Search Resource Type

Enable filtering capabilities for resource types loaded in the given heat deployment.

Problem description

Search and get resource type based on * resource type, * supported since, * support status

Proposed change

Add Following parameters in REST API and heat CLI for filtering heat resource type:

  • resource_type: List of glob matching expression (like *)

  • supported_since: Heat version, since resource type is supported.

  • supported_status: List of status. It could be one of UNKNOWN, SUPPORTED, PROTOTYPE, DEPRECATED, UNSUPPORTED

To support NOT condition, each of the list entry could be in the form of ‘[not:]entry’ like ‘not:DEPRECATED’

Affected Service REST API: /v1/​{tenant_id}​/resource_types?filter=<query parameters> Here, ‘filter’ query parameter will be used with it’s value similarly to –filters option used in CLI.

Affected Heat CLI: (only shown the new parameters here) `heat resource-type-list [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]

Optional arguments:

-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2…>, –filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2…> Filter parameters to apply on returned resource type. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon.





Primary assignee:

Kanagaraj Manickam (kanagaraj-manickam)


Target Milestone for completion:


Work Items

  • update Resource Type REST API controller with additional filtering ability.

  • update the heat CLI as described in the solution section

  • Add required additional test cases.

  • Add documentation for CLI, REST API updates

