Support volume local cache

This blueprint proposes to add support of volume local cache in nova. Cache software such as open-cas [4] can use fast NVME SSD or persistent memory to cache for the slow remote volume.

Problem description

Currently there are different types of fast NVME SSDs, such as Intel Optane SSD, with latency as low as 10 us. What’s more, persistent memory which aim to be SSD size but DRAM speed gets popupar now. Typical latency of persistent memory would be as low as hundreds of nanoseconds. While typical latency of remote volume for a VM can be at the millisecond level (iscsi / rbd). So these fast SSDs or persistent memory can be mounted locally on compute nodes and used as a cache for remote volumes.

In order to do the cache, there’re some cache software, such as open-cas. open-cas is very easy to use, you just need to specify a block device as the cache device, and then can use this device to cache for other block devices. This is transparent to upper layer and lower layer. Regarding upper layer, guest don’t know it is using an emulated block device. Regarding lower layer, backend volume don’t know it is cached, and the data in backend volume will not have extra change because of cache. That means even if the cache is lost for some reason, the backend volume can be mounted to other places and available immediately. This spec is trying to add volume local cache using such cache software.

Like all the local cache solution, multi-attach cannot work. This is because cache on node1 don’t know the changes made to backend volume by node2.

This feature requires the cache mode “Write-Through”, which makes sure the cache is fully synced with backend volume all the time. Given this, it is transparent to live migration. “Write-Through” is also the default cache mode for open-cas.

This feature can only cache for backend volumes that would be mounted on host OS first as block device. So volumes (LibvirtNetVolumeDriver is used) mounted by QEMU, such as rbd and sheepdog, cannot be cached. Details can be found in list libvirt_volume_drivers in [5].

In some high performance environments, RDMA may be chosen. RDMA effectively shorten the latency gap between local volume and remote volume. In experimental environment, without network switch, without read/write io to real volume, the point to point RDMA network link latency would be even 3 us in best case. This is the pure network link latency, and this also don’t mean it is faster than local PCIe, because RDMA NIC card itself in host and target machines also are PCIe devices. For RDMA scenario, persistent memory is recommended to be selected as cache device, otherwise may no performance gain.

Use Cases

User wants to use fast NVME SSD to cache for remote slow volumes. This is extremely useful for clouds where operators want to boost disk io performance for specific volumes.

Proposed change

All volumes cached by the same cache instance share same cache mode. The operator can change cache mode dynamically, using cache software management tool. os-brick just accepts the cache name and cache IDs from Nova. Cache name identifies which cache software to use, currently it only supports ‘opencas’. It is allowed that more than one cache instance in one compute node. Cache IDs identifies cache instances that can be used. Cache mode is transparent to os-brick.

A compute capability is mapped to the trait (e.g. COMPUTE_SUPPORT_VOLUME_CACHE) and the libvirt driver can set this capability to true if there is cache instance id is configured in the nove conf. If want the volume be cached, firstly the volume should belongs to a volume type with “cacheable” property. Then select the flavor with extra spec containing this trait, so the guest would be landed at the host machine with cache capability. If don’t want the volume be cached, just select a flavor without this trait.

If there’s failure happened during setting up caching, e.g. cache device broken, then re-schedule the request.

Final architecture would be something like:

                       Compute Node

|                                                         |
|                        +-----+    +-----+    +-----+    |
|                        | VM1 |    | VM2 |    | VMn |    |
|                        +--+--+    +--+--+    +-----+    |
|                           |          |                  |
|                           |          |                  |
| +---------+         +-----+----------+-------------+    |
| |  Nova   |         |          QEMU Virtio         |    |
| +-+-------+         +-----+----------+----------+--+    |
|   |                       |          |          |       |
|   | attach/detach         |          |          |       |
|   |                 +-----+----------+------+   |       |
| +-+-------+         | /dev/cas1  /dev/cas2  |   |       |
| | osbrick +---------+                       |   |       |
| +---------+ casadm  |        open cas       |   |       |
|                     +-+---+----------+------+   |       |
|                       |   |          |          |       |
|                       |   |          |          |       |         Storage
|              +--------+   |          |    +-----+----+  | rbd   +---------+
|              |            |          |    | /dev/sdd +----------+  Vol1   |
|              |            |          |    +----------+  |       +---------+
|        +-----+-----+      |          |                  |       |  Vol2   |
|        | Fast SSD  |      |    +-----+----+   iscsi/fc/...      +---------+
|        +-----------+      |    | /dev/sdc +-------------+-------+  Vol3   |
|                           |    +----------+             |       +---------+
|                           |                             |       |  Vol4   |
|                     +-----+----+    iscsi/fc/...        |       +---------+
|                     | /dev/sdb +--------------------------------+  Vol5   |
|                     +----------+                        |       +---------+
|                                                         |       |  .....  |
+---------------------------------------------------------+       +---------+

Changes would include:

  • Cache the volume during connecting volume

    In function _connect_volume():

    • Check if the volume should be cached or not. Cinder would set the cacheable property for the volume if caching is allowed. If cacheable is set and volume_local_cache_driver in CONF is not empty, then do caching. Otherwise just ignore caching.

    • attach_cache before attach_encryptor, cache lays under encryptor. It is to keep encrypted volume secure. No decrypted data would be written to cache device.

    • Call os-brick to cache the volume [2]. os-brick will call cache software to setup the cache. Then replace the path of original volume with the emulated volume

    • Nova goes ahead to _connect_volume with the newly emulated volume path

    • If any failure happens during setting up caching, just ignore the failure and continue the rest code of _connect_volume().

  • Release cache during disconnecting volume

    In function _disconnect_volume():

    • Call os-brick to release the cache for the volume. os-brick will retrieve the path of original volume from emulated volume, and then replace the path in connection_info with the original volume path

    • Nova goes ahead to _disconnect_volume with the original volume path

  • Add switch in nova-cpu.conf to enable/disable local cache

    Suggested switch names:

    • volume_local_cache_driver: Specifies which cache software to use. Currently only support ‘opencas’. If it is empty, then local cache is disabled.

    • volume_local_cache_instance_ids: Specifies cache instances that can be used. Typically opencas has only one cache instance in a single server, but it has the ability to have more than one cache instances which bind to different cache device. Nova needs to pass instance IDs to os-brick and let os-brick to find the best one, e.g. biggest free size, less volumes cached, etc. All these information can be get from instance ID via cache admin tool, like casadm.

    Suggested section: [compute]. Configuration would be like: [compute] volume_local_cache_driver = ‘opencas’ volume_local_cache_instance_ids = 1,15,222

    Instance IDs are separated by commas.

Nova calls os-brick to set cache for the volume only when it has the property of “cacheable” and the flavor requested such caching. Let cinder to determine and set the property, just like the way did for volume encryption. If the volume contains property “multiattach”, cinder would not set “cacheable” for it. Code work flow would be like:

             Nova                                        osbrick

         +                                    |
         |                                    |
         v                                    |
   attach_volume                              |
         +                                    |
         |                                    |
         +                                    |
       attach_cache                           |
             +                                |
             |                                |
             +                                |
 +-------+ volume_with_cache_property?        |
 |               +                            |
 | No            | Yes                        |
 |               +                            |
 |     +--+Host_with_cache_capability?        |
 |     |         +                            |
 |     | No      | Yes                        |
 |     |         |                            |
 |     |         +-----------------------------> attach_volume
 |     |                                      |        +
 |     |                                      |        |
 |     |                                      |        +
 |     |                                      |      set_cache_via_casadm
 |     |                                      |        +
 |     |                                      |        |
 |     |                                      |        +
 |     |                                      |      return emulated_dev_path
 |     |                                      |        +
 |     |                                      |        |
 |     |         +-------------------------------------+
 |     |         |                            |
 |     |         v                            |
 |     |   replace_device_path                |
 |     |         +                            |
 |     |         |                            |
 v     v         v                            |
attach_encryptor and                          |
rest of attach_volume                         +
  • Volume local cache lays upon encryptor would have better performance, but expose decrypted data in cache device. So based on security consideration, cache should lay under encryptor in Nova implementation.

Code implementation can be found in [1] [2] [3]


  • Assign local SSD to a specific VM. VM can then use bcache internally against the ephemeral disk to cache their volume if they want.

    The drawbacks may include:

    • Can only accelerate one VM. The fast SSD capability cannot be shared by other VMs. Unlike RAM, SSD normally is in TB level and large enough to cache for all the VMs in one node.

    • The owner of the VM should setup cache explicitly. But not all the VM owner want to do this, and not all the VM owner has the knowledge to do this. But they for sure want the volume performance is better by default.

  • Create a dedicated cache cluster. Mount all the cache (NVME SSD) in cache cluster as a big cache pool. Then allocate a certain ammount of cache to a specific volume. The allocated cache can be mounted on compute node through NVMEof protocol. Then still use cache software to do the same cache.

    But this would be the compete between local PCIe and remote network. The disadvantage if doing like these ways is: the network of the storage server would be bottleneck.

    • Latency) Storage cluster typically provide volume through iscsi/fc protocol, or through librbd if ceph is used. The latency would be millisecond level. Even NVME over TCP, the latency would be hundreds of microsecond, depends on the network topology. As a contrast, the latency of NVME SSD would be around 10 us, take Intel Optane SSD p4800x as example.

  • Cache can be added in backend storage side, e.g. in ceph. Storage server normally has its own cache mechanism, e.g. using memory as cache, or using NVME SSD as cache.

    Similiar with above solution, latency is the disadvantage.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact

  • Cache software will remove the cached volume data from cache device when volume is detached. But normally it would not erase the related sectors in cache device. So in theory the volume data is still in cache device before it is overwritten. Volume with encryption doesn’t have this security impact if encryption laying upon volume local cache.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

  • Latency of VM volume will be decreased

Other deployer impact

  • Option volume_local_cache_driver and volume_local_cache_instance_ids should be set in nova-cpu.conf to enable this feature. Default value of volume_local_cache_driver would be empty string which means local cache is disabled.

Developer impact

This is only for libvirt, other drivers like VMWare, hyperv will not be changed. This is because open-cas can only support Linux, and libvirt is the most used one. Meanwhile this spec/implementation would only be tested with libvirt.

Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:

Liang Fang <>

Feature Liaison

Feature liaison:


Work Items

  • Add COMPUTE_SUPPORT_VOLUME_CACHE trait to os-traits

  • Add a new compute capability that maps to this trait

  • Enable this capability in the libvirt driver if a caches is configured

  • Cache the volume during connecting volume

  • Release cache during disconnecting volume

  • Add switch to enable / disable this feature

  • Unit test to be added


  • os-brick patch: [2]

  • cinder patch: [3]


  • New unit test should be added

  • One of tempest jobs should be changed to enable this feature, with open-cas, on a vanilla worker image

    • This can use open-cas with a local file as NVME device.

    • Check if the emulated volume is created for VM or not.

    • Check if the emulated volume is released or not when deleting VM

  • One of tempest jobs should be changed to enable this feature, with open-cas, on a vanilla worker image

Documentation Impact

  • Document need to be changed to describe this feature and include the new options - volume_local_cache_driver, volume_local_cache_instance_ids




Release Name


