Hyper-V UEFI SecureBoot


Secure Boot is a mechanism that starts the bootloader only if the bootloader’s signature has maintained integrity, assuring that only approved components are allowed to run. Secure Boot is dependent on UEFI.

Problem description

Secure Boot is currently disabled in the Nova Hyper-V Driver, as it did not support Linux guests [2], only Windows guests [3]. The new Windows / Hyper-V Server Technical Preview introduces Secure Boot support for Linux guests. [3]

Use Cases

This feature will increase the security of the spawned instances, assuring their integrity before they boot.

Proposed change

In order enable Secure Boot on an instance, the field SecureBootEnabled must be set to True, when creating the instance’s Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData WMI object.

As Secure Boot is not supported by all guests, enabling it for instances that do not support it will result in a hanging VM. Thus, Secure Boot feature will be enabled by setting the os_secure_boot image property or the os:secure_boot flavor extra spec to required. Other possible values are: disabled and optional. The flavor extra spec value overrides the image property value.

The image property values are: disabled, optional, required. If the property is not defined, the default value disabled will be used. The flavor extra spec acceptable value is: required. Any other value will be ignored.

Linux guests are supported in Windows / Hyper-V Server Technical Preview and they also require the bootloader’s digital signature. This will also be provided as an image property os_secure_boot_signature (string).

If the given instance requires Secure Boot but it does not contain the hw_machine_type=hyperv-gen2 image property, the instance creation should fail, as Secure Boot requires Generation 2 VMs. Generation 2 VMs were introduced in Windows / Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 and support for them was introduced in the Kilo release (see Dependencies section).

Scheduling is assured by the ImagePropertiesFilter [5], which checks if the image property hypervisor_version_requires is satisfied by the given hosts. This is the initial approach to solving the scheduling problem. Ideally, this problem will be solved by exposing this feature as a host capability and having the os_secure_boot and os_type image properties match the host capability.



Data model impact

os_secure_boot field must be added to the ImageMetaProps object, as there is no field for the image property with the same name.

REST API impact


Security impact

This feature will assure that the spawned instances are safe.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

The images must be prepared for Secure Boot. For example, the VM on which the image is prepared, it must be Generation 2 VM with Secure Boot enabled. Instances using such images will be able to spawned with Secure Boot on or off, while instances using images that are not prepared for Secure Boot can only spawn with Secure Boot off.

Images should be for Generation 2 VMs images. The image property hw_machine_type=hyperv-gen2 is mandatory.

Linux images requiring Secure Boot must be spawned on Windows / Hyper-V Server Technical Preview. In order for the instances to be properly scheduled, the images must contain the property hypervisor_version_requires='>=10.0'. In this case, the image property os_secure_boot_signature containing the bootloader’s digital signature is required.

Nova scheduler should use the ImagePropertiesFilter [5], which checks that the hosts satisfy the hypervisor_version_requires image property. In order to use this filter, it should be added to the scheduler’s nova.conf file, scheduler_default_filters field. By default, this filter is included in the list.

In order to properly use Secure Boot, images should be created as follows:

  • Windows images (Windows 8 or Windows / Hyper-V Server 2012 R2 or newer):

    glance image-create –property hypervisor_type=hyperv

    –property hw_machine_type=hyperv-gen2 –property hypervisor_version_requires=’>=6.3’ –property os_secure_boot=required –name win-secure –disk-format vhd –container-format bare –file path/to/windows.vhdx


    glance image-update –property hw_machine_type=hyperv-gen2 win-secure

    glance image-update –property os_secure_boot=required win-secure

    glance image-update –property hypervisor_version_requires=’>=6.3’ win-secure

  • Linux images:

    glance image-create –property hypervisor_type=hyperv

    –property hw_machine_type=hyperv-gen2 –property hypervisor_version_requires=’>=10.0’ –property os_secure_boot=required –property os_secure_boot_signature=$SIGNATURE –name im-secure –disk-format vhd –container-format bare –file path/to/linux.vhdx


    glance image-update –property hw_machine_type=hyperv-gen2 im-secure

    glance image-update –property os_secure_boot=required im-secure

    glance image-update –property os_secure_boot_signature=$SIGNATURE im-secure

    glance image-update –property hypervisor_version_requires=’>=10.0’ im-secure

The os_secure_boot image property acceptable values are: disabled, optional, required. If the property is not defined, disabled will be used as default value. The optional value means that the image is capable of Secure Boot, but it will require the flavor extra spec in order to use this feature.

Secure Boot VMs can also be requested as a flavor extra spec called os:secure_boot, having the value required. Example:

nova flavor-key m1.your.flavor set “os:secure_boot=required”

Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Iulia Toader <itoader@cloudbasesolutions.com>

Other contributors:

Claudiu Belu <cbelu@cloudbasesolutions.com>

Work Items

As described in the Proposed Change.


Hyper-V VM Generation 2 nova spec. Feature merged in Kilo.



  • Unit tests.

  • Will be tested by Hyper-V CI.

Documentation Impact

The new image properties and will have to be documented.


[1] Hyper-V Generation 2 VMs


[2] Secure Boot not supported on:
[3] Secure Boot supported on:
[4] Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData:


[5] Nova scheduler ImagePropertiesFilter:




Release Name






