Configuration change handling over releases

Problem description:

When users perform upgrade their OpenStack system to new release, normally they are required to update configuration files for adapting changes from old release to new release. Basically, at that time they must read release notes or change logs or even track source code changes for doing this.

But unfortunately, there could be some misunderstanding, lack of information in release notes that cause users confuse. There should be some helper in oslo.config for automatically adopt new changes and help users manage their configuration files easily.


Below is the proposed workflow that users can perform on old system to generate new configuration for preparing upgrading to new release:

Old configuration  +-------->              |
 (N-1 release)              |     Oslo     |
                            |    Config    +-------> New configuration
      Namespaces   +-------->   Migrator   |            (N release)
                            |              |

                      Running on new environment

Proposed change:

We had a method to generate data structure of machine readable sample config for any projects, so we could base on this method to get a ConfigOpts instance (CONF object) with full list of options from not only main project but also other projects which are listed in namespaces.

Base on the CONF object then we can get the information of options about whether deprecated_name and deprecated_group or not. If yes, then it is possible to implement a function to update from old configuration to new configuration, so we call this case is “Mapping 1:1 without changing value. In fact, not only this case but also other cases including:

  • Case 1: Mapping 1:1 without changing value.

  • Case 2: Mapping 1:1 with changing value.

  • Case 3: Mapping N:1. It means one option can replace a group of options.

  • Case 4: Mapping M*N:1. Meaning that one option can replace a super group of options.

  • Case 5: Dynamic section.

  • Case 6: Dynamic option.

By using deprecated_name and deprecated_group, we are able to solve Case 1. The examples of Case 1 are as follows:

  1. Change the key of option:

auth_uri =
www_authenticate_uri =
  1. Change section of option:

api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
  1. Change section and key of option:

notification_driver = messaging
driver = messaging

In order to solve Case 2 then it is necessary to adding a parameter to Opt class. It is called “convert_on_upgrade”. It will be a function that is to map from old value to new value.

For example:

            choices=('a_new', 'b_new', 'c_new'),
            help = 'a choice opt')

def choice_opt_converter(opt, value):
    return {
        'a': 'a_new',
        'b': 'b_new',
        'c': 'c_new',


With this proposal, we have just solved only 2 basic cases (case 1 and case 2). For the more complicated cases, we have not yet to resolve them. Here are remaining cases that need to be achieved for this feature.

Case 3: Mapping N options to 1 option:

For example:

identify_uri can replace 3 options: auth_host, auth_port and auth_protocol.

auth_protocol = http
auth_host = controller
auth_port = 35357
identity_uri = http://controller:35357

Case 4: Mapping M*N options to 1 option:

Currently, transport_url is a big example for this case. With M is the number of options in a driver for message queue, N is the number of drivers (N>1).

For example:

If RabbitMQ is used as backend for message queue then transport_url can replace four options such as rabbit_host, rabbit_port, rabbit_userid and rabbit_password (M=4) by using a template like this: rabbit://rabbit_userid:rabbit_password@rabbit_host:rabbit_port.

If Kafka is backend for message queue then transport_url can replace two options including kafka_default_host and kafka_default_port (M=2) by using a template like this: kafka://kafka_default_host:kafka_default_port.

rpc_backend = rabbit
#rpc_backend = kafka

rabbit_host = controller
rabbit_userid = openstack
rabbit_password = RABBIT_PASS
rabbit_port = 5672

#kafka_default_host = controller
#kafka_default_port = 9092

transport_url = rabbit://openstack:RABBIT_PASS@controller:5672
#transport_url = kafka//openstack:9092

Case 5: Dynamic section

One important thing that there is a dynamic section. For example, Cinder has a option named enabled_backends [1], if this option is declared like enabled_backends = lvm, then there will be a new section [lvm] declared in cinder.conf like below.

enabled_backends = lvm

# ...
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver
volume_group = cinder-volumes
iscsi_protocol = iscsi
iscsi_helper = tgtadm

but if enabled_backends = ceph then new section [ceph] shoud be declared.


# ...
rbd_store_chunk_size = 4
rados_connect_timeout = -1

Both sections [lvm] and [ceph] are not registered in codebase, the options in these sections are actually registered in [backend_defaults] section and are belonging to cinder namespace.

So how can we understand all values in dynamic section? This can be done via dynamic groups or driver groups [2] but we don’t have any projects using them, so each project should migrate to use those things instead of their special ways to read dynamic sections.

Case 6: Dynamic option

The options like user_domain_id, project_name in [keystone_authtoken] are registered dynamically when start service based on which auth_type (password, token…) the service using [3]. They don’t belong to any namespace. How can we understand these options?

auth_uri = http://controller:5000
auth_url = http://controller:5000
memcached_servers = controller:11211
auth_type = password
project_domain_id = default
user_domain_id = default
project_name = service
username = cinder
password = cinder

Work Items:

  • Implement one attribute: mapping_value.

  • Implement a new function to render new configuration files based on codebase and old configuration files.

Documentation Impact:

Need to have two documentations:

  • Having a docs to guide projects to update source-code if they want to have this feature.

  • Having a docs for Operators about step by step to use this feature.



Primary assignee:
