Flavor and Image defined ephemeral storage encryption


This spec outlines a new approach to ephemeral storage encryption in Nova allowing users to select how their ephemeral storage is encrypted at rest through the use of flavors with specific extra specs or images with specific properties. The aim being to bring the ephemeral storage encryption experience within Nova in line with the block storage encryption implementation provided by Cinder where user selectable encrypted volume types are available.


This spec will only cover the high level changes to the API and compute layers, implementation within specific virt drivers is left for separate specs.

Problem description

At present the only in-tree ephemeral storage encryption support is provided by the libvirt virt driver when using the lvm imagebackend. The current implementation provides basic operator controlled and configured host specific support for ephemeral disk encryption at rest where all instances on a given compute are forced to use encrypted ephemeral storage using the dm-crypt PLAIN encryption format.

This is not ideal and makes ephemeral storage encryption completely opaque to the end user as opposed to the block storage encryption support provided by Cinder where users are able to opt-in to using admin defined encrypted volume types to ensure their storage is encrypted at rest.

Additionally the current implementation uses a single symmetric key to encrypt all ephemeral storage associated with the instance. As the PLAIN encryption format is used there is no way to rotate this key in-place.

Use Cases

  • As a user I want to request that all of my ephemeral storage is encrypted at rest through the selection of a specific flavor or image.

  • As a user I want to be able to pick how my ephemeral storage is encrypted at rest through the selection of a specific flavor or image.

  • As an admin/operator I want to either enforce ephemeral encryption per flavor or per image.

  • As an admin/operator I want to provide sane choices to my end users regarding how their ephemeral storage is encrypted at rest.

  • As a virt driver maintainer/developer I want to indicate that my driver supports ephemeral storage encryption using a specific encryption format.

  • As a virt driver maintainer/developer I want to provide sane default encryption format and options for users looking to encrypt their ephemeral storage at rest. I want these associated with the encrypted storage until it is deleted.

Proposed change

To enable this new flavor extra specs, image properties and host configurables will be introduced. These will control when and how ephemeral storage encryption at rest is enabled for an instance.


The following hw_ephemeral_encryption image properties do not relate to if an image is encrypted at rest within the Glance service. They only relate to how ephemeral storage will be encrypted at rest when used by a provisioned instance within Nova.

Allow ephemeral encryption to be configured by flavor, image, or config

To enable ephemeral encryption per instance the following boolean based flavor extra spec and image property will be introduced:

  • hw:ephemeral_encryption

  • hw_ephemeral_encryption

The above will enable ephemeral storage encryption for an instance but does not control the encryption format used. For this, a configuration option will be used to provide a default format per compute which will initially default to luks with no other choices at this time.

  • [ephemeral_storage_encryption]/default_format

To enable snapshot and shelve of instances using ephemeral encryption, the UUID of the encryption secret and the encryption format for the resultant image will be kept with the image using the standardized Glance image properties [1]:

  • os_encrypt_key_id

  • os_encrypt_format

The secret UUID and encryption format are needed when creating an instance from an ephemeral encrypted snapshot or when unshelving an ephemeral encrypted instance.

The other os_encrypt* Glance image properties will also be set at the time of snapshot:

  • os_encrypt_cipher - the cipher algorithm, e.g. ‘AES256’

  • os_encrypt_key_deletion_policy - on image deletion indicates whether the key should be deleted too

  • os_decrypt_container_format - format change, e.g. from ‘compressed’ to ‘bare’

  • os_decrypt_size - size after payload decryption

Possible future work

In the future, we could consider supporting a cloud with a mix of compute hosts providing either LUKSv1 (qcow2|raw|rbd) or legacy dm-crypt PLAIN (LVM) encryption formats.

The encryption format used would be controlled by the following flavor extra specs and image properties:

  • hw:ephemeral_encryption_format

  • hw_ephemeral_encryption_format

and would be used to schedule to a compute host which supports the specified format.

The format would be provided as a string that maps to a BlockDeviceEncryptionFormatTypeField oslo.versionedobjects field value:

  • legacy_dmcrypt_plain for the dm-crypt PLAIN format

  • luks for the LUKSv1 format

and if neither are specified, the format would be taken from the os_encrypt_format [1] if the source image is encrypted. If the source image is not encrypted, the format would be taken from [ephemeral_storage_encryption]/default_format after an instance lands on a compute host.

Management of secret data with the Key Manager service

The passphrases of encrypted disks are managed using a Key Manager service such as Barbican.

Nova will create, retrieve, and delete disk passphrases using the authorization token of the user calling Nova API. The cloud operator must consider the implications of secret ownership with regard to server actions and who is allowed to perform them:

  ┌─────────────────────┐                        ┌────────────────────┐
  │                     │                        │                    │
  │                     │                        │                    │
  │       Nova API      │◄───────────────────────┤    Barbican API    │
  │                     │                        │                    │
  │                     ├─────┬────────────┬────►│                    │
  │                     │     │ User token │     │                    │
  │                     │     └────────────┘     │                    │
  │                     │                        │                    │
  └──────────▲──────────┘                        └────────────────────┘
│ User token │
        │         │
        │  User   │
        │         │

By default, Barbican scopes the ownership of a secret at the project level. This means that many calls in the Barbican API will perform an additional check to ensure that the project_id of the token matches the project_id stored as the secret owner. Users who are members of the same project have access to each other’s secrets in this configuration.

For admin-only APIs such as cold migrate, live migrate, and evacuate, the user calling Nova API to perform these server actions needs both:

  1. Access the Barbican secrets of the owner of the server

  2. The admin role in order to call admin-only Nova APIs such as cold migration, live migration, evacuate, etc

In a default Barbican configuration, secret ownership will be scoped to the project which created it, so in such an environment a user would need to be a project administrator or any user who has both project membership and the admin role.

Note that it is possible for cloud operators to implement more fine-grained control of secrets in Barbican using access control lists. Secrets could be made to be scoped at the user level, for example, instead of at the project level. In such a configuration, a project administrator, would not be allowed perform admin-only API server actions on a server belonging to a different user in the project.

Operators must plan ahead to determine what configuration and access control of Barbican secrets they need in their environments.


For legacy deployments using [oslo_policy]enforce_scope = False in their service configuration files, an additional step is required to allow users to create servers with encrypted local disks.

In a legacy deployment, users must have the creator role or the admin role assigned to them in Keystone in order to be allowed to create secrets in the Barbican key manager service. Otherwise, user requests to create servers with encrypted local disks will fail.

$ openstack role list
| ID                               | Name                      |
| 068b4910f0eb4a1cb6a4a2a1e94c3dfe | reader                    |
| 25dc4ed8f3814fd1941a580d78f2b635 | service                   |
| 7e832eeb2c2842c9b03c376bf3113247 | creator                   |
| 59df386beb0f460095b7622fc1a45e22 | member                    |
| 655bbf1b9f844399bcfbfbbef4248045 | admin                     |

Create a new key manager secret for each block device mapping

The approach for disk image secrets is that each disk image has a unique secret.

For example:

Let’s say Instance A has 3 disks: one root disk, one ephemeral disk, and one swap disk. Each disk will have its own secret.

With qcow2, if an instance is created from an encrypted source image, the resulting backing file will have the same passphrase as the source image in order for the backing file to be shared among multiple instances. For each instance sharing the backing file, the instance has its own “copy” of the secret (a new Barbican secret that has the same passphrase).

This prevents a single point of failure with regard to Barbican secret deletion. For example, if 100 instances share the same encrypted backing file and a user mistakenly deletes a Barbican secret for the backing file, only one instance or image will be affected. If one Barbican secret were shared by the 100 instances using the same encrypted backing file, 100 instances and the source image would be affected.

Barbican does have a reference counting API for secret consumers which increments and decrements an internal counter over HTTP. If the count for a given secret becomes incorrectly zero for any reason, over time, (race conditions, etc), the API will allow deletion of that secret even if it is in use.

This table is intended to illustrate the way secrets are handled in various scenarios.

Instance or Image


Secret (passphrase)


Instance A

disk (root)

Secret 1

Secret 1, 2, and 3 will be automatically deleted by Nova when Instance A is deleted and its disks are destroyed


Secret 2


Secret 3

Image Z (snapshot) created from Instance A

disk (root)

Secret 4 (copy of Secret 1 by default)

Secret 4 will not be automatically deleted and manual deletion will be needed if/when Image Z is deleted from Glance

Instance B created from Image Z (snapshot)

disk (root)

Secret 5 * (copy of Secret 4)

Secret 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be automatically deleted by Nova when Instance B is deleted and its disks are destroyed

Secret 6


Secret 7


Secret 8

Instance C

disk (root)

Secret 9

Secret 9, 10, and 11 will be automatically deleted by Nova when Instance C is deleted and its disks are destroyed


Secret 10


Secret 11

Image Y (snapshot) created by shelve of Instance C

disk (root)

Secret 9

Secret 9 is reused when Instance C is shelved in part to prevent the possibility of a change in ownership of the root disk secret if, for example, an admin user shelves a non-admin user’s instance. This approach could be avoided if there is some way we could create a new secret using the instance’s user/project rather than the shelver’s user/project

Rescue disk created by rescue of Instance A

disk (root)


A rescue disk is only encrypted if an encrypted rescue image was specified.

Rescue disk created by rescue of Instance A using encrypted rescue image

disk (root)

Secret of encrypted rescue image

The secret of the encrypted rescue image will be reused and no new secrets will be created or deleted

* backing file secret for qcow2 only

Encrypted source images

The default behavior when creating an instance from an encrypted source image will be to create encrypted disks. The reasoning is that we aim to avoid “surprise” decryption of images and that decryption should be something that a user or flavor or image has to opt-in to and explicitly request so the intent is clear.

Encrypted source images will have the os_encrypt_key_id, os_encrypt_format, and other [1] image properties in their image metadata. Access to the secret of the encrypted source image is determined by the key manager API policy and/or access control lists.

At this time, we expect to use a subset of the standardized image properties:

  • os_encrypt_format - to know how to interpret the image format

  • os_encrypt_key_id - to copy/convert/etc the source image if needed

When creating an instance with encrypted disks from an encrypted source image when hw_ephemeral_encryption has not been set, we will either use the presence of the automatically stored image_os_encrypt_key_id in system metadata or potentially store image_hw_ephemeral_encryption=true in the instance system metadata and use it to ensure an instance will be scheduled to a compute host which supports ephemeral encryption.

If the os_encrypt_key_id image property is set on the encrypted image and the image or flavor also has hw_ephemeral_encryption=false or hw:ephemeral_encryption=false explicitly set, we will reject the API request with a 409 conflict error at this time.

We could consider future work to interpret the aforementioned combination of image property settings as an intentional request to create an instance with unencrypted disks from the encrypted source image and perform the decryption.

Encrypted backing files (qcow2)

The approach regarding backing files is that they will be encrypted if the source image from which it was created is encrypted. If the source image from which the disk is created is not encrypted, the backing file stored internally in Nova will also not be encrypted. If the source image is encrypted, the backing file will also be encrypted.

An encrypted backing file uses the same passphrase as the source image from which it was created. This is required for the encrypted backing file to be shared among multiple instances in the same project.

Backing files for ephemeral disks and swap disks are never encrypted as they are always created from blank disks.

Snapshots of instances with ephemeral encryption

When an instance with ephemeral encryption is snapshotted, the behavior for encrypting the image snapshot is determined by request parameters which will be added to the snapshot API.

The API request parameters are intended to support workflows that involve sharing of encrypted image snapshots with other projects or users.


  • An instance owner wants to back up their disk

  • An instance owner wants to make a copy of their disk that is encrypted with a new key

  • An instance owner wants to make a copy of their disk using an existing key that belongs to a different project or user (provided that project or user has created the necessary access control list for the secret)

  • An instance owner wants to create an unencrypted public copy of their disk

  • An instance owner with an unencrypted disk wants to make an encrypted copy to facilitate secure exfiltration of their disk to another location

New API microversion for Create Image (createImage Action)

A new microversion will be added to the create image API to support ephemeral encryption options. Users will be able to choose how they want encryption of the new image snapshot to be handled. They can use the same key as the image being snapshotted (the default), have Nova generate a new key and use it to encrypt the image snapshot, provide their own key secret UUID to use to encrypt the image snapshot, or not encrypt the image snapshot at all.

Request for POST /servers/{server_id}/action with createImage








The UUID of the server.




The action to create a snapshot of the image or the volume(s) of the server.




The display name of an Image.

metadata (Optional)



Metadata key and value pairs for the image. The maximum size for each metadata key and value pair is 255 bytes.

encryption (Optional)



Encryption options for the image to create. These options apply only to encrypted local disks.




The key to use to encrypt the image snapshot. Valid values are:

  • same: Use the same key to encrypt the image snapshot. This is the default.

  • new: Generate a new key and use it to encrypt the image snapshot.

  • existing: The user will provide the UUID of an existing secret in the key manager service to use to encrypt the image snapshot.

  • none: Do not encrypt the image snapshot.

encryption.secret_uuid (Optional)



The UUID of the key manager service secret that was used to encrypt the image snapshot.

    "createImage" : {
        "name" : "foo-image",
        "metadata": {
            "meta_var": "meta_val"
        "encryption": {
            "key": "same|new|existing|none",
            "secret_uuid": "<secret uuid> if 'key' is 'existing', or absent"

Request choices for encryption.key:


Use the same key to encrypt the new disk image. This is the default.


Generate a new key to encrypt the new disk image.


Use the provided <secret uuid> to encrypt the new disk image.


Do not encrypt the new disk image.


Ceph release Quincy (v17) and older do not support creating a cloned image with an encryption key different from its parent. For this reason, the encryption.key request parameter with a value of new will not be supported with the rbd image backend for those versions of Ceph.

The plan if a user requests a snapshot with encryption.key and new and Ceph <= Quincy (v17), the snapshot server action will be marked as failed with a message that explains that new is not supported in the deployment.

See https://github.com/ceph/ceph/commit/1d3de19 for reference.

Response for POST /servers/{server_id}/action with createImage

(There will be no change to the response parameters.)









The UUID for the resulting image snapshot.

   "image_id": "0e7761dd-ee98-41f0-ba35-05994e446431",

Create Server Back Up (createBackup Action) API

The POST /servers/{server_id}/action API with createBackup will not be changed. Image snapshots created by this API will be encrypted using the same key.

Image metadata for image snapshots of encrypted disks

When an encrypted image snapshot is created, its image properties will be set to contain encryption information when Nova uploads it to Glance. There is a Glance spec proposed to establish a set of standardized image properties for all projects to use when working with encrypted Glance images:

  • os_encrypt_format - the main mechanism used, e.g. ‘LUKS’

  • os_encrypt_cipher - the cipher algorithm, e.g. ‘AES256’

  • os_encrypt_key_id - reference to key in the key manager

  • os_encrypt_key_deletion_policy - on image deletion indicates whether

    the key should be deleted too

  • os_decrypt_container_format - format after payload decryption, e.g.


  • os_decrypt_size - size after payload decryption

and will be used for snapshots of encrypted images in Nova.

When a new instance is created from an encrypted image, the image properties are passed down to the lower layers by their presence in the instance’s system metadata with image_ prefix. The system metadata is used because at the lower layers (where qemu-img convert is called, for example) we no longer have access to the image metadata and nontrivial refactoring to pass image metadata to several lower layer methods, or similar, would be required otherwise.

Snapshots created by shelving instances with ephemeral encryption

When an instance with ephemeral encryption is shelved, the existing root disk encryption secret is reused and will be used to unshelve the instance later. This is done to prevent a potential change in ownership of the root disk encryption secret in a scenario where an admin user shelves a non-admin user’s instance, for example. If a new secret were created owned by the admin user, the non-admin user who owns the instance would be unable to unshelve the instance.

This behavior could be avoided however if there is some way we could create a new encryption secret using the instance’s user and project rather than the shelver’s user and project. If that were possible, we would not need to reuse the encryption secret.

Rescue disk images created when the rescue image is encrypted

When rescuing an instance and an encrypted rescue image is specified, the rescue image secret UUID from the image property will be used to encrypt the rescue disk. A new key manager secret will not be created.

The rescue image secret is used because it will exist whether the instance has an encrypted root disk or not. It is technically possible to specify an encrypted rescue image for an instance that does not otherwise have encrypted local disks.

The rescue disk will be encrypted if and only if the rescue image is encrypted, with the objective of not creating unencrypted data at rest from data that is currently encrypted at rest.

The new virt driver secret will be created for the rescue disk and is deleted when the instance is unrescued.

Cleanup of ephemeral encryption secrets

Ephemeral encryption secrets are deleted from the key manager and the virt driver when the corresponding instance is deleted and its disks are destroyed.

Virt driver secrets may be created on destination hosts and deleted from source hosts as needed during instance migrations.

Key manager secrets are however only deleted when the disks associated with them are destroyed.

Encryption secrets that are created when a snapshot is created are never deleted by Nova. It would only be acceptable to delete the secret if and when the image snapshot is deleted from Glance. There is a os_encrypt_deletion_policy image property proposed in the standardized Glance image properties that Nova will set to tell Glance to go ahead and delete the key manager secret for the image at the same time the image is deleted.

BlockDeviceMapping changes

The BlockDeviceMapping object will be extended to include the following fields encapsulating some of the above information per ephemeral disk within the instance:


A simple boolean to indicate if the block device is encrypted. This will initially only be populated when ephemeral encryption is used but could easily be used for encrypted volumes as well in the future.


As the name suggests this will contain the UUID of the associated encryption secret for the disk. The type of secret used here will be specific to the encryption format and virt driver used, it should not be assumed that this will always been an symmetric key as is currently the case with all encrypted volumes provided by Cinder. For example, for luks based ephemeral storage this secret will be a passphrase.


This will contain the UUID of the associated encryption secret for the backing file for the disk in the case of qcow2.


A new BlockDeviceEncryptionFormatType enum and associated BlockDeviceEncryptionFormatTypeField field listing the encryption format. The available options being kept in line with the constants currently provided by os-brick and potentially merged in the future if both can share these types and fields somehow.


A simple unversioned dict of strings containing encryption options specific to the virt driver implementation, underlying hypervisor and format being used.


The encryption_options field may be used to store the encryption parameters that were used to create the disk such as cipher algorithm, cipher mode, and initialization vector generator algorithm.

The intention will be to be able to track the encryption attributes of each disk to aid in handling future upgrade scenarios such as removal of an algorithm or a change in a default in QEMU.

Populate ephemeral encryption BlockDeviceMapping attributes during build

When launching an instance with ephemeral encryption requested via either the image or flavor the BlockDeviceMapping.encrypted attribute will be set to True for each BlockDeviceMapping record with a destination_type value of local. This will happen after the original API BDM dicts have been transformed into objects within the Compute API but before scheduling the instance(s).

The encryption_format attribute will also take its value from the image or flavor if provided. Any differences or conflicts between the image and flavor for this will raise a 409 Conflict error being raised by the API.


A COMPUTE_EPHEMERAL_ENCRYPTION compute compatibility trait was introduced during Wallaby and will be reported by virt drivers to indicate overall support for ephemeral storage encryption using this new approach. This trait will always be used by pre-filter outlined in the following section when ephemeral encryption has been requested, regardless of any format being specified in the request, allowing the compute that eventually handles the request to select a format it supports using the [ephemeral_storage_encryption]/default_format configurable.

COMPUTE_EPHEMERAL_ENCRYPTION_$FORMAT compute compatibility traits were also added to os-traits during Wallaby and will be reported by virt drivers to indicate support for specific ephemeral storage encryption formats. For example:




These traits will only be used alongside the COMPUTE_EPHEMERAL_ENCRYPTION trait when the hw_ephemeral_encryption_format image property or hw:ephemeral_encryption_format extra spec have been provided in the initial request.

Introduce an ephemeral encryption request pre-filter

A new pre-filter will be introduced that adds the above traits as required to the request spec when the aforementioned image properties or flavor extra specs are provided. As outlined above this will always include the COMPUTE_EPHEMERAL_ENCRYPTION trait when ephemeral encryption has been requested and may optionally include one of the format specific traits if a format is included in the request.

Expose ephemeral encryption attributes via block_device_info

Once the BlockDeviceMapping objects have been updated and the instance scheduled to a compute the objects are transformed once again into a block_device_info dict understood by the virt layer that at present contains the following:


The root device path used by the instance.


A list of DriverEphemeralBlockDevice dict objects detailing the ephemeral disks attached to the instance. Note this does not include the initial image based disk used by the instance that is classified as an ephemeral disk in terms of the ephemeral encryption feature.


A list of DriverVol*BlockDevice dict objects detailing the volume based disks attached to the instance.


An optional DriverSwapBlockDevice dict object detailing the swap device.

For example:

    "root_device_name": "/dev/vda",
    "ephemerals": [
            "guest_format": null,
            "device_name": "/dev/vdb",
            "device_type": "disk",
            "size": 1,
            "disk_bus": "virtio"
    "block_device_mapping": [],
    "swap": {
        "swap_size": 1,
        "device_name": "/dev/vdc",
        "disk_bus": "virtio"

As noted above block_device_info does not provide a complete overview of the storage associated with an instance. In order for it to be useful in the context of ephemeral storage encryption we would need to extend the dict to always include information relating to local image based disks.

As such a new DriverImageBlockDevice dict class will be introduced covering image based block devices and provided to the virt layer via an additional image key within the block_device_info dict when the instance uses such a disk. As with the other Driver*BlockDevice dict classes this will proxy access to the underlying BlockDeviceMapping object allowing the virt layer to lookup the previously listed encrypted and encryption_* attributes.

While outside the scope of this spec the above highlights a huge amount of complexity and technical debt still residing in the codebase around how storage configurations are handled between the different layers. In the long term we should plan to remove block_device_info and replace it with direct access to BlockDeviceMapping based objects ensuring the entire configuration is always exposed to the virt layer.

Report that a disk is encrypted at rest through the metadata API

Extend the metadata API so that users can confirm that their ephemeral storage is encrypted at rest through the metadata API, accessible from within their instance.

    "devices": [
            "type": "nic",
            "bus": "pci",
            "address": "0000:00:02.0",
            "mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55",
            "tags": ["trusted"]
            "type": "disk",
            "bus": "virtio",
            "address": "0:0",
            "serial": "12352423",
            "path": "/dev/vda",
            "encrypted": "True"
            "type": "disk",
            "bus": "ide",
            "address": "0:0",
            "serial": "disk-vol-2352423",
            "path": "/dev/sda",
            "tags": ["baz"]

This should also be extended to cover disks provided by encrypted volumes but this is obviously out of scope for this implementation.

Block resize between flavors with different hw:ephemeral_encryption values

Ephemeral data is expected to persist through a resize and as such any resize between flavors that differed in their configuration of ephemeral encryption (one enabled, another disabled or formats etc) would cause us to convert this data in place. This isn’t trivial and so for this initial implementation resizing between flavors that differ will be blocked.

Support for resizing between flavors with different ephemeral encryption parameters is planned to be added in a separate patch later in the series.

Provide a migration path from the legacy implementation

New nova-manage and nova-status commands will be introduced to migrate any instances using the legacy libvirt virt driver implementation ahead of the removal of this in a future release.

The nova-manage command will ensure that any existing instances with ephemeral_key_uuid set will have their associated BlockDeviceMapping records updated to reference said secret key, the legacy_dmcrypt_plain encryption format and configured options on the host before clearing ephemeral_key_uuid.

Additionally the libvirt virt driver will also attempt to migrate instances with ephemeral_key_uuid set during spawn. This should allow at least some of the instances to be moved during the W release ahead of X.

The nova-status command will simply report on the existence of any instances with ephemeral_key_uuid set that do not have the corresponding BlockDeviceMapping attributes enabled etc.

Deprecate the now legacy implementation

The legacy implementation within the libvirt virt driver will be deprecated for removal in a future release once the ability to migrate is in place.


Continue to use the transparent host configurables and expand support to other encryption formats such as LUKS.

Data model impact

See above for the various flavor extra spec, image property, BlockDeviceMapping and DriverBlockDevice object changes.

REST API impact

  • A new API microversion will be created to add encryption options to the createImage server action API.

  • Flavor extra specs and image property validation will be introduced for the any ephemeral encryption provided options.

  • Attempts to resize between flavors that differ in their ephemeral encryption options will be rejected.

  • Attempts to rebuild between images that differ in their ephemeral encryption options will be allowed by the user who owns the instance. Requests to rebuild between images that differ in their ephemeral encryption options will be rejected. This is to prevent a change in the ownership of secrets for the instance disks.

  • The metadata API will be changed to allow users to determine if their ephemeral storage is encrypted as discussed above.

Security impact

This should hopefully be positive given the unique secret per disk and user visible choice regarding how their ephemeral storage is encrypted at rest.

Additionally this should allow additional virt drivers to support ephemeral storage encryption while also allowing the libvirt virt driver to increase coverage of the feature across more image backends such as qcow2 and rbd.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact

Users may be able to opt-in to ephemeral storage encryption being used by their instances through their choice of image or flavor.

Performance Impact

The additional pre-filter will add a small amount of overhead when scheduling instances but this should fail fast if ephemeral encryption is not requested through the image or flavor.

The performance impact of increased use of ephemeral storage encryption by instances is left to be discussed in the virt driver specific specs as this will vary between hypervisors.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact

Virt driver developers will be able to indicate support for specific ephemeral storage encryption formats using the newly introduced compute compatibility traits.

Upgrade impact

The compute traits should ensure that requests to schedule instances using ephemeral storage encryption with mixed computes (N-1 and N) will work during a rolling upgrade.

As discussed earlier in the spec future upgrades will need to provide a path for existing ephemeral storage encryption users to migrate from the legacy implementation. This should be trivial but may require an additional grenade based job in CI during the W cycle to prove out the migration path.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Feature Liaison

Feature liaison:


Work Items

  • Introduce hw_ephemeral_encryption image properties and hw:ephemeral_encryption flavor extra specs.

  • Introduce a new encrypted. encryption_secret_uuid, backing_encryption_secret_uuid, encryption_format and encryption_options attributes to the BlockDeviceMapping Object.

  • Wire up the new BlockDeviceMapping object attributes through the Driver*BlockDevice layer and block_device_info dict.

  • Report ephemeral storage encryption through the metadata API.

  • Introduce new nova-manage and nova-status commands to allow existing users to migrate to this new implementation. This should however be blocked outside of testing until a virt driver implementation is landed.

  • Validate all of the above in functional tests ahead of any virt driver implementation landing.




At present without a virt driver implementation this will be tested entirely within our unit and functional test suites.

Once a virt driver implementation is available additional integration tests in Tempest and whitebox tests can be written.

Testing of the migration path from the legacy implementation will require an additional grenade job but this will require the libvirt virt driver implementation to be completed first.

Documentation Impact

  • The new host configurables, flavor extra specs and image properties should be documented.

  • New user documentation should be written covering the overall use of the feature from a Nova point of view.

  • Reference documentation around BlockDeviceMapping objects etc should be updated to make note of the new encryption attributes.




Release Name










2023.1 Antelope


2023.2 Bobcat


2024.1 Caracal


2024.2 Dalmatian
