Project Mercury

This is a project to create an simplified framework between Ironic and physical network configuration to facilitate orchustration of networking in a delineated way from existing OpenStack Neutron service in a model which would able to operated effectively by another team which is not a “cloud” team, but a “network” team.

The reasons why are plentiful:

  • The number of Operators utilizing Ironic continue to grow, although the operators utilizing Ironic in fully integrated configurations is not growing at the same rate as operators running in a “standalone” mode.

  • Operators needing physical switch management generally need to operate in an environment with strong enforcement of separation of duties. i.e. The software might not be granted access to the Switch management framework, nor can such a service be accessible by any users under any circumstances.

  • The introduction of DPUs generally means that we now have potential cases where switches need to be programmed to provision a DPU, and then the DPU needs to be programmed to provision servers.

The goals can be summarized as:

  • Provide a mechanism to configure L2 networks on Switches, which may be facilitated by a modified networking-generic-switch or similar plugin.

  • Provide a mechanism to configure L2 networks to be provided to a host from a DPU.

  • Provide a mechanism to accommodate highly isolated network management interfaces where operators restrict access such that only Ironic is able to connect to the remote endpoint.

  • Provide a tool to apply and clean-up configuration, not track and then assert configuration. This doesn’t preclude a future “double check this configuration” mode from existing at some point, but the minimal viable functionality is application and removal of the network configuration.

  • Provide a mechanism of receiving the call to do something, reading in networking configuration credentials from local storage, and then doing so without the need of a database OR shared message bus.

This project is NOT:

  • Intended to provide any sort of IPAM functionality.

  • Intended to provide management of Routing.

  • Intended to provide management of Security Groups or Firewalling.

  • Intended to provide a public ReSTful API, nor require a database.

This project MAY:

  • Provide a means to help enable and deploy advanced tooling to a DPU under Ironic’s control.

  • Provide a means of offloading some of the layer2 interaction responsibility in an environment with Neutron and Ironic, espescially.


This document is not a precise and thus prescriptive design document, but an document to record and surface the ideas in a way that can foster communication and consensus building. In this case, we are likely to leave it to the implementer’s progotive with this document being overall guard rails.

Problem description

Today, Ironic has only one option to facilitate the automation of switch level infrastructure, which is to leverage Neutron and the ML2 interface. Unfortunately, infrastructure operators needing Ironic largely reject this model because the network is often owned by a separate group.

As a result we need a service to facilitate secure and delienated network management which can be owned and operated by separate infrastructure team in an enterprise organization, which brings together, aspects like simple code patterns and playbooks such that they can trust the interface layer to apply basic network configuration and enable easier use of Bare Metal. In most cases where this is needed, just the physical port needs to be set to a specific network; addressing is often separately managed and not our concern.

Furthermore, the available ecosystem in the DPU spaces wants to model their devices in a variery of ways and some of those devices have inherent limitations. For example, some devices are just another computer embedded and connected to the same PCI device bus. Others present the ability to load a P4 program to handle specific tasks. Or the available Flash and RAM of a device is highly limited such that options are very limited and entirely exclude all “off the shelf” operating systems and their utilities. This nature makes almost every device and their resulting use case entirely govern their configuration and use model which means an easy to modify modular interface would provide the greatest potential impact.

Proposed change

We are proposing an RPC service. Specifically something along the lines of a JSON-RPC endpoint, which multiple ironic conductors would be able to connect to in order to request networking changes to be made.

Along side of the RPC service, we would have an appropriately named network_interface driver to take the information stored inside of Ironic and perform attachment of interfaces based upon the provided information.


A distinct possibility exists that we may actually start with a hybird dual network_interface driver to help us delineate and handle integration in a clear fashion. This is much more of an “implementor’s progorative” soft of item.

MVP would likely exclude locking, but be modeled as a single worker service or container which does not maintain state, largely simplifies the problem to “who is logged into what” to make concurrent changes, which has been the historical driver for locking.


Teaching networking-baremetal to call this proposed RPC service is generally considered out of scope of this work, but entirely within reason and possibility to facilitate as this would provide functionally a capability for some calls to be proxied through and related to actions for a Neutron deployment to ultimately also call this new service.

The overall call model, at a high level could take the following flow.:

│Inbound Request/Connection│
│{"type": "attach_port",         │
│ "payload": {"context": {...}}} │
│Invoke Plugin With Context    │
│Plugin handles locking, if necessary│
│Plugin succeeds (HTTP 200?) or fails and returns HTTP error│

While originally envisioned to just be able to load an ML2 plugin directly, there plugins design model has some challenges in this context of remote execution, which is likely why a remote RPC model never evolved in Neutron.

Two basic issues:

  1. Plugins, upon completing the binding action, update the database state in neutron through a pattern of updating the neutron database. This requires database access and credentials which are not available in our use case and model.

  2. Plugins may also invoke methods on the original provided context. Context in Neutron, in this case, is not context provided by oslo.context, but an entirely separate construct consisting of past and future state information for the networking being modified.

So the obvious path forward is to simplify the model and design the RPC model used for this interaction around the basic actions, and allow for an ML2 user, the ability for the calls to be made which abstract the actions from the information/state/configuration updates.

  • get_allowed_network_types - Returns a list of supported network types which can allow the caller to determine if the action can be supplied. Presently, baremetal engaging ML2 plugins largely just hard-code this as only supporting a VLAN type, but pushing this as far out as possible to a plugin being executed allows for it to be a generic pass-through.

  • is_link_valid - Returns True/False depending on if the request has sufficient and correct information to be acted upon. Could be used for basic pre-action validation.

  • is_port_supported - Returns True/False depending if the requested port is supported for actions. Generally this is a VNIC type check today, but could also be used by the remote service to perform basic pre-fliflight validation actions and allow a client to fail-fast.

  • attach_port - Performs the actual action of “attaching” (Adding vlans or ultimately VNI’s to a port).

  • detach_port - Performs the actual action of “detaching” (removing network access from a port).

  • update_port - Peroforms an attempt to update a port for “attachment”, such as if port-channels/bonding properties have changed.

  • add_network - Adds a network to the remote device.

  • delete_network - Deletes the network from the remote device.

In a sense, this changes the idea of “just load an ml2 plugin” to “load either a hybridized ml2 plugin interface, OR just define our own plugin model which can be supported”, and as such is an outstanding question this specification seeks to bring an answer to.

For the remote RPC service, it is anticipated that logging will need to be verbose enough that Operators can understand the questions they may raise when investigating issues. For example: When, Who, What, Why, and How. Plugin code in Ironic should also log verbosely when invoked to ensure operators can match requests and resulting changes should an issue arise.

While beyond an initial MVP of basic functionality, to solve the DPU case, the overall pattern model would likely take the shape of one where Ironic would enumerate through the “child nodes”, attach the child nodes to the requested physical network, and then engage on some level of programming which may need to be vendor or deployment specific based upon the overall use model. Details which at present time cannot be determined without the foundational layer needing to be constructed before being built upon.

From a user’s standpoint, the following sequence depicts their basic interaction and the overall resulting sequence.:

│ Existing node chosen by user │
│ User posts to /v1/nodes/<ident>/vifs with payload │
│ containing an id of a vlan ID.                    │
│ User requests the node to deploy via the         │
│ /v1/nodes/<ident>/states/provision API interface │
│ Ironic follows existing flow, triggering the new │
│ network_interface module which calls this new    │
│ service to perform the attach/detach operations  │
│ in accordance with the existing model and node   │
│ lifecycle state.                                 │
│ Initial network in a deploy is the provisioning  │
│ network.                                         │
│ Node deployment proceeds with resources already  │
│ connected to the desired network.                │
│ Once deployment has been completed, the network  │
│ interface module calls the new service to change │
│ the attachment to the requested vlan ID. In the  │
│ event of a failure, the physical switch port     │
│ is detached.                                     │


The closest alternative would be a standalone Neutron coupled with some sort of extended/proxy RPC model, which is fine, but that really does not address the underlying challenge of the attach/detach functionality being needed by Infrastructure Operators. It also introduces modeling which might not be suitable for bulk infrastructure operators as they would need to think and operate a cloud model, as opposed to the physical infrasructure model. Plus operating Neutron would require a database to be managed, increasing operational complexity, and state would also need to still be navigated which increases the configuration and code complexity based upon different Neutron use models.

Another possibility would be to directly embed the network attach/detach loading and logic into Ironic itself, however that would present difficulties with maintenance where we largely want to unlock capability.

Data model impact

At this time, we are largely modeling the idea to leverage existing port data stored inside of Ironic which is utilized for attachment operations.

A distinct possibility exists we may look at storing some additional physical and logical networking detail inside of Ironic’s database to be included in requests, which could possibly be synchronized, but this would be beyond the scope of the minimum viable product as in the initial phase we intend to use the VIF attach/detach model to represent the logical network to be attached.

State Machine Impact


REST API impact

With a MVP, we do not anticipate any REST API changes to Ironic itself with the very minor exception of the losing of a Regular Expression around what Ironic accepts for VIF attachment requests. This was agreed upon by the Ironic community quite some time ago and just never performed.

Existing fields on a node and port will continue to be used just as they have before with an MVP.

Post-MVP may include some sort of /v1/physical_network endpoint to be designed, but that is anticipated to be designed once we know more.

Client (CLI) impact

“openstack baremetal” CLI




RPC API impact

This change proposes a service which would be accessed by Ironic utilizing an RPC model of interaction. This means there would be some shared meaning for call interactions in the form of a library.

In all likelihood, this may be as simple as “attach” and “detach”, but given the overall needs of an MVP and a use model we’re focusing upon trying to leverage existing tooling as well, the exact details are best discovered through the development process which likely covers what was noted above in the Proposed Change section.

Driver API impact


Nova driver impact


Ramdisk impact


Security impact

Impact for Ironic itself is minimal, although it will require credentials to be set for the remote service to signal interface attachment/detachments.

The security risk largely revolves around the new service we’re looking at creating with this effort. The shared library utilized to connect to the remote service, likely needs to also contain the necessary client wrapper code, as an MVP service is likely going to start only with support for HTTP Digest Authentication, which can then move towards certificate authentication as it evolves.

In large part because that service will need to load and combine a set of credentials and access information. As such, this new service will not be a user facing service.

Today, individual ports are attached through a combination of network identifier and a binding profile which is utilized to map a port to a switch. In this model, there would be no substantial difference. A network_id would be a user supplied detail, and the local_link_information would contain sufficient information for the plugin executing to identify which device. The new service would retrieve the details to access the remote device from local configuration, and combine the rest of the binding profile and target network identifier to facilitate the attachment of the port to the device.


This security impact does not denote the likely situation of DPU credential management. We are presently defferring the possibility as a challenge we would focus on after an initial minimum viable product state is reached.


This security risk does not include any future mechanisms to do perform aspects such as software deployment on a DPU to facilitate a fully integrated with Neutron case, which is something we would want to identify and determine as we iterate along the path to support such a capability.

Other end user impact


Scalability impact

Please see the Performance Impact section below.

Performance Impact

This proposal is intentionally designed to be limited and isolated to minimize risk and reduce deployment complexity. It is also intentionally modeled as a tool to “do something”, and that “something” happens to be configuration in area where device locking is necessary. This realistically means that the only content written to disk is going to be lock files.

Furthermore, the possibility exists that the Ironic driver code utilized could wait for a response, where today Neutron port attachment/detachment calls are asynchronous. This would pose an overall improvement for end users of Ironic. This is solved today as a 15 second sleep by default, and might not be necessary in this design overall improving Ironic performance.

Other deployer impact

To utilize this functionality, deployers would need to deploy a new service.

This would be opt-in, and would not impact existing users.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:

<Volunteer #1>

Other contributors:

<Volunteer #2>

Work Items

Broadly speaking, the work items would include:

  1. Prototyping this new service.

  2. Wire up an ML2 driver such that we have interfaces we can load and call. This is anticipated to be neworking-generic-switch.

  3. Prototyping an ironic network_interface driver to utilize this new service.

  4. Test!


The list below is intended to paint a picture of what we feel are the possible steps beyond the initial step of creating an Minimum Viable Product. They are included to provide a complete contextual picture to help the reader understand our mental model.

Past initial prototyping, the following may apply order:

  • Creation of a common library for Ironic and any other program or tool to utilize to compose RPC calls to this service.

  • Extend support to VXLAN ports, which may require additional details or design work to take place and work in any ML2 driver utilized.

  • Design an API rest endpoint to facilitate the tracking of physical networks to be attached to baremetal nodes.

  • Add support to networking-baremetal to try and reconcile these physical networks into Ironic, so node port attachment/detachments can take place.

  • Add support to networking-baremetal for it to proxy the request through to this service for port binding requests in Neutron.

  • Design a new model, likely superseding VIFS, but vifs could just also be an internal network ID moving forward. This would likely be required for formal adoption of the functionality by Metal3, but standalone users could move to leverage this immediately once implemented.

  • Development of a model and flow where DPU devices could have a service deployed to them as part of a step invoked by Ironic. This would involve many challenges, but could be used to support the Neutron Integrated OVS/OVN agents to operate on the card for cases such as the remote card being in a hypervisor node.


To be determined.


An ideal model of testing in upstream CI has not been determined, and is dependent upon the state upon reaching a minimum viable product state, and then what the next objectives appear to be.

This may involve duplication of Ironic’s existing multinode job in a standalone form. Ultimately the expectation is we would have one or more CI jobs dedicated to supporting such functionality being exercised.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility

This functionality is anticipated to be “net new” for Ironic and exposed to end users through a dedicated network_interface module which could be selected by users at a point in the future. As such no upgrade or backwards compatibility issues are anticipated.

Documentation Impact

No impact is anticipated at this time.
