Domain Manager Persona for domain-scoped self-service administration

bug #2045974

In scenarios where customers are assigned a whole domain, they might desire self-service functionality for managing users, projects and groups within that domain. The Consistent and Secure Default RBAC introduced the manager role for projects as a customer-side management role between admin and member but added no such role model for domains. This specification introduces a new domain-manager persona to fill that gap and enables domain-scoped identity self-service capabilities for customers.

Problem Description

Today, you need the admin role in keystone in order to fully manage groups, projects and users including their role assignments. Since this role is intended for the highest level of authorization, it is usually reserved for operators. This means that even if a customer is confined within a domain in Keystone, they need to involve operators of the cloud to have users, projects and groups as well as corresponding role assignments managed for them.

For customers receiving a whole domain in Keystone this is often unsatisfactory since a self-service capability is desired. An example use case for this is the “virtual private cloud” (VPC) approach where the operator of a public cloud wants to allocate reseller domains to customers which they can then subdivide on a self-service basis.

For this purpose a role or persona and corresponding set of permissions are required which implement this management functionality for customers.

Proposed Change

Adjust existing policy defaults to incorporate the domain-scoped manager role accordingly like described below.

The domain-manager persona should be implemented in Keystone for managing identity objects such as users, projects and groups along with role assignments within a domain to enable identity management self-service for end users.

All default policies that concern users, projects, groups and roles in the Identity API have to be adjusted to incorporate the domain-manager persona on a domain level. Below is an example of the identity:create_project```policy adjusted for the ``domain-manager persona. It adjusts check to accept the domain-scoped manager role in addition to admin:

# this extends the current default (base.RULE_ADMIN_REQUIRED) by
# the domain-scoped manager
    '(' + base.RULE_ADMIN_REQUIRED + ') or '
    '(role:manager and domain_id:%(target.project.domain_id)s)'

# policy defintions concerning the management of users, projects, groups
# and role assignments have to be adjusted to use this new rule,
# for example the "identity:create_project" rule:
    name=base.IDENTITY % 'create_project',
    scope_types=['system', 'domain', 'project'],
    description='Create project.',
    operations=[{'path': '/v3/projects',
                 'method': 'POST'}],

For actions that address multiple target resources, additional checks need to be added to ensure that only resources of the same domain are accessible to the domain manager. The following example illustrates this for the add_user_to_group policy definition in the policy file for groups:

# copied over from
DOMAIN_MATCHES_USER_DOMAIN = 'domain_id:%(target.user.domain_id)s'

# new rule for domain managers for user and group resources within domain
    '(role:manager and ' + DOMAIN_MATCHES_USER_DOMAIN + ' and'

# the following policy definition has been modified to extend check_str
# by the new rule introduced above
   name=base.IDENTITY % 'add_user_to_group',
   check_str='(' + base.RULE_ADMIN_REQUIRED + ') or ' +
   scope_types=['system', 'domain', 'project'],
   description='Add user to group.',
   operations=[{'path': '/v3/groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id}',
                'method': 'PUT'}],

One crucial part of a domain manager’s responsibility will be to assign roles within a domain. For this purpose, the existing rule defaults in Keystone can be repurposed:

# below "GRANTS_DOMAIN_ADMIN" has been renamed to "GRANTS_DOMAIN_MANAGER"
# and "role:admin" has been replaced by "role:manager"
    '(role:manager and ' + DOMAIN_MATCHES_USER_DOMAIN + ' and'
    '(role:manager and ' + DOMAIN_MATCHES_USER_DOMAIN + ' and'
    '(role:manager and ' + DOMAIN_MATCHES_GROUP_DOMAIN + ' and'
    '(role:manager and ' + DOMAIN_MATCHES_GROUP_DOMAIN + ' and'

# the following has been renamed from "ADMIN_OR_DOMAIN_ADMIN" to
# "ADMIN_OR_DOMAIN_MANAGER" to reflect the changed behavior
    '(' + base.SYSTEM_ADMIN + ') or '
    '(' + GRANTS_DOMAIN_MANAGER + ') and '
    '(' + DOMAIN_MATCHES_ROLE + ')'

However, a domain manager should not be able to assign roles of higher privileges than themselves, so the set of target roles they are able to assign/revoke should be restricted using a new rule. Defining this as a rule offers the advantage that operators or deployers may easily adjust this role list (which roles are manageable) without the need to rewrite the whole set of lenghty individual rules for all the API actions:

# define a new rule called "domain_managed_target_role"
    check_str="'manager':%( or "
              "'member':%( or "

Finally, all the rules that concern role grants should be adjusted to incorporate this target role restriction. Below is an example for identity:create_grant:

# here a "and rule:domain_managed_target_role" is added to the check
    name=base.IDENTITY % 'create_grant',
    check_str=(ADMIN_OR_DOMAIN_MANAGER +
               ' and rule:domain_managed_target_role'),
    scope_types=['system', 'domain'],

The changes illustrated above need to be applied to all applicable policy definitions that handle relationships between users, projects, groups and roles within domains accordingly.

This spec does not address services other than Keystone. Introducing the persona definition and role in Keystone lays the foundation for the domain-manager persona to be established in other services, such as Nova or Cinder. However, the intended purpose and resulting permission set of a domain-manager persona is highly service-specific and up to the corresponding projects to define and implement. For Keystone this concerns domain-level identity management only, which is the scope of this spec. Other services may adopt the domain-manager persona and role in the future.


A new role: domain-manager could also be used for this purpose. The positive aspect would be a better differenciation between the manager on a project level and a manager on a domain level. For an end user it might be more obvious which of the two use cases they have been assigned the role for without looking up the assignment scope by themselves. But a new domain-manager role would not fit into the new RBAC system, that requires the roles to be hierarchically structured, when they can be assigned to a user.

Another alternative would be to assign the admin role to end users within domains in a scoped fashion like the current rule defaults imply. However, the admin role does not seem be properly scoped across all OpenStack services (see this Launchpad bug). Furthermore, there has been operator feedback that a scoped admin role is a confusing concept in general. It seems to be more appropriate to introduce a dedicated role for this, akin to the manager role for projects.

Security Impact

The domain-manager persona will allow customers to have administrative management capabilities for users, projects, groups and role assignments within a domain. However, the persona must first be assigned to a customer user by an operator. This is a deliberate action by the operator and customers do not get the persona or its permission set by default.

Using the domain-manager persona will be better than granting customers the admin role in their domain.

Notifications Impact


Other End User Impact

This work doesn’t require any client code.

End users receiving the new domain-manager persona within a domain can start using its permission set right away.

Performance Impact

This is a trivial change to add another RBAC-persona and corresponding policy definitions. Performance impact is negligible.

Other Deployer Impact


Developer Impact

As this persona is intended for runtime usage, the only impact for developers is to watch closely when adding new policies for the manager role, to avoid accidently giving privileges to the domain-scoped manager.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Adjust the default policies for group, project, user and role management actions in Keystone to incorporate the new domain-scoped manager in a way that enables management rights in domain scope only

  • Add the domain-manager persona to the Keystone documentation describing its purpose and usage



Documentation Impact

Any documentation that concerns identity management and Keystone usage should include instructions for the domain-manager persona where appropriate. This will be more or less restricted to Keystone since this persona is only of use for the Identity API.
