Interactive web-based serial consoles¶
This blueprint is about exposing interactive web-based serial consoles to openstack VMs through a websocket proxy. It is mainly raised because of the problems openstack is facing with the serial console logs that are hard to maintain, grow indefinitely, etc. The point is not to eliminate the serial console logs, but to give the users another option besides logging to a file and to expose an interactive serial console.
Problem description¶
Right now the serial console has unsolved issues with the logging that have bounced from one release to another and no suitable solution was developed for them. Most of the issues are nicely summed up in the serial console log blueprint for juno however, this proposal doesn’t deal with exposing an interactive serial console to the end user.
Proposed change¶
This blueprint proposes the addition of a new service - serialproxy (a websocket proxy) that would handle websocket connections to the serial consoles. The websocket proxy can be deployed on a machine other from the hypervisor, so unix domain sockets wouldn’t do the trick. The best way to expose them would be by opening a TCP socket for every serial console. This service would act similarly to the novncproxy and scale in more or less the same way.
One serial port can be accessed only by one user at a time, i.e. it can’t be muxed since none of the hypervisors have a ‘clear this line’ command separate from the ‘connect’ command (or a flag to integrate that with the original ‘connect’ call). The proposed scenario for multiple users accessing the same serial port is the following: If a user is already connected, then reject the attempt of a second user to access the console, but have an API to forceably disconnect an existing session. This would be particularly important to cope with hung sessions where the client network went away before the console was cleanly closed.
To allow multiple clients to connect to serial ports we’d need to create the ports when the instance is booted, but we’d need to know the number of ports that would need to be created in advance. That number can be passed through a property in the image metadata, e.g. “serial_ports”. Since the serial ports are exposed through TCP sockets we would also need a module that tests for free TCP ports and allocates them so that the libvirt driver can use them when creating the serial ports. This should be persistent, so that the ports that are already tested won’t be tested again for a new serial port.
Data model impact¶
REST API impact¶
The REST API would have one additional method to obtain the serial console URL for the end user or for displaying in the dashboard.
V2 API specification: POST: v2/{tenant_id}/servers/{server_id}/get-serial-console
V3 API specification: POST: v3/servers/{server_id}/get-serial-console
Request parameters:
tenant_id: The ID for the tenant or account in a multi-tenancy cloud.
server_id: The UUID for the server to get the serial console for.
JSON response
"url": ""
JSON schema definition
serial_console = {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'serial_console': {
'type': ['object', 'null'],
'properties': {},
'additionalProperties': False,
'additionalProperties': False,
HTTP response codes: v2:
Normal HTTP Response Code: 200 on success
Normal HTTP Response Code: 202 on success
Security impact¶
The opening of TCP ports in the hypervisor node can enable anyone to gain access to any of the serial consoles by scanning for open ports if the ports specified in port_range config param are visible to the public. Usually the hypervisor ports aren’t externally exposed, so this wouldn’t be any better or worse than VNC. The insecurity of VNC is being tackled by a blueprint that will add strong auth to VNC on the internal network. That’s not a reason to block this serial console feature though. We can work with the QEMU community at a later date to get SSL support for the character device sockets it exposes.
Notifications impact¶
Other end user impact¶
The python-novaclient will have to implement a new command.
Command: get-serial-console <server> <console-type>
param server: The name or Id of the server.
Performance Impact¶
Using the serial consoles instead of a graphical console would be more optimal since it interacts with the instance through a text stream.
Other deployer impact¶
Config options that are being added in the serial_console group: [serial_console] - enabled (type=BoolOpt, default=False) - base_url (type=StrOpt, default=’’) - listen (type=StrOpt, default=’’) - proxyclient_address (type=StrOpt, default=’’) - port_range (type=StrOpt, default=’10000:20000’) - record (type=BoolOpt, default=False) - daemon (type=BoolOpt, default=False) - ssl_only (type=BoolOpt, default=False) - source_is_ipv6 (type=BoolOpt, default=False) - cert (type=StrOpt, default=’self.pem’) - key (type=StrOpt) - web (type=StrOpt, default=’/usr/share/serialproxy-static’)
The default value of the “enabled” confing param is False so there’s no need to take something into account after this change gets merged.
A new service - serialproxy is introduced which will need to be deployed separately in order for this feature to work with websockets. The command line params would be no different from novnc’s which would override some of the config params specified in the config file).
Developer impact¶
- Primary assignee:
Vladan Popovic
- Other contributors:
Ian Wells Sushma Korati
Work Items¶
Websocket proxy
Add a config param in nova that would enable the web-based serial console, e.g. enabled=True|False where False would be the default.
Configure libvirt to open TCP channels on the ports
Add a port allocator module that would generate/test TCP ports and assign them to the instance’s libvirt config when it finds a free one. This would require another config param in nova, e.g. port_range=10000:20000
Implement the serial console config generation and retreival in the libvirt driver.
Add a method for obtaining the serial console in the compute manager.
Add methods in the consoleauth that would authorize the tokens.
Add API calls that would obtain the serial console URL with the generated consoleauth token.
Add a serialproxy service that will serve as a wesocket proxy for serial consoles
Add static files that will be serverd from the proxy, including a terminal emulator, probably
May require packaging of the static files for the websocket proxy and the terminal emulator.
Unit tests should be sufficient to cover libvirt and the API part.
Documentation Impact¶
Since tihs proposal introduces a new console and service the following things should be documented at least:
Deploying the serialproxy (with SSL/TLS support if possible)
Changes in the image metadata (if that solution fits the needs for multiuser serial consoles)
Now to obtain a serial console URL from the API or from python-novaclient
Examples of managing the ports specified in the port_range so that they are only accessible from the node where the serialproxy is deployed and not from the outside.