Support re-configure delete_on_termination in server

This blueprint proposes to allow changing the delete_on_termination attribute of a volume after an instance is booted, or set the new volume’s delete_on_termination during swap volume.

Problem description

Currently, nova supports configuring delete_on_termination for the root disk and data volume (refrerence to the volume attach API [1].) when the instance is created, but does not allow it to be updated after the instance is created.

Use Cases

In large scale environment, lots of resources can be created in system, and sometimes some discarded instances need to cleaned up from the production environment.

As the admin that is tasked with cleaning up the production environment may be distinct from the user that created the instances, it is desirable to be able to alter the delete_on_termination property to either preserve important data while freeing compute resources or freeing storage space and cleaning up sensitive data.

As an admin user, I expect that I can set delete_on_termination during swap volume.

The end user expects to be able to decide the policy by which the volumes are preserved or destoryed at any point in the vms lifecyle.

Proposed change

Add a new microversion to the Servers with volume attachments model, to support configuring whether to delete the attached volume when the instance is destroyed. Add delete_on_termination property to the request body. The volume_id parameter in the url is the volume that will be set to delete_on_termination.

Change swap volume policy’s rule name to os_compute_api:os-volumes-attachments:swap, and make the original policy’s rule name (os_compute_api:os-volumes-attachments:update) allow the update a volume atachment API.

Add ‘rule:system_admin_or_owner’ policy to the update volume API.

After this change, the update volume attachment API will have two policies, one for general updates (currently only delete_on_termination) and one for admins which allows changing the volume id (i.e. swap volume) as well as other attributes. In other words, the swap policy is a superset of the update policy.


Configure the delete_on_termination by the volume attach API (reference to the volume attach API [1].), if you want to change that value with the data volume, you could just detach and re-attach with the new value.

If you boot from volume where nova creates the root volume and delete_on_termination=True when you created the server, but if you want to preserve the root volume after the server is deleted, you can create a snapshot of the server.

Another option is add a PATCH volume attachment API, allowing a delete_on_termination property in the request body to support updating the attached volume, but that will break the nova API and introduce a new PATCH method.

Data model impact


REST API impact

Configure delete_on_termination for the volume attached to the instance.

URL: /servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{volume_id}

  • Request method: PUT (Update a volume attachment)

    Add the delete_on_termination parameter to the request body.

  • Update a volume attachment API’s request body:

        "volumeAttachment": {
           "volumeId": "a07f71dc-8151-4e7d-a0cc-cd24a3f11113",
           "delete_on_termination": true

    Other than volumeId, as of the new microversion only delete_on_termination may be changed from the current value. Otherwise, that will be return 400.

Add ‘rule:system_admin_or_owner’ policy role to the update a volume attachment API.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

python-novaclient will be updated to support changing the delete_on_termination flag.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact


Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:


Feature Liaison

Feature liaison:


Work Items

  • Add a new microversion which enables code that allows updating delete_on_termination during a PUT request.

  • Change the original policy role name for update a volume attachment API.

  • Add new policy to the update a volume attachment API.

  • Change python-novaclient to support this microversion.

  • Add related tests.




  • Add related unit tests for negative scenarios such as trying to call update a volume attachment API to update an attached volume with an older microversion, passing delete_on_termination with an invalid value like null, etc.

  • Add related functional tests for normal scenarions, e.g. API samples.

Tempest testing should not be necessary since in-tree functional testing with the CinderFixture should be sufficient for testing this feature.

Documentation Impact

Add docs description about this microversion.


For the discussion of this feature at the Forum in Berlin:

For the disscussion of this feature at the Forum in Shanghai:



Release Name


