libvirt driver launching instances with memory encryption by AMD SEV-ES

This spec proposes work required in order to extend the existing libvirt driver feature to launch AMD SEV-encrypted instances, to support also using AMD SEV-ES, which is the extended version of AMD SEV, as memory encryption mechanism.

Problem description

Current libvirt driver supports launching instances with memory encryption by AMD’s SEV (Secure Encrypted Virtualization) technology. However the current implementation supports only AMD SEV, and does not support new versions. For exmaple SEV-ES also encrypts all CPU register contents when a VM stops running, to achieve more complete protection of VM data, but users can’t leverage these features because of this limitation.


At the time or writing AMD already released CPUs which supports SEV-SNP, but the required hypervisor features to use SEV-SNP are not yet merged into the underlying components(kernel, QEMU, libvirt and ovmf). So in this spec we focus on SEV-ES. We attempt to keep the proposal as much compatible with SEV-SNP as possible, based on the implementations published by AMD.

Use Cases

  1. As a cloud administrator, in order that my users can have more confidence in the security of their running instances, I want to provide an image with the specific properties or a flavor with the specific extra specs which will allow users to boot instances to ensure that their instances run on an SEV-ES-capable compute host with SEV-ES encryption, instead of SEV encryption, enabled.

  2. As a cloud user, in order to reduce data leakage risks further, I want to be able to boot VM instances with SEV-ES functionality, instead of SEV functionality, enabled.

Proposed change

We propose extending the existing implementation to support launching instances with SEV functionality.

  • Add detection of host SEV-ES capabilities, which checks the following items.

    • The presence of the following XML in the response from a libvirt virConnectGetDomainCapabilities() API call indicates that both QEMU and the AMD Secure Processor (AMD-SP) support SEV functionality:

          <sev supported='yes'/>

      Also the maxESGuests field should be present and its value should be a positive (non-zero) value.

    • /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev_es should have the value Y to indicate that the kernel has SEV capabilities enabled. This should be readable by any user (i.e. even non-root).

    • Check QEMU version to determine whether the available QEMU binary supports SEV-ES.

  • Add the new HW_CPU_AMD_SEV_ES trait to os-traits.

  • Make the libvirt driver update the ProviderTree object with the correct inventory for the MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT resource class for both SEV and SEV-ES. To represent the slots dedicated for SEV and SEV-ES, nested resource providers are created per-model:

    +------------+     +----------------------------+
    | compute RP +--+--+ SEV RP                     |
    +------------+  |  | trait:HW_CPU_AMD_SEV       |
                    |  +------------------------+---+
                    |  | MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT | N |
                    |  +------------------------+---+
                    |  +----------------------------+
                    +--+ SEV-ES RP                  |
                       | trait:HW_CPU_AMD_SEV_ES    |
                       | MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT | N |

    The SEV RP is named <nodename>_amd_sev and the SEV-ES RP is named <nodename>_amd_sev_es, so that the RP names are unique in the cluster.


    SEV and SEV-ES have separate limits of guest numbers, because ASIDs are allocated for ES guests and non-ES guests exclusively, from the total ASIDs available. Minimum ASID for SEV (non-ES) guests, which is effectively same as maxumum ASID for ES guests, should be configured in BIOS (or UEFI) to use SEV-ES. A new validation to detect insufficient ASIDs may be implemented.


    SEV-SNP uses the same ASID pool for ES by default when cyphertext hiding is not requested, and the new trait (such as HW_CPU_AMD_SEV_SNP) may be added to the existing SEV-ES RP when SEV-SNP support is added with a separate SEV-SNP RP with the trait corrsponding to the cyphertext hiding feature:

    +------------+     +----------------------------+
    | compute RP +--+--+ SEV RP                     |
    +------------+  |  | trait:HW_CPU_AMD_SEV       |
                    |  +------------------------+---+
                    |  | MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT | N |
                    |  +------------------------+---+
                    |  +----------------------------+
                    +--+ SEV-ES RP                  |
                    |  | trait:HW_CPU_AMD_SEV_ES    |
                    |  | trait:HW_CPU_AMD_SEV_SNP   |
                    |  +------------------------+---+
                    |  | MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT | N |
                    |  +------------------------+---+
                    |  +-----------------------------+
                    +--+ SEV-SNP RP                  |
                       | trait:HW_CPU_AMD_SEV_SNP_CH |
                       | MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT | N  |

    Note that SEV-SNP support is out of the current scope and this design needs further dicsussion when the support is actually implemented. It is described here to explain the potential plan to extend the RP structure in the future.

  • Add support for a new hw:mem_encryption_model parameter in flavor extra specs, and a new hw_mem_encryption_model image property. When either of these is set to amd-sev-es along with the parameter/propery to enable memory encryption, it would be internally translated to resources:MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT=1 and trait:HW_CPU_AMD_SEV_ES=required which would be added to the flavor extra specs in the RequestSpec object. If these new model parameter/property is absent or set to amd-sev then it would be translated to resources:MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT=1 and trait:HW_CPU_AMD_SEV=required. If conflicting models are requested by the instance flavor and the instance image (for example the flavor has hw:mem_encryption_model=amd-sev but the image has hw_mem_encryption_model=amd-sev-es) then the request is rejected. Also the request should be rejected when memory encryption is not requested but a memory encryption model is requested.

  • Change the libvirt driver to include extra XML in the guest’s domain definition when the hw:mem_encryption_model parameter in flavor extra spec or the hw_mem_encryption_model image property is present and is set to amd-sev-es. The extra XML is mostly similar to the one used in SEV, but its guest policy field needs the SEV-ES bit (bit 2) enabled.


Guest attestation is currently out of our scope. Because the existing feature for guest attestation heavily depends on hypervisor features and is not suitable for confidential computing use case where users do not trust hypervisors. We aim to implement the guest attestation feature once SEV-SNP is generally available, because SEV-SNP provides a better mechanism for guest attestation, using the special device presented to guest machines to obtain attestation reports.



Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

The end user will harness SEV-ES through the existing mechanisms of resources in flavor extra specs and image properties.

Also the limitations of AMD SEV-encrypted guest are applied when SEV-ES is used.

Performance Impact

No performance impact on nova is anticipated.

Performance impact for the other parts are same as the existing SEV support feature.

Other deployer impact

In order for users to be able to use SEV-ES, the operator will need to perform the following steps:

  • Deploy SEV-ES-capable hardware as nova compute hosts.

    • AMD EPYC 7xx2 (Rome) or later

  • Set minimum ASID for SEV (non-ES) guests in BIOS (or UEFI) to a value greater than 0.


    If SEV-enabled instancs are already launched in the compute node, enough ASIDs should be reserved for SEV.

  • Ensure that they have an appropriately configured software stack, so that the various layers are all SEV-ES ready:

    • kernel >= 4.16

    • QEMU >= 6.0.0

    • libvirt >= 8.0.0

    • ovmf >= commit 7f0b28415cb4 2020-08-12


    SEV-ES enabled guests can be launched by libvirt >= 4.5, but detection of maximum number of SEV-ES guests via domain capability API requires libvirt >= 8.0.0 .

A cloud administrator will need to define SEV-ES-enabled flavors as described above, unless it is sufficient for users to define SEV-ES-enabled images.

The [libvirt] num_memory_encrypted_guests option is effective only for SEV, but a new option for SEV-ES is NOT added. Instead, the detection capability in libvirt is required to use SEV-ES. The num_memory_encrypted_guests option will be deprecated to reduce complexity.

Developer impact


Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:

kajinamit (irc: tkajinam)

Other contributors:


Work Items

  1. Add the new HW_CPU_AMD_SEV_ES trait for os-traits

  2. Add detection of host SEV-ES capabilities as detailed above and reshaping of existing MEMO_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT resource.

  3. Add mem_encryption_model property to ImageMeta object

  4. Update scheduler util to request MEM_ENCRYPTION_CONTEXT resource and HW_CPU_AMD_SEV_ES trait when the mem_encryption_model property or the equivalent flavor extra spec is set to amd-sev-es

  5. Update libvirt driver to set the SEV-ES policy bit when the property is present.

  6. Update image property schema in glance to validate the new mem_encryption_model property.

  7. Update documentations.

Unit tests and functional tests should be added according to new logic.

Future work



  • Special hardware which supports SEV-ES for development, testing, and CI.

  • Recent versions of the hypervisor software stack which all support SEV-ES, as detailed in Other deployer impact above.


The fakelibvirt test driver will need adaptation to emulate SEV-ES-capable hardware.

Corresponding unit/functional tests will need to be extended or added to cover:

  • detection of SEV-ES-capable hardware and software, e.g. perhaps as an extension of nova.tests.functional.libvirt.test_report_cpu_traits.LibvirtReportTraitsTests

  • the use of a trait to include extra SEV-specific libvirt domain XML configuration, e.g. within nova.tests.unit.virt.libvirt.test_config

Documentation Impact

  • Update the entry in the Feature Support Matrix, to explain now AMD SEV-ES is supported in addition to AMD SEV.

  • Update the existing AMD SEV guide to include information about SEV-ES.

Other non-nova documentation should be updated too:




Release Name


2024.2 Dalmatian
