Graphical Console Support

Hardware vendors are adding support for remote graphical consoles via non-standardised Redfish interfaces. End users would like to have a consistent way of accessing these consoles via Ironic using command-line, the Nova driver, or the Horizon web interface.

Problem description

Nova has for a long time provided VNC graphical console support via a NoVNC proxy for virtual machines. Ironic end users would like to access bare metal graphical consoles in the same way. There is currently no Redfish standardised method for managing bare metal consoles and each vendor exposes different methods and capabilities:

  • Dell iDRAC: VNC fully manageable via oem Attributes supported by sushy-oem-idrac, including changing password. Also provides a BMC web interface which displays an html5 based console.

  • HPE iLO: Requires html5/java/.net/windows client, not VNC related. No password management. Also provides a BMC web interface which displays an html5 based console.

  • Supermicro: Invocable via IPMI, VNC base but with a custom colorspace and other additional opcodes so incompatible with standard VNC clients. Requires html5/java or a fork of NoVNC[1]. KVMIP port 5900 is listed in redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol but it is otherwise not manageable via Redfish. Also provides a BMC web interface which displays an html5 based console.

There is also a requirement from infrastructure operators for an optional read-only view of graphical consoles.

Proposed change

NoVNC proxy

Nova has a separate novnc-proxy service which serves the NoVNC web assets and also opens a websocket to the browser which is proxied to the VNC server TCP connection. This allows a VNC session to be displayed in a web browser without a direct network connection to the VNC server. This code is fairly self contained so it is practical to forklift directly out of nova into the ironic codebase, only requiring these changes:

  • replacing the token lookup with a simple node lookup and token verification

  • adapting the process launch to use ironic.common.service. This increases the likelihood that the novnc-proxy service can be integrated into the all-in-one singleprocess launcher.

  • consolidating the nova.conf options from three groups to a single ironic.conf [vnc] group.

For some drivers, novnc-proxy will be connecting directly to a VNC server exposed by the BMC. This means that it needs to run both with access to the BMC network, and with the ability to expose an HTTP service to the end user.

For other drivers there will need to be an intermediate VNC server running in a container for each connection. Either the driver or novnc-proxy will need to initiate (but not directly manage) these containers.

Read-only support

An ironic.conf [vnc] option will default connections to be read-only. Operators can change this default informed by what non-console operations a browser based console might expose.

Container based driver proposal

The only common implementation of all vendors is a browser based BMC interface which includes an html5 based console.

The approach suggested is to start a container for each graphical console session which runs the following stack:

  • A headless X11 session provided by Xvfb

  • A VNC server displaying the session, such as x11vnc

  • A chromium browser in app mode (full screen, one site)

  • An entrypoint script which runs a (python) Selenium script to log into the BMC and load the html5 based console.

A template driven approach can be taken where a file is written out for each active console which provides enough information for an external tool to start and stop containers as appropriate. The driver can be responsible for writing out files based on these templates and waiting for another file to be written which contains the VNC endpoint address and port. novnc-proxy can then connect to this VNC server and start proxying traffic.

An optional service will be written which will be started by devstack which will manage the lifecycle of these VNC containers via podman. This service may be appropriate for some deployment architectures but not all. For example, Ironic managed by kubernetes would need something like an operator to monitor for changes to these files and manage the VNC pods. This file based interface will be documented with the intention of supporting other container management implementations.

If a vendor has a Redfish API to provide a browser based console as its KVMIP function, then that can be used to generate the URL which is loaded in the browser container. This may be possible for Dell[3] and Supermicro[4]. In other cases, a full Selenium script is required which enters BMC credentials into a login form and navigates to the console.

The initial priority for having working drivers for vendors will be:


The /irc.html page is loaded to show the console. In iLO 6 an inline login form is displayed. In iLO 5 an “Invalid session key” message is shown. The Selenium script can handle this difference and take the fast login for iLO 6 and load the main login page for iLO 5.

Dell iDRAC

The /console page is loaded which shows the login page. Logging in loads the virtual console configuration page which immediately triggers a pop-up which shows the actual console. In Chromium app mode pop-ups appear on top so this can be scripted with Selenium.

It is possible that doing a POST to [3] provides use-once credentials to build a URL to load the pop-up URL directly, more research is required.


A Redfish GET call to /redfish/v1/Managers/1/Oem/Supermicro/IKVM [4] will return a temporary URL directly to an html5 console, which can be used as the initial browser loading page.

Session management

ironic-novncproxy session management

Nova implements a simple bearer token for each graphical console session with a configured expiry. It has a dedicated token database table and the token is part of the NoVNC URL query string which is passed through to the websocket. The instance is discovered by looking up the token entry which has an associated instance.

This approach is not suggested for Ironic as the aim is to avoid data model changes. NoVNC passes all query parameters through to the URL of the websocket, so it will be possible to include a query parameter for the node UUID, and another for the token. The token and expiry are set in the node driver_internal_info by the driver with the help of novnc session utility functions. When a session is started, other utility functions verify the token. Nova also has an option to terminate existing sessions when the token expires. This could be implemented in the future if there is a demonstrated need.

Browser console session management

BMC web interfaces have their own session timeouts and there is potential for these to interact poorly with Ironic’s console session management. Ideally the running container will be aware of new VNC connections and defer browser login until a connection is made, then log out when the last connection is terminated. However the initial implementation may need to be much simpler, requiring that the user access the console soon after it is enabled.


Instead of having an intermediate browser container for all drivers, some could connect novncproxy to BMC VNC endpoints directly, specifically:

  • iDRAC fully exposes a VNC endpoint that can be managed via OEM extension

  • Supermicro exposes a non-compliant VNC endpoint which could be supported by NoVNC if this stale PR[5] is supported to be merged.

This is not the suggested approach as it makes read-only support harder, and it also complicates network connectivity from nova-novncproxy to BMC VNC endpoints.

Overall approach

Previously a dedicated API and model was proposed, which was close to Nova’s implementation. But it was decided during the PTG[2] that this was overkill and the existing serial console driver and API interfaces were sufficient to provide this functionality.

Data model impact

None. All state is stored in the node’s driver_internal_info. NoVNC token information will be stored consistently across all graphical console drivers. Also each driver will store it’s own state as required for the vendor specific implementations.

State Machine Impact


REST API impact

None, the existing console API is used.

Client (CLI) impact


“openstack baremetal” CLI




RPC API impact


Driver API impact


Nova driver impact

Implementing the ComputeDriver.get_vnc_console method in the Ironic driver should be sufficient for available graphical consoles to be used as for any other nova driver. This requires that the Ironic driver provide an actual VNC host and port rather than a NoVNC URL. The Ironic driver can read the driver_internal_info directly to fetch vnc_host and vnc_port values. These will become part of an internal API contract.

Ramdisk impact


Security impact

This opens a new way to get privileged access to the running bare metal, so consideration is required at all levels including:

  • The RFP protocol authentication forklifted from Nova

  • The bearer token implementation for starting a graphical console session

  • The isolation of the headless VNC containers

  • The implementation of any read-only mode

  • The management of credentials to access the bare metal VNC/KVMIP

  • Limiting access to any non console functionality exposed by a browser based console

Other end user impact

Horizon will show a graphical console when the bare metal is managed via Nova, but it would also be desirable to modify the ironic-ui to show the graphical console in Horizon for Ironic managed nodes.

Scalability impact

The novncproxy service can be scaled as a stateless service like ironic-api, and its resource usage will be minimal. Each console session requires a container running an embedded browser. Each container will consume approximately the following on the host which is running it:

  • ~300MB of memory

  • 1 TCP port

  • some processing overhead

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Deployment tooling will need to manage the novnc-proxy service and the tool which manages headless VNC containers.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Steve Baker <>

Other contributors:

Volunteers welcome!

Work Items

  • Forklift novnc-proxy from Nova to Ironic and adapt to proposed model

  • Write iDRAC driver and supporting utility functions

  • Start novnc-proxy in devstack

  • Write template based driver class for iLO driver

  • Write a iLO driver and associated headless VNC server container

  • Write a devstack-appropriate service to manage headless VNC containers

  • Pick up the upstream NoVNC contribution to enable the Supermicro variant

  • Modify the ironic driver in Nova to enable the graphical console

  • Modify ironic-ui to show the graphical console, as for nova instances




Full unit test coverage. Functional coverage with a fake driver.

Automated integration testing of vendor specific drivers will be interesting challenge, it may be necessary to start with manual testing only.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility

No backward compatibility issues. Upgrade tooling will need to manage the new novnc-proxy service and whatever tool is used to manage headless VNC containers.

Documentation Impact

The following will need to be documented:

  • configuration options for enabling and configuring novnc-proxy

  • infrastructure instructions for starting novnc-proxy

  • instructions for configuring drivers which require a headless VNC container management component

  • requirements for enabling specific drivers for a node


[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]