Expose conductor information from API


The spec proposes to expose conductor information from API, as well as the mapping between conductors and nodes.

Problem description

In deployment with multiple ironic conductors incorporated, nodes are distributed across conductors by hashring, currently we have no mechanism to identify the specific conductor for a given node without database query.

There are several cases we need to locate the host of the conductor for a node, for example:

  • A node failed to boot from PXE during node deploy, we need to check the PXE environment of the conductor host.

  • Ramdisk logs are stored in the conductor host if the backend is set to local, this requires identifying the exact conductor which serves a node.

Meanwhile we are lacking support from API for information related with conductors, which might be useful for diagnostic. For example:

  • How many conductors in this cloud, whether they are alive.

  • The conductor group each conductor belongs to.

  • Nodes currently mapped to this conductor.

This information also makes it possible to implement features like service monitoring, alarming from the outside of ironic.

Proposed change

Adds an API endpoint /v1/conductors to retrieve a list of conductor information, including the hostname, conductor group, and alive flag.

The alive flag is calculated in the same way as how ironic assumes a conductor is not alive, by checking update_at and heartbeat_timeout.

Adds API endpoint /v/conductors/{hostname} to retrieve detailed conductor information, including nodes affiliated with this conductor. The mapping is retrieved from hashring.

Adds a field conductor to the Node API object, which indicates the hostname of the conductor currently the node is mapped to.


Admins can directly query the ironic database for a conductor list. To locate the last conductor that served a node, query nodes table for the conductor_affinity field, then query conductors table for the hostname of the conductor. The conductor_affinity is updated in several cases, mainly during node deployment time. There is no alternative to get the real time mapping from the hashring.

Data model impact


State Machine Impact


REST API impact

API microversion will be bumped.

Add a new conductor API object, and three API endpoints:

  • GET /v1/conductors

    • Get the list of conductors known by ironic

    • Client with earlier microversion before this feature implemented will receive 404. For a normal request, 200 is returned.

    • Sample response data:

        "conductors": [
            "hostname": "Compute01",
            "conductor_group": "region1",
            "alive": true,
            "links": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
                "href": "",
                "rel": "bookmark"
            "hostname": "Compute03",
            "conductor_group": "region1",
            "alive": true,
            "links": [...]
  • GET /v1/conductors/{hostname}

    • Get detailed information of a conductor by hostname

    • Client with earlier microversion before this feature implemented will receive 404. For a normal request, 200 is returned.

    • Sample response data:

        "hostname": "Compute01",
        "conductor_group": "region1",
        "alive": true
        "drivers": ["ipmi"],
        "last_seen": "2018-09-10 19:53:17"
        "links": [
            "href": "",
            "rel": "self"
            "href": "",
            "rel": "bookmark"
  • GET /v1/nodes/{node_ident}/conductor

    • Get detailed information of a conductor for given node

    • Client with earlier microversion before this feature implemented will receive 404. For a normal request, 200 is returned.

    • The response data is same as /v1/conductors/{hostname}

Change Node API object in the following way:

  • Add a read-only attribute conductor to indicate the hostname of associated conductor.

  • Retrieve and assign the conductor hostname in Node.convert_with_links.

The hostname of the conductor will be returned in these endpoints:

  • POST /v1/nodes

  • GET /v1/nodes (when detail is set to true)

  • GET /v1/nodes/detail

  • GET /v1/nodes/{node_ident}

Sample response data for GET /v1/nodes/{node_ident} would be:

  "nodes": [
      "instance_uuid": null,
      "conductor": "Compute01",
      "uuid": "a308bca6-e6a3-4349-b8ea-695e17672898",
      "links": ...,
      "maintenance": false,
      "provision_state": "available",
      "power_state": "power off",
      "name": "node-0"

Add support for querying nodes by conductor hostname for endpoints:

  • GET /v1/nodes

  • GET /v1/nodes/detail

For example, GET /v1/nodes/?conductor=Compute01 will return nodes mapped to the conductor whose hostname is Compute01.

Client (CLI) impact

“ironic” CLI


“openstack baremetal” CLI

Enhance ironic client with two new command:

  • openstack baremetal conductor list

  • openstack baremetal conductor show <hostname>

Expose the conductor field in command:

  • openstack baremetal node list --detail

  • openstack baremetal node show <node>

Support node querying by conductor hostname:

  • openstack baremetal node list --conductor <hostname>

RPC API impact


Driver API impact


Nova driver impact


Ramdisk impact


Security impact


Other end user impact


Scalability impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

kaifeng <kaifeng.w@gmail.com>

Work Items

  • Implement the API endpoints.

  • Add conductor field to node API object.

  • CLI enhancement for API changes.

  • Documentation and api reference.




The feature will be covered by unit tests.

Upgrades and Backwards Compatibility

The feature will be guarded by microversion.

Documentation Impact

New APIs will be documented in the API reference. New commands will be documented in the ironicclient documentation.

