keystone-manage doctor

bp keystone-manage-doctor

To provide a better deployer experience, let’s provide a tool that deployers can run to validate the state of a deployment and immediately receive comprehensive feedback on suggested changes with detailed explanations.

Problem Description

As upstream developers, operators, and summit attendees, many of us carry tribal knowledge of various aspects of configuration that we recommend to other deployers. We currently share that knowledge widely via documentation and blog posts, which not all operators read. We also log deprecation warnings at runtime.

  • Are you using a deprecated configuration option?

  • Is there an identity endpoint in your service catalog? Does it have a versioned endpoint? If so, which version?

  • Does the is_admin_project you specified in keystone.conf actually exist in the backend?

  • Does the default_domain_id you specified in keystone.conf actually exist in the backend?

Proposed Change

Implement a new keystone-manage called doctor. keystone-manage doctor should diagnose issues with your deployment and make detailed recommendations to resolve any issues.


Keep preaching.

Security Impact

This command could be used to reveal security issues with a deployment.

Notifications Impact


Other End User Impact

End users are not be able to use keystone-manage (only deployers).

Performance Impact

Running the command could place load on the keystone deployment, as it iterates through large datasets looking for issues.

Other Deployer Impact


Developer Impact

Similar to release notes, developers and code reviewers will need to be aware of changes that should result in new checks that doctor should perform.



Primary assignee:

  • dolph

Work Items

  • Implement a no-op doctor command that doesn’t actually perform any checks.

  • Implement a set of checks for doctor to perform (perhaps some or all of those described in the Problem Description section above).



Documentation Impact

Operators should be made aware of the command’s availability via release notes and in openstack-manuals.

