Enhancement of CNF operations using Helm Chart



Problem description

This specification focuses on enhancing Tacker’s Helm Chart handling, as shown below.

  1. When deploying a CNF using the Helm Chart, the initial number of Pods should be determined by the instantiationLevel parameter. However, the current v1 LCM API for CNF ignores this parameter. [1] This specification supports the instantiationLevel parameter to determine the initial number of Pods.

  2. In the current implementation, only the v1 API supports the Instantiate/Terminate CNFs using the Helm Chart. This specification proposes supporting CNF operations using Helm Chart in the v2 API.

  3. In the case of building a Kubernetes cluster according to “How to Install Helm to Kubernetes Cluster and Deploy CNF using Helm Chart”, [1] Tacker automatically configures MasterNode to use HelmChart and stores relevant access information in TackerDB. On the other hand, in the case of using an external Kubernetes cluster, access information needs to be set in Tacker DB manually. To remove this constraint, this specification enhances openstack vim register command and API to handle extra field.


    The following is an example of manually registering access information of MasterNode to TackerDB.

    $ mysql
    mysql> use tacker;
    mysql> update vims set extra=json_object('helm_info', '{"masternode_ip": [""], "masternode_username": "root", "masternode_password": "root"}') where id="355a5b1c-4b7b-410c-8e2c-9d099d1f14f1";

Proposed Change

Support instantiation level

This specification proposes adding the process of calculating the number of VNFCs to be instantiated from the instantiationLevelId parameter and the replica count parameter defined in VNFD.

Parameters for determining the number of pods to be started are described in the VNFD.

The required parameters are listed below. [2]

  • topology_template.policies.instantiation_levels (type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels)

  • topology_template.policies.vdu1_initial_delta (type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta)

  • topology_template.policies.vdu1_scaling_aspect_deltas (type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas)

The logic for calculating the number of pods is as follows:

  1. Extract the value of scale_level corresponding to the instantiationLevelId described in instantiation_levels

  2. “Number of Pods to Launch” = vdu1_initial_delta + ( scale_level * vdu1_scaling_aspect_deltas )

The diagram below shows the CNF instantiation using Helm Chart.

                                                           +------+ +------------+
                                                           | VNFD | | Helm Chart |
                                                           |      | |            |
                                                           +-+----+ ++-----------+
                                                             |       |
                                                           +-v-------v-+           +----------------------+
                                                           |           |           | Instantiate          |
                                                           | CSAR      |           | VNF request with     |
                                                           |           |           | instantiationLevelId |
                                                           +-----+-----+           +----------------+-----+
                                                                 |                                  |
   +-----------------------+                                     +--------------+                   |
   | CNF with Helm Chart   |                 1. Request with                    |                   |
   |                       |                    Helm Chart                      |                   |
   |                       |                  (with instantiationLevelId) +-------------------------------+
   |  +------+   +------+  |                                              |     |                   |     |
   |  | Pod  |   | Pod  |  |                                              |  +--v-------------------v--+  |
   |  |      |   |      |  <--------------------+                         |  |                         |  |
   |  +------+   +------+  |                    |                         |  |      TackerServer       |  |
   |                       |                    |                         |  |                         |  |
   +-----------------------+                    |                         |  +------+------------------+  |
                                                |                         |         |                     |
+--------------------------------------------------------+                |  +-------------------------+  |
| Kubernetes cluster VNF                        |        |                |  |      |  TackerConductor |  |
|                                               |        |                |  |      |                  |  |
|  +-----------------------+  +-----------------------+  |                |  |  +---v---------------+  |  |
|  |        Worker         |  |        Master   |     |  |                |  |  | VnflcmDriver      |  |  |
|  |                       |  |                 |     |  |                |  |  | (V1/V2)           |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +--------------+--+  |  |                |  |  +---+---------------+  |  |
|  |                       |  |  | kubelet         |  |  |                |  |      |                  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +--------------^--+  |  |                |  |  +---v---------------+  |  |
|  |                       |  |                 |     |  |                |  |  | Kubernetes        |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +--------------+--+  |  |                |  |  | InfraDriver       |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  | Helm            |  |  |                |  |  |                   |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +-----------------+  |  |                |  |  |  +-------------+  |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  | Helm cli        <-------------------------------+ Helm client |  |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +-----------------+  |  |                |  |  |  +-------------+  |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  | Helm Repository |  |  |                |  |  |                   |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +-----------------+  |  | 2. Send        |  |  +-------------------+  |  |
|  |                       |  |                       |  |    Helm Chart  |  |                         |  |
|  +-----------------------+  +-----------------------+  |    files with  |  +-------------------------+  |
|                                                        |    Helm cli    |                               |
+--------------------------------------------------------+    via SSH     +-------------------------------+
                                                              and deployment instructions
  1. TackerServer receives an Instantiate VNF request with the instantiationLevelId parameter.

  2. The KubernetesInfraDriver calculates the number of pods to launch from the InstantiationLevelId, then send Helm Chart files with Helm cli via SSH. The KubernetesInfraDriver sends deployment instructions.

Following sequence diagram describes CNF instantiation with Helm Chart:

  1. Tacker-server receives an Instantiate VNF request with instantiationLevelId in its parameter.

  2. Tacker-server sends instantiate VNF request to Tacker-conductor.

  3. Tacker-conductor sends instantiate VNF request to VnfLcmDriver(V1/V2)

  4. VnfLcmDriver(V1/V2) sends a request to the KubernetesInfraDriver to apply deployment.

  5. KubernetesInfraDriver gets VNFPackage information from TackerDB.

  6. KubernetesInfraDriver calculates the number of Pods to launch according the logic described above.

  7. KubernetesInfraDriver gets MasterNode access information from TackerDB.

  8. KubernetesInfraDriver sends an instruction to deploy the Pod using Helm Chart with the calculated number of Pods as a parameter.

  9. KubernetesInfraDriver gets manifest information from MasterNode.

  10. KubernetesInfraDriver saves manifest information as vnf_resource to TackerDB.

  11. KubernetesInfraDriver gets pod information from KubernetesDB.

  12. KubernetesInfraDriver saves pod information to TackerDB.


Saving manifest information as vnf_resource is performed only in the case of v1. v2 does not have vnf_resource data because it is Tacker’s original data model not defined by NFV standard.

Sample VNFD file

The parameters for calculating the initial number of pods such as tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels defined by ETSI NFV-SOL001 [2] are described in the VNFD.

Following shows a sample VNFD file.

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_2

description: Sample CNF with helmchart

  - etsi_nfv_sol001_common_types.yaml
  - etsi_nfv_sol001_vnfd_types.yaml
  - ipvlanpod1_vnfd_types.yaml

      type: company.provider.VNF
        flavour_description: A flavour for single resources

      type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
        name: ipvlanpod-ipvlanpod1
        description: kubernetes resource as VDU1
          min_number_of_instances: 1
          max_number_of_instances: 3

    - vdu1_initial_delta:
        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduInitialDelta
            number_of_instances: 1
        targets: [ VDU1 ]

    - vdu1_scaling_aspect_deltas:
        type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
          aspect: vdu1_aspect
              number_of_instances: 1
        targets: [ VDU1 ]

    - instantiation_levels:
        type: tosca.policies.nfv.InstantiationLevels
              description: Smallest size
                  scale_level: 0
              description: Largest size
                  scale_level: 2
          default_level: instantiation_level_1

Sample request parameters

InstantiateVnfRequest allows Client to specify the following common parameter for the v1 and v2 APIs.

Attribute name

Parameter description


Set instantiation level for number of running Pod

When using the Helm chart, The value of additionalParams.helm_replica_values needs to be contained in InstantiateVnfRequest. This parameter indicates the parameter name of the number of pods described in the helm chart. Client have to specify it according to the Helm chart used in the LCM.

Following shows a sample request body for v1 Instantiate:

  "flavourId": "simple",
  "instantiationLevelId": "instantiation_level_1",
  "additionalParams": {
    "namespace": "default",
    "use_helm": "true",
    "using_helm_install_param": [
        "exthelmchart": "false",
        "helmreleasename": "vdu1",
        "helmparameter": [
        "helmchartfile_path": "Files/kubernetes/localhelm-0.1.0.tgz"
    "helm_replica_values": {
      "vdu1_aspect": "replicaCount"
    "vdu_mapping": {
      "VDU1": {
        "kind": "Deployment",
        "name": "vdu1-localhelm",
        "helmreleasename": "vdu1"
  "vimConnectionInfo": [
      "id": "817954e4-c321-4a31-ae06-cedcc4ddb85c",
      "vimId": "690edc6b-7581-48d8-9ac9-910c2c3d7c02",
      "vimType": "kubernetes"


There is a difference between v1 and v2 in the vimConnectionInfo data type. vimConnectionInfo.id exists in only v1. v2 vimConnectionInfo is map structure instead of including id parameter.

Support CNF instantiate/terminate in v2 API using Helm Chart

This specification proposes supporting the Helm chart in V2 API.


The v1 API for CNF Instantiate/Terminate operations using the Helm Chart has already been supported according to the specification, “Support Helm Chart for Kubernetes VIM.” [3]

v2 API architecture for using Helm Chart

The v2 API has an architectural change from the v1 API. In the v1 API architecture, Helm is installed on Kubernetes master node and Tacker uses it via SSH. However, this architecture complicated the authentication process. It requires Tacker to manage two authentication points, Kubernetes for using API directly and its Host for SSH access.

To address this issue, the v2 API architecture installs Helm inside VNFM. Since this change unifies the interface between VNFM and VIM into the Kubernetes API, it simplifies the authentication process.

The following shows the each architecture.

  • v1 API architecture for using Helm Chart

    The diagram is described in the previous section

  • v2 API architecture for using Helm Chart
                                                                        +------+ +------------+
                                                                        | VNFD | | Helm chart |
                                                                        |      | |            |
                                                                        +-+----+ ++-----------+
                                                                          |       |
                                                                        +-v-------v-+ +-----------------+
                                                                        |           | | Instantiation   |
                                                                        | CSAR      | | Request with    |
                                                                        |           | | additionalParam |
                                                                        +-----+-----+ +-----------+-----+
                                                                              |                   |
       +-----------------------+                                              |  1. Request with  |
       | CNF with Helm chart   |                                              |     Helm chart    |
       |                       |                     +--------------------------------------------------+
       |  +------+   +------+  |                     | Tacker Host            |                   |     |
       |  | Pod  |   | Pod  |  |                     |                     +--v-------------------v--+  |
       |  |      |   |      |  <-------+             |                     |                         |  |
       |  +------+   +------+  |       |             |                     |      TackerServer       |  |
       |                       |       |             |                     |                         |  |
       +-----------------------+       |             |                     +------+------------------+  |
                                       |             |                            |                     |
    +-------------------------------------------+    |                     +-------------------------+  |
    | Kubernetes cluster VNF           |        |    |                     |      |  TackerConductor |  |
    |                                  |        |    |                     |      |                  |  |
    |  +----------+  +-----------------------+  |    |                     |  +---v---------------+  |  |
    |  |  Worker  |  |        Master   |     |  |    |                     |  | VnflcmDriver      |  |  |
    |  |          |  |                 |     |  |    |                     |  |                   |  |  |
    |  |          |  |                 |     |  |    |                     |  +---+---------------+  |  |
    |  |          |  |                 |     |  |    |                     |      |                  |  |
    |  |          |  |                 |     |  |    |                     |  +---v---------------+  |  |
    |  |          |  |                 |     |  |    | 2. Operate Helm cli |  | Kubernetes        |  |  |
    |  |          |  |  +--------------+--+  |  |    | +--------------+--+ |  | InfraDriver       |  |  |
    |  |          |  |  | kube-apiserver  <------------+ Helm            | |  |   |               |  |  |
    |  |          |  |  +-----------------+  |  |    | +-----------------+ |  | +-v-----------+   |  |  |
    |  |          |  |                       |  |    | | Helm cli        <------+ Helm client |   |  |  |
    |  |          |  |                       |  |    | +-----------------+ |  | +-------------+   |  |  |
    |  |          |  |                       |  |    | | Helm Repository | |  |                   |  |  |
    |  |          |  |                       |  |    | +-----------------+ |  +-------------------+  |  |
    |  |          |  |                       |  |    |                     |                         |  |
    |  +----------+  +-----------------------+  |    |                     +-------------------------+  |
    |                                           |    |                                                  |
    +-------------------------------------------+    +--------------------------------------------------+

Instantiate CNF for v2 API using Helm Chart

The v2 API implementation follows the v1 API implementation including the following process:

  1. Check parameter

  2. Register Helm repository or send Helm Chart files

  3. Create container using Helm Chart

  4. Get resource information and update VnfInstance in TackerDB

Terminate CNF for v2 API using Helm Chart

The v2 API implementation follows the v1 API implementation including the following process:

  1. Delete container using Helm Chart

  2. Delete Helm repository or delete Helm Chart files

  3. Update VnfInstance in TackerDB

Support for vimConnectionInfo.extra field

This specification proposes adding following features.

  • Support the openstack vim register command with the config file (vim config) including extra parameter. It handles the extra field in the TackerDB.

  • Support the extra parameter specified in InstantiateVnfRequest.vimConnectionInfo when running CNF Instantiate with Helm chart in v1 API.

Vim config sample

The following shows a sample configuration file (vim config) including the extra parameter for the openstack vim register command.

auth_url: ""
bearer_token: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ild2VTJCWDRMc2poR0hTSDhmNGMtMjRxdThkcUw4MlozbV9kcXNpRmg0bzQifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJrdWJlcm5ldGVzL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9uYW1lc3BhY2UiOiJkZWZhdWx0Iiwia3ViZXJuZXRlcy5pby9zZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudC9zZWNyZXQubmFtZSI6ImRlZmF1bHQtdG9rZW4tbjk2bDIiLCJrdWJlcm5ldGVzLmlvL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50L3NlcnZpY2UtYWNjb3VudC5uYW1lIjoiZGVmYXVsdCIsImt1YmVybmV0ZXMuaW8vc2VydmljZWFjY291bnQvc2VydmljZS1hY2NvdW50LnVpZCI6IjFjODZmNzZjLWEwZTktNDBhNC05ZjcyLTMwMGY4YzJjYzY2MyIsInN1YiI6InN5c3RlbTpzZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudDpkZWZhdWx0OmRlZmF1bHQifQ.D0vcn61G9cdzQvruTisbhR3LLkMghj3fqQDs8KNgJifR_OpbgeLqHuHRxS-WA9yJ5pM8hmMNpyHi5_6BFVOnRnBTiNYgXwrVxBL7R62vXeeBeWlY_072SaDwutbXvCIXo4yl1MTqpWRl3YuoeAb_Js-HJA2gCavymTAFcESlt8EZDtp-AN4_QN1eIPGlQcWAfVrFP5xgIMpDZNFjWCS2n7TKNbXJ3U-vksZ8sBdBYqRtzmOHrJCI6KI85LmXKWCxo5KSsq54JsIj4iDjS-yL5MOQ-ClAVOAlnyMH-_EmkpO25LKhuYPCIUxSy6XddUv7-zR3-nNk9T9ifl5Rhy8B8w"
ssl_ca_cert: "None"
project_name: "default"
type: "kubernetes"
    - ""
    masternode_username: "helm_user"
    masternode_password: "helm_pass"

Input Parameter sample

The following shows a sample input parameters for v1 Instantiate including the vimConnectionInfo.extra for the openstack vnflcm instantiate command. As described in the previous section, the difference between v1 and v2 is in the vimConnectionInfo.

  "flavourId": "simple",
  "additionalParams": {
    "namespace": "default",
    "use_helm": "true",
    "using_helm_install_param": [
        "exthelmchart": "false",
        "helmreleasename": "vdu1",
        "helmparameter": [
        "helmchartfile_path": "Files/kubernetes/localhelm-0.1.0.tgz"
    "helm_replica_values": {
      "vdu1_aspect": "replicaCount"
    "vdu_mapping": {
      "VDU1": {
        "kind": "Deployment",
        "name": "vdu1-localhelm",
        "helmreleasename": "vdu1"
  "vimConnectionInfo": [
      "id": "817954e4-c321-4a31-ae06-cedcc4ddb85c",
      "vimId": "690edc6b-7581-48d8-9ac9-910c2c3d7c02",
      "vimType": "kubernetes",
      "extra": {
        "helm_info": {
          "masternode_ip": [
          "masternode_username": "helm_user",
          "masternode_password": "helm_pass"

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Hirofumi Noguchi <hirofumi.noguchi.rs@hco.ntt.co.jp>

Other contributors:

Hideki Matsuda <matsuda.hideki1@fujitsu.com>

Ayumu Ueha <ueha.ayumu@fujitsu.com>

Yoshiyuki Katada <katada.yoshiyuk@fujitsu.com>

Yusuke Niimi <niimi.yusuke@fujitsu.com>

Work Items

  • Add new unit and functional tests.




Unit and functional tests will be added to cover cases required in this specification.

Documentation Impact

