Event Pipelines


Problem description

Currently, when notifications are picked up by the notification agent, they are all funnelled into a single endpoint, filtered using event_definition and pushed to the dispatchers, which is generally a database. There is a lack of flexibility to transform, extend, trigger on these events and to publish to this data to multiple consumers.

Proposed change

Like samples, we have a pipeline for events. Like samples, we define sources and sinks. Unlike samples, we don’t have an interval defined in sources.

This will also allow ability to publish different data (ie. audit) to different storages and also allow ability to ignore notifications completely (currently, we capture a shell event for all notifications)

The proposed schema is:

    - name: eventA_source # any unique name for source
      events: # list of event_types, same wildcard technique in samples
          - "*"
          - sink1
          - sink2
    - name: sink1 # any unique name for sink
          # one or many transformers that work on an Event.
          # potential for triggering (short term inline actions). i'd
          # envision a trigger that built performance samples. ie time
          # between corresponding start/end events and republish as a sample
          # alternatively, that same work could send an alarm if it didn't
          # meet a certain threshold
      publishers: # we will not support rpc it isn't great for performance
          - notifier://

Publishers here can be a little different. we currently publish events straight to the database avoiding the collector. In this spec, we will continue this offering in addition to the notifier, udp, file options. The collector offers no discernible benefit apart from moving any synchronous task off the notification agent to the collector. As we already requeue items for each pipeline, this synchronous bottleneck exists only on the pipeline which has the synchronous task and will not slow down the other pipelines.


  • publish to the collector instead and let it persist data.

  • put this in same pipeline.yaml file as samples.

Data model impact


REST API impact

None currently but it’ll affect pipeline in database work.

Security impact

Same security concerns as current publishers.

Pipeline impact

This is a completely new pipeline so yes there is impact: a new pipeline.yaml

Other end user impact

You need another pipeline.yaml; You need to configure it appropriately.

Performance/Scalability Impacts

This will by default cause no difference. There’s potential for less data because of ability to filter out events. There’s potential for more data because of transformers and multiple publishers. We have notification agent coordination which will split pipeline and data across agents to handle scaling.

Other deployer impact

Adding a configuration option for new pipeline.yaml

Developer impact

Understand how pipelines work if they don’t understand already.



Primary assignee:


Ongoing maintainer:


Work Items

  • create event_pipeline.yaml

  • redirect current event endpoint to use this pipeline

  • add publisher support for events

Future lifecycle

Build transformers. Build triggers. Build publishers.




  • extend pipeline testing to include event_pipeline

Documentation Impact

  • rewrite pipeline notes to include new event_pipeline and it’s differences

