact


Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

Feature Liaison

Feature liaison:


Work Items




API schema, functional and tempest integration tests will be written.

Documentation Impact

The API reference, microversion history, openstackclient and novaclient docs will be updated.




Release Name


