Support filtering of allocation_candidates by forbidden aggregates

This blueprint proposes to specify forbidden aggregates in the member_of query parameter of the GET /allocation_candidates placement API during scheduling.

Problem description

If flavor or image doesn’t contain any required or forbidden traits, then all resource providers will be eligible to be returned in the GET /allocation_candidates API call depending on the availability of the requested resources. Some of the resource providers (compute host) could be special ones like Licensed Windows Compute Host, meaning any VM booted on this compute host will be considered as licensed Windows image and depending on the usage of VM operators will charge it to their end-users. As an operator, I want to avoid booting non-windows OS images/volumes on aggregates which contains Licensed Windows Compute Hosts. The existing AggregateImagePropertiesIsolationFilter scheduler filter does restricts windows license images to windows license host aggregates but the problem is it doesn’t exclude other images without matching metadata.

Consider following example to depict the licensing use case. Operator adds image metadata to classify images as below:

image 1 properties: {"os_distro": "windows"} (added by an operator)
image 2 properties: {} (added by a normal end user)

Host aggregate 1 metadata: {"os_distro": "windows"}

Now when user boots an instance using image 2, then this scheduler filter allows to boot instance in host aggregate 1 which is a problem.

Use Cases

Some of the compute hosts are Licensed Windows Compute Host, meaning any VMs booted on such compute host will be considered as licensed Windows image and depending on the usage of VM, operator will charge it to the end-users. As an operator, I want to avoid booting non Windows OS images/volumes on the Licensed Windows Compute Hosts thereby enabling operators to

  • Avoid wasting licensing resources.

  • Charge users correctly for their VM usage.

Proposed change

Add a new placement request filter to provide isolated aggregates, and a new config option of type boolean enable_isolated_aggregate_filtering to enable it. Operator will set True to enable the request filter. By default the value will be set to False. Operator will need to set aggregate metadata key/value pairs trait:<trait_name>=required with traits which they expect to match with the trait:<trait_name>=required set in the flavor and images of the create server request from request_spec object. In the new request filter, it will get the required traits set in both flavor and images from request_spec object and compare it with the required traits set in the aggregate metadata. If any of the traits are not matching with the aggregate metadata, it will include that aggregate as forbidden aggregate in the member_of query parameter of GET /allocation_candidates API. If there are multiple forbidden aggregates, then the query parameter should be like:


Example, how to set multiple traits to the metadata of an aggregate,

openstack aggregate set --property trait:CUSTOM_WINDOWS_LICENSED=required 123
openstack aggregate set --property trait:CUSTOM_XYZ=required 123

Operator will need to set trait:<trait_name>=required to images for windows OS images.

openstack image set --property trait:CUSTOM_WINDOWS_LICENSED=required <image_uuid>

Example, how to enable this new placement request filter:

enable_isolated_aggregate_filtering = True

This placement request filter which provides isolated aggregates supersedes existing IsolatedHostsFilter except it:-

  • Relies on aggregates rather than individual hosts (which won’t scale in large environments like a public cloud).

  • Relies on image properties rather than specific image IDs, which again won’t scale.

With this placement request filter in place, there is a possibility we can deprecate IsolatedHostsFilter scheduler filter for reasons as stated above.


Option 1: Strict-isolation-group-hosts-images spec

The main issues with this spec are:

  • Adding a new scheduler filter which yet again depends on metadata key for host aggregates.

  • A compute node associated with multiple host aggregates. This is a fundamental problem with nova host aggregates that doesn’t exist in placement aggregates.

Option 2: Bi-directional-enforcement-of-traits spec

The main issue with this spec is:

It’s not placement’s job to make operators have an easy life. Operators should be required to set up their deployment’s providers with an appropriate set of traits, put providers into appropriate aggregates, put appropriate metadata on their own images and flavors, and configure Nova with the set of configuration options that would allow these things to be used properly.

Option 3: Use IsolatedHostsFilter scheduler filter

It doesn’t really scale in a large public cloud with thousands of hosts and images. Also, if you add new hosts in the system, you will need to modify the config option isolated_hosts from filter_scheduler section and restart nova scheduler services.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

DB call to fetch aggregates with value required in this new placement request filter will marginally impact the overall processing time of each select_destination request.

Other deployer impact

A new config boolean option enable_isolated_aggregate_filtering will be added in nova.conf which will be used by nova-scheduler service. The default value of this config option will be set to false.


To enable request filter which provides isolated aggregates, operator should set this config option to true.

Developer impact


Upgrade impact

Starting from Rocky release, nova host aggregates are mirrored in placement service (Implemented in mirror_nova_host_aggregates). But if there is any problem in mirroring, operator can sync it manually with nova-manage command:

nova-manage placement sync_aggregates

This spec will not sync traits to placement and it will not add these traits to the compute node resource providers that belongs to the aggregates which has metadata key=value pair with syntax trait:<trait_name>=required. Please refer to the Nova meeting log and Mailing thread where we have mutually agreed to let operator sync these traits manually. In future, if required, a utility tool can be developed for syncing these traits which is outside the scope of this spec.



Primary assignee:

shilpa.devharakar <>

Work Items

  • Add a placement request filter isolate_aggregates.

  • Modify resources_from_request_spec method to add isolated aggregates to the Destination object.

  • Modify RequestGroup class to_querystring method to generate a member_of query parameter to pass isolated aggregates in format &member_of=!in:<agg1_uuid>,<agg2_uuid>,<agg3_uuid>.

  • Add unit and functional tests for the changes.

  • Add releasenotes.


This spec is dependent on negative-aggregate-membership which supports passing forbidden aggregates in the member_of query parameter.


Add normal functional and unit testing.

Documentation Impact

Add documentation to explain how to use newly added placement request filter.




Release Name




