Config option to control behavior of unset unified limits

The default behavior in the oslo.limit quota enforcement library used by Nova when [quota]driver is set to nova.quota.UnifiedLimitsDriver is to consider resources that do not have registered limits set as having a limit of zero. This behavior can be unforgiving especially in the scenario of an upgrade that enables unified limits quota (i.e. if we ever want to make unified limits the default). If we make the behavior configurable within Nova, we can help prevent situations where an admin/operator upgrades or installs Nova and suddenly all API requests begin to be rejected for being over quota.

Problem description

The problem is centered around the behavior of the oslo.limit quota enforcement library when a given resource does not have a registered limit set for it. If no registered limit is found for a resource, the enforce function will consider that resource to have a limit of 0 and all requests for the resource will fail for being over quota.

We want to be able to change the default quota driver to the UnifiedLimitsDriver, but the aforementioned behavior raises concerns about changing the default.

If we were to make unified limits quotas the default in Nova, any admin/operator who has missed auditing all of their resources and limits in Keystone before upgrading could experience complete denial of service by the Nova API immediately after the upgrade. This could happen if even one resource is missing a registered limit set in Keystone.

While ideally an admin/operator will not miss setting any registered limits in an upgrade scenario like this, the penalty for missing even one resource limit is quite harsh as the API rejects all requests for that resource leading to an immediate emergency situation.

Use Cases

  • As an admin/operator, I would like to be warned if I have missed setting a registered limit for a resource in Keystone rather than having all API requests involving that resource be rejected for being over quota

Proposed change

The proposal in this spec is to add a new configuration option [quota]strict_unified_limits which defaults to True. When set to True, the Nova API will use the native oslo.limit behavior of considering unset unified limits as zero. When set to False, the Nova API will consider unset unified limits as unlimited or “don’t care”. When set to True, the Nova API will use the native oslo.limit behavior of considering unset unified limits as zero.

The only exception to [quota]strict_unified_limits = False is if there are not registered limits set at all. Registered limits are default limits that are global to the deployment and apply in any case that a project-specific limit has not been set. If unified limits are enabled but no registered limits have been set, all quota checks will fail and log a warning message about the total absence of any limits set every time quota is enforced. The combination of unified limits enabled but no unified limits set is considered to be an error state and not something the admin/operator has intended. We could also consider failing to start the nova-api and nova-conductor services if unified limits are enabled but no limits are set.

The idea of the proposed config option is to give the admin/operator some flexibility to resolve a situation where not all resources have registered limits set without immediately rejecting API requests. Of course, there will be the risk of potentially allowing allocation of more resources than would be desired until the admin/operator either sets registered limits or disables unified limits quotas. A warning will be logged every time quota is enforced for resources without registered limits set because we don’t want or expect unset limits to be a permanent state. The admin/operator can stop the warning logs by setting registered limits for the resources listed in the warning message.


Alternatively a change could be made to the oslo.limit library to handle missing registered limits differently [1]. This would be more difficult because oslo.limit has established default behavior and providing new behavior desirable for all projects may not be realistic.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact

If [quota]strict_unified_limits is set to False, resources could be allocated beyond what the admin/operator would have intended during the window of time between the logging of the warning and the admin/operator taking action to either set registered limit(s) or disable unified limits quotas.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact

As part of this work, the nova-manage limits migrate_to_unified_limits CLI command will be enhanced to scan the database for resources in flavors that do not have registered limits set and show them in the output. The intent is to help admins/operators catch all resources and set limits for them before unified limits quotas are enabled.

Performance Impact

The performance impact of having [quota]strict_unified_limits set to False should be relatively small as it adds one extra Keystone API call each time a quota check fails and the limit for the associated resource is 0.

Other deployer impact

Admin/operators will need to be prepared and set [quota]strict_unified_limits to False _before_ upgrading Nova if they wish to relax quota checks initially when enabling unified limits quotas.

Developer impact


Upgrade impact

The [quota]strict_unified_limits config option would only impact an upgrade if the admin/operator sets it to True at the same time they enable unified limits quotas by using the UnifiedLimitsDriver.

If a deployer decides to switch to the UnifiedLimitsDriver during their upgrade and set [quota]strict_unified_limits to False before upgrading, there is a possibility that resources could be allocated beyond what the deployer would have intended until they take action on the logged warnings and set registered limits for resources missing limits.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Feature Liaison

Feature liaison:


Work Items

  • Add a configuration option to control whether unset unified limits should be considered unlimited and logged as a warning

  • Augment the nova-manage limits migrate_to_unified_limits command to scan database flavors to detect resources that do not have registered limits set and show them in the output to the user to let them know which limits they need to set



The functionality of the [quota]strict_unified_limits config option will be tested by writing new functional tests.

Documentation Impact

The unified limits documentation will be updated to include information about the new config option.




Release Name


2024.2 Dalmatian
