API Consistency Cleanup


This blueprint proposes some of the cleanups in API for consistency and better usage.

Problem description

Currently, there are lot of inconsistency and loose validation in APIs. Those inconsistencies are because of v2 API compatibility.

Because of loose validation for request body and query param, APIs ignore the unknown and invalid inputs silently. This gives the impressions to user that, requested unknown or invalid inputs are valid and taken care by Nova. But Nova ignore all unknown or invalid inputs at API layer itself without any warning to users.

server representation is not consistent among all APIs which return the server info in response body. GET, PUT, REBUILD /servers APIs return the server representation (with all server attributes). But PUT and REBUILD /servers response does not match with GET /servers API.

These are 2 examples of API inconsistency and there might be more such example which are described in Proposed section.

Use Cases

As an API consumer, I would like to use Nova API in more consistent way and with strong validation for better usage.

As a Developer, I would like to provide and maintain better/clean/consistent APIs.

There are maintenance benefits for client side code for parsing the API response. For developers, maintenance can be easy only if we are able to bump the minimum microversion in future.

Proposed change

Add a new microversion to the APIs to cleanup multiple issues and inconsistency.

Proposal is to do all the mentioned cleanup in single microverison.

Cleanup List:

  1. 400 for unknown param for query param and for request body.

    Currently unknown param in server query param or in many other APIs request body are ignored silently. This leads to lot of inconsistency, one good example of this is --deleted and --status DELETED query for nova --list.

    If you are non-admin then, filter --deleted and --status deleted behave as 200 and 403 respectively. Both are same filter from end user point of view but due to our implementation we return different behavior.

    • nova list --deleted: 200 and it is silenlty ignored due to additionalProperty=True and for backward compatibility API accept and ignore the invalid filters. --deleted is invalid filter for non-admin

    • nova list --status DELETED : 403. --status is valid filter for non-admin so API does not ignore this.

    We have explicit check for status=DELETED request and if requester is non-admin then, 403. Details discussion [1]

    We can fix that by making additionalProperties: False for query param and request body of all the APIs where additionalProperties is True. For Example [2] and [3]

    APIs need modification: https://github.com/openstack/nova/search?p=1&q=additionalProperties%3A+True&unscoped_q=additionalProperties%3A+True

  2. Making server representation always consistent among all APIs returning the complete server representation.

    GET, PUT, REBUILD /servers APIs return the complete server representation (with all server attributes). But PUT and REBUILD /servers response does not match with GET /servers API.

    Difference between server representation in PUT, REBUILD from GET might be with historic reason that PUT and REBUILD only returning the fields in the response that could be taken on the request which modify the server, but over time we have started returning more fields to the response to make it consistent with GET response. That way only newly added fields in GET response started return in PUT, REBUILD also but old fields were missed. It end up, not keeping the original intent of PUT, REBUILD response and not completely consistent with GET response.

    There are many field which are only returned in GET API but not in PUT or REBUILD. Response difference which is attributes added as extensions:

    • OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hostname

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:kernel_id

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:launch_index

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:ramdisk_id

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:reservation_id

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:root_device_name

    • OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:user_data

    • OS-EXT-STS:power_state

    • OS-EXT-STS:task_state

    • OS-EXT-STS:vm_state

    • OS-SRV-USG:launched_at

    • OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at

    • os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached

    APIs need modification:

    • PUT /servers

    • POST /servers/{server_id}/action {rebuild}

  3. Change the default return value of swap field from the empty string to 0 (integer) in flavor APIs.

    Currently while creating a flavor, if you don’t set the optional swap property, the value of the swap property in the flavor API’s response will return as an empty string. Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1815476 While processing this empty string on CLI side, it is shown as blank which is confusing and not consistent with other fields for example, “OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral”. Flavor representation in server API response has the swap default value as 0. Proposal is to make it consistant and return the swap default value as 0 (integer) in below APIs:

    • POST /flavors

    • GET /flavors/detail

    • GET /flavors/{flavor_id}

    • PUT /flavors/{flavor_id}

  4. Return servers field always in the response of GET hypervisors API even there are no servers on hypervisor

    Currently, if there are no servers on requested hypervisors then, servers field is omitted from API response. This is not consistent response, ideally all fields should be present in response even with the empty value. Proposal is to return the servers field always in response of below APIs. servers field will be an empty list if there are no servers.

    • GET /os-hypervisors?with_servers=True

    • GET /os-hypervisors/detail?with_servers=True

    • GET /os-hypervisors/{hypervisor_id}?with_servers=True


We leave APIs as it is and use it in same way they are currently or we can choose the set of issues from above list to fix as single go.

Below cleanup already filtered out from this proposal:

  1. Remove extensions (OS-) prefix from request and response field.

  2. Fix inconsistent/incorrect response codes

Data model impact


REST API impact

This proposal is to fix the multiple issues in APIs. I am listing the REST API impact of each issue in same order as they are listed above.

  1. 400 for unknown param for query param and for request body.

    APIs which allow unknown request and query param and ignore silently wil be changed to return 400. Below are the APIs which has additionalProperties: True and will be modified to additionalProperties: False: https://github.com/openstack/nova/search?p=1&q=additionalProperties%3A+True&unscoped_q=additionalProperties%3A+True

  2. Making server representation always consistent among all APIs

    PUT /servers/{server_id} and POST /servers/{server_id}/action {rebuild} API response will be modified to add all the missing fields which are return by GET /servers/{server_id}.

    NOTE: new fields will be added with same name they are present in GET /servers API response (means with OS- prefix).

  3. Change the default return value of swap field from the empty string to 0 (integer) in flavor APIs.

    Below APIs response will be changed to return the swap default value as 0 (integer):

    • POST /flavors

    • GET /flavors/detail

    • GET /flavors/{flavor_id}

    • PUT /flavors/{flavor_id}

  4. Return servers field always in the response of GET hypervisors API even there are no servers on hypervisor

    Below APIs response will be changed to return the servers field always in response body. servers field will be an empty list if there are no servers:

    • GET /os-hypervisors?with_servers=True

    • GET /os-hypervisors/detail?with_servers=True

    • GET /os-hypervisors/{hypervisor_id}?with_servers=True

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

The python novaclient and openstack-client will be updated.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact


Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:

Ghanshyam Mann

Work Items

  • Single microversion change on Nova API

  • Add tests for changes

  • python client (python-novaclient and python-openstackclient) change




  • Add related unit test.

  • Add related functional tests.

  • Response change schema test in Tempest

Documentation Impact

Modify the api-ref to reflect the API change.



Revisions :header-rows: 1

Release Name


