Use trusts for cluster creation and scaling

Creation of cluster can be a pretty long operation. Currently we use sessions that usually expire in less than one hour. So, currently it is impossible to create a cluster that requires more than one hour for spawn.

Sahara could get trust from user and use it whenever it is needed for cluster creation or scaling.

Problem description

Sahara communicates with OpenStack services using session provided by user. Session is created by keystone for comparably small amount of time. Creation of large cluster could require more than session life time. That’s why Sahara will not be able to operate cluster at the end of the process.

Proposed change

Sahara could perform all operations with cluster using trust obtained from user. Now trusts are used for termination of transient cluster. The same logic could be used for all operations during cluster creation and scaling.

Since we still support keystone v2, the option should be configurable. I suggest making it enabled by default.

The proposed workflow:

  1. User requests cluster creation or scaling.

  2. Sahara creates trust to be used for OpenStack operation. This trust is stored in the DB in the cluster’s trust_id field.

  3. Sahara finishes cluster provisioning or the periodic cluster cleanup task recognizes that cluster activation has timed out and uses the trust to delete the cluster.

  4. Sahara deletes the trust.

For safety reasons created trusts should be limited by time, but their life time should be sufficient for cluster creation. Parameter in config file with 1 day default should work well.


The trust id could be stored in memory rather than in the database. However, this implementation would not allow the periodic cluster cleanup task (which is not run in the context of the tenant cluster provisioning request) to successfully delete stale clusters.

It is notable that storing the trust_id in the database will also be of use to us in improving the HA capabilities of cluster creation if we move to a multi-stage, DAG-based provisioning flow.

While potential concerns about storing trust ids in the DB exist, these ids require a valid auth token for either the admin or tenant user to utilize, adding some degree of security in depth in case of a control plane database breach. This mechanism may be further secured by storing all trust ids (for both transient and long-running clusters) via a secret storage module in the future. This change, however, falls outside the scope of this specification.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Other end user impact


Deployer impact


Developer impact


Sahara-image-elements impact


Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact




Primary assignee:

alazarev (Andrew Lazarev)

Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Add option to Sahara config

  • Implement new authentication strategy

  • Document new behavior




Manually. CI will cover the feature.

Documentation Impact

Because trusts are now being used to clean up clusters, we will need to document that the periodic cluster cleanup task should be run on a schedule that fits within the expiration period of a trust.

