Addition of Manila as a Binary Store

Network and distributed filesystems are a useful means of sharing files among a distributed architecture. This core use case makes them an excellent candidate for storage of job binaries.

Problem description

While internal database storage and Swift storage are sensible options for binary storage, the addition of Manila integration allows it as a third option for job binary storage and retrieval. This specification details how this will be implemented.

Proposed change

The scheme manila will be added as an option in creation of job binaries. URLs will take the form:


URLs stored as binary locations can be passed through the following validations:

  1. The manila share id exists.

  2. The share is of a type Sahara recognizes as a valid binary store.

Because manila shares are not mounted to the control plane and should not be, we will not be able to assess the existence or nonexistence of files intended to be job binaries.

We can, however, assess the share type through Manila. For the initial reference implementation, only NFS shares will be permitted for this use; other share types may be verified and added in later changes.

For this binary type, Sahara will not retrieve binary files and copy them into the relevant nodes; they are expected to be reachable through the nodes’ own filesystems. Instead, Sahara will:

  1. Ensure that the share is mounted to the appropriate cluster nodes (in the Oozie case, the node group containing Oozie server; in the Spark case, the node group containing Spark Master, etc.) If the share is not already mounted, Sahara will mount the share to the appropriate node groups using the mechanism described by blueprint mount-share-api (at the default path) and update the cluster’s DB definition to note the filesystem mount.

  2. Replace manila://{share_id} with the local filesystem mount point, and use these local filesystem paths to build the workflow document or job execution command, as indicated by engine. Job execution can then take place normally.

It is notable that this specification does not cover support of Manila security providers. Such support can be added in future changes, and should not affect this mechanism.


While verification of paths on binary creation would be ideal, mounting tenant filesystems (in the abstract, without a cluster necessarily available) is a prohibitive security concern that outweighs this convenience feature (even if we assume that networking is not an issue.)

We could also create a more general file:// job binary scheme, either in addition to manila:// or as a replacement for it. However, this would not particularly facilitate reuse among clusters (without a number of manual steps on the user’s part) or allow auto-mounting when necessary.

We could also opt to simply raise an exception if the share has not already been mounted to the cluster by the user. However, as the path to automatic mounting is clear and will be reasonably simple once the mount-share-api feature is complete, automatic mounting seems sensible for the initial implementation.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Other end user impact


Deployer impact


Developer impact


Sahara-image-elements impact


Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact

Manila will be added as a visible job binary storage option; no other changes.



Primary assignee:


Secondary assignee/reviewer:


Work Items

  • Validation changes (URL scheme).

  • Integration with mounting feature.

  • Creation of “job binary retriever” strategy for Manila (which will mostly no-op, given the strategy above).

  • Modification of workflow and execution command code to facilitate this flow.

  • Horizon changes (in separate spec).

  • Documentation.




Unit testing is assumed; beyond this, full integration testing will depend on the feasibility of adding a manila endpoint to our CI environment. If this is feasible, then our testing path becomes clear; if it is not, then gated integration testing will not be possible.

Documentation Impact

This feature will require documentation in edp.rst.


See if unfamiliar with manila operations.