API to Mount and Unmount Manila Shares to Sahara Clusters


As OpenStack’s shared file provisioning service, manila offers great integration potential with sahara, both for shared binary storage and as a data source. While it seems unnecessary to wrap manila’s share provisioning APIs in sahara, allowing users to easily mount shares to all nodes of a Sahara cluster in a predictable way will be a critical convenience feature for this integration.

Problem description

Manually mounting shares to every node in a large cluster would be a tedious and error-prone process. Auto-mounting shares that are requested for use in either the data source or binary storage case might be feasible for some use cases. However, outside of our (optional) EDP interface this functionality would never be usable. As such, it is best to provide the user an API for mounting of shares onto Sahara clusters.

Proposed change

This change proposes to expand the node group template, node group, cluster template, and cluster API resources and database objects to contain a “shares” field. As per other node group fields, the cluster template and cluster APIs will allow overwrite of this field (which is particularly critical for composition, given that manila shares represent concrete data rather than abstract resource pools.) At the resource level (for both resource types), this field will be defined by the following jsonschema:

"shares": {
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "id": {
                "type": "string",
                "format": "uuid"
            "path": {
                "type": ["string", "null"]
            "access_level": {
                "type": ["string", "null"],
                "enum": ["rw", "ro"],
                "default": "rw"
        "additionalProperties": False,
        "required": [

“id” above refers to the UUID of the manila share to be mounted. It is required.

“path” refers to the local path on each cluster node on which to mount this share, which should be universal across all nodes of the cluster for simplicity. It will default to /mnt/{share_id}.

“access_level” governs permissions set in manila for the cluster ips. This defaults to ‘rw’.

Because no part of this field requires indexing, it is proposed that the above structure be directly serialized to the database as a TEXT field in JSON format.

Any share specified at the node group level will be mounted to all instances of that node group. Any share specified at the cluster level will be mounted to all nodes of that cluster. At cluster creation, in the case that a specific share id is specified at both the node group and cluster level, the cluster’s share configuration (path and access level) will entirely replace the node group’s configuration. Any merge of share configurations is seen as needlessly complex and error-prone, and it is our longstanding pattern that cluster-level configurations trump node group-level configurations.

Error cases in this API include:

  1. The provided id is not a valid manila share id, as assessed via manilaclient with the user’s credentials.

  2. The provided path is not a valid, absolute Linux path.

  3. Path is not unique (within the set of shares specified for any one node or the set of shares specified for any cluster.)

  4. The provided id maps to a manila share type which sahara is not currently equipped to mount.

  5. No manila service endpoint exists within the user’s service catalog.

On cluster creation (or update, if update becomes an available endpoint,) just after the cluster becomes available and before delegating to the plugin (such that any shares intended for HDFS integration will be in place for the plugin configuration to act upon,) Sahara will execute a share mounting step. For each share, Sahara will take the following steps:

  1. Query manila for share information, including share type and defaults.

  2. Query the cluster object to find internal ip addresses for all cluster nodes of any node group for which the share should be mounted.

  3. For each such node, call to manila to allow access for each ip according to the permissions set on the share.

  4. Make a remote call to each qualifying node and mount the share via its mount address as returned from manila.

Steps 1-3 above will be handled via common code in an abstract ShareHandler class. The last step will be delegated to a concrete instance of this class, based on share type as reported by manila, which will execute appropriate command-line operations over a remote socket to mount the share.

The reference and test implementation for the first revision of this feature will only provide an NFS mounter. An HDFS mounter is the next logical step, but this feature set is already being worked on in parallel to this change and falls outside of the scope of this specification.

Unmounting is a natural extension of this class, but is not covered in this specification.


A more-seamless approach to manila share storage and data sourcing could be attempted, in which no API is exposed to the user, and shares are automatically mounted and unmounted when resources on the share in question are needed (as referenced in a data source URL or binary storage path). However, giving the user the ability to mount and unmount shares at will may allow use cases which we do not anticipate, and particularly in the context of usage of a sahara- provisioned cluster without use of the EDP API, the new API is critical.

It would also be possible to attempt to wrap manila share creation (or even share network creation or network router configuration) in sahara. It seems reasonable, however, to assert that this would be an overstep of our charter, and that asking users to create shares directly through manila will allow them much fuller and up-to-date access to manila’s feature set.

On the sahara implementation side, it would be possible to create a new ‘share’ resource and table, for ease of update and compositional modelling. However, shares will likely never be a top-level noun in sahara; it seems that a field is a better fit for the degree of share management we intend to undertake than an entire resource.

It should be noted that this specification does not attempt to deal with the question of filesystem driver installation across n distributions of Linux and m filesystem types; such an effort is better suited to many specifications and change sets than one. For the first stage of this effort, NFS will be used as the test reference filesystem type.

Note that both binary storage and data source integration are intentionally not handled here. A binary storage specification will build on this spec, but this spec is being posted independently such that the engineers working on data source integration can propose revisions to only the changes relevant to their needs.

Data model impact

A new ‘shares’ TEXT field will be added to both node groups and node group templates.

REST API impact

A new ‘shares’ field will be added to the resource for both node groups and node group templates. This field will only allow create functionality in the initial change, as cluster update is currently a sticking point in our API.

Other end user impact

Python-saharaclient will need to be made aware of the new shares field on all supported resources.

Deployer impact


Developer impact


Sahara-image-elements impact

None for the initial change; addition of specialized fs drivers in the future may require image changes.

Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact

The share mounting feature in Horizon will likely require a separate tab on all affected resources, and is left for a separate spec.



Primary assignee:


Secondary assignee/reviewer:


Work Items

  • API Resource modification and call validation.

  • DB model modification and testing.

  • Manila client integration with Sahara.

  • Logical glue code on cluster provisioning.

  • ShareMounter abstraction and NFS impl.

  • Unit testing.

  • Integration testing as feasible (will require manila in CI env for full CI.)

  • Update of API WADL site.

  • Horizon changes (in separate spec).

  • Documentation.


This feature introduces a new dependency on python-manilaclient.


Unit testing is assumed; beyond this, full integration testing will depend on the feasibility of adding a manila endpoint to our CI environment. If this is feasible, then our testing path becomes clear; if it is not, then gated integration testing will not be possible.

Documentation Impact

This feature will require documentation in features.rst, and will drive changes to the api documentation.


See https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/API if unfamiliar with manila operations.