Support Helm chart for Kubernetes VIM

Problem description

Tacker Wallaby release supports Kubernetes resource files as Managed Container Infrastructure Object Package (MCIOP) in VNF Lifecycle Management for CNF. On the other hand, Helm chart should be also supported as MCIOP due to the trend of cloud-native application development.

This specification proposes new interface for Kubernetes VIM with Helm chart. It enables users to include Helm chart files in their VNF Packages and instantiate, scale-out/in, and heal CNF.

Proposed Change

When Users manage Kubernetes cluster as VNF instance with ETSI NFV-SOL003 VNF Lifecycle Management, it must also update MgmtDriver to support Helm chart. Otherwise, Users need to install and configure Helm chart environment in their Kubernetes cluster.

This spec describes how to change MgmtDriver sample in Tacker repository [1] and what to be changed in CNF operations such as Instantiate, Scale, and Heal.

The following changes are required in MgmtDriver for Kubernetes cluster VNF:

  1. Instantiate Kubernetes Cluster VNF

    • Add new logic to install Helm related packages in instantiate_end method.

    • Store Master nodes SSH connection info into VIM table and VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo in instantiate_end method.


    HA Master nodes described in the spec “Support HA Kubernetes Master deployment with MgmtDriver” [2] may not be supported due to the challenge of how to manage plural connection info.

  2. Heal Master node in Kubernetes Cluster VNF

    • Add new logic to install Helm related packages in heal_end method.

  3. Heal entire Kubernetes Cluster VNF

    • Store new Master nodes SSH connection info into VIM table and VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo in heal_end method.

The following changes are required for CNF operations:

  1. CNF common operations

    • Detects Helm chart mode according to InstantiateVnfRequest.vimConnectionInfo in Kubernetes InfraDriver.

    • Implement Helm chart client.

  2. CNF Instantiate

    • Register Helm chart to Helm repository.

    • Call Helm chart client from Kubernetes InfraDriver.

    • Store deployed Kubernetes resources info in Helm chart to Database.

  3. CNF Terminate

    • Deregister Helm chart from Helm repository.

    • Call Helm chart client from Kubernetes InfraDriver.

  4. CNF Scale

    • Call Helm chart client from Kubernetes InfraDriver.


    The Scale operation may need to use Kubernetes PythonClient other than Helm chart client. The number of replicas may not be exposed in values.yaml in Helm chart. In this case, Tacker needs to store the same Database as the case of Kubernetes Python Client in Instantiate operation.

  5. CNF Heal

    • Call Helm chart client from Kubernetes InfraDriver


    The Heal operation may need to use Kubernetes PythonClient other than Helm chart client. Helm cli doesn’t support Heal operations. In this case, Tacker needs to store the same Database as the case of Kubernetes Python Client in Instantiate operation.

Instantiate Kubernetes Cluster VNF

                                     +--------------+ +---------+
                                     | Helm         | |         |
                                     | Install      | |  VNFD   |
                                     | Script       | |         |
                                     +-------+------+ +-+-------+
                                             |          |
                                             +-----v    v     +---------------+
                                                +----------+  | Instantiation |
                                                |          |  | Request       |
                                                |   CSAR   |  | Additional    |
                                                |          |  | Params        |
                                                +----+-----+  +-+-------------+
                                                     |          |
                                                     |          |
                                               |     v          v         VNFM |
                                               |  +-------------------+        |
                                               |  |   Tackerserver    |        |
                                               |  +-------+-----------+        |
                                               |          |                    |
                                               |          v                    |
           2. Kubernetes Cluster               |  +----------------------+     |
              & Helm Installation              |  |    +-------------+   |     |
        +-------------+------------------------+--+----| MgmtDriver  |   |     |
        |             |                        |  |    +-------------+   |     |
+-------|-------------|------------+           |  |                      |     |
|       |             |            |           |  |                      |     |
|  +----|------+  +---|-------+    |           |  |                      |     |
|  |    v      |  |   v       |    |           |  |    +-------------+   |     |
|  |  +------+ |  | +------+  |    | 1. Create |  |    |OpenStack    |   |     |
|  |  |Worker| |  | |Master|  |<---------------+--+----|Infra Driver |   |     |
|  |  +------+ |  | +------+  |    |    VMs    |  |    +-------------+   |     |
|  |    VM     |  |   VM      |    |           |  |                      |     |
|  +-----------+  +-----------+    |           |  |                      |     |
+----------------------------------+           |  |      Tacker Conductor|     |
+----------------------------------+           |  +----------------------+     |
|       Hardware Resources         |           |                               |
+----------------------------------+           +-------------------------------+

The diagram shows Instantiate operation of Kubernetes cluster VNF. When MgmtDriver invokes instantiate_end, following steps are added:

  1. MgmtDriver uses a shell script to install Helm.

  2. MgmtDriver add Master node access information to TackerDB as VIM and VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo.

Following sequence diagram describes the components involved and the flow of install Helm with MgmtDriver operation:

The procedure consists of the following steps as illustrated in above sequence.

  1. Client sends an instantiate request.

  2. It is basically the same with the spec “Support deploying Kubernetes cluster with MgmtDriver” [3].

  3. The following processes will be added in instantiate_end.

    1. MgmtDriver installs Helm on the new Master nodes by a shell script.

      1. Access to Master nodes via SSH

      2. Copy the script files from “helm_installation_script_path” to the Master nodes.

      3. Run the scripts.

    2. MgmtDriver adds Master node access information to VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo.

Sample request parameters

The following parameters are required in InstantiateVnfRequest for Helm chart support.

Attribute name

Parameter description


File path of the script file to install Helm.

Following is a sample of request body:

  "flavourId": "ha_k8s_install",
  "extVirtualLinks": [
      "id": "net0",
      "resourceId": "f0c82461-36b5-4d86-8322-b0bc19cda65f",
      "extCps": [
          "cpdId": "CP1",
          "cpConfig": [
              "cpProtocolData": [
                  "layerProtocol": "IP_OVER_ETHERNET"
  "additionalParams": {
    "lcm-operation-user-data": "./UserData/",
    "lcm-operation-user-data-class": "SampleUserData",
    "k8s_cluster_installation_param": {
      "script_path": "Scripts/",
      "vim_name": "kubernetes_vim_all_param",
      "master_node": {
        "aspect_id": "master_instance",
        "ssh_cp_name": "CP1",
        "username": "ubuntu",
        "password": "ubuntu",
        "pod_cidr": "",
        "cluster_cidr": "",
        "cluster_cp_name": "vrrp_CP"
      "worker_node": {
        "aspect_id": "worker_instance",
        "ssh_cp_name": "CP2",
        "username": "ubuntu",
        "password": "ubuntu"
      "proxy": {
        "http_proxy": "http://user1:password1@host1:port1",
        "https_proxy": "https://user2:password2@host2:port2",
        "no_proxy": ","
      "helm_installation_script_path": "Scripts/"
  "vimConnectionInfo": [
      "id": "8a3adb69-0784-43c7-833e-aab0b6ab4470",
      "vimId": "8d8373fe-6977-49ff-83ac-7756572ed186",
      "vimType": "openstack"

Sample Database table for Helm chart support

The following parameters are stored in extra field of VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo as access info to Master node. This extra field is defined as key/value pair in ETSI NFV-SOL003 v2.6.1 [4].

Attribute name

Parameter description


Access information to install Helm in Master nodes.

> masternode_ip

IP address of Master node.

> masternode_username

Username for SSH login to Master node.

> masternode_password

Password for SSH login to Master node.

Sample of the table stored in the database:

  "vim_type": "kubernetes",
  "access_info": {
    "username": "some-username",
    "password": "some-password",
    "bearer_token": "value of bearer token",
    "ssl_ca_cert_hash": "hash value of ssl ca certification",
    "certificate_key": "value of certificate key"
  "interface_info": {
  "extra": {
    "helm_info": {
        "masternode_ip": "",
        "masternode_username": "user1",
        "masternode_password": "password",

Heal Kubernetes Cluster VNF for Helm chart support

Required change is limited in heal_end method of MgmtDriver. Tacker supports VNFC Heal operation with SOL002 and VNF Heal operation with SOL003. In both cases, a similar process in Instantiate operation is added.

Heal Master node with SOL002

The following processes will be added in heal_end.

  1. MgmtDriver installs Helm on the new Master nodes by a shell script.

    1. Access to Master nodes via SSH

    2. Copy the script files from “helm_installation_script_path” to the Master nodes.

    3. Run the scripts.

  2. MgmtDriver deletes access information of healed Master nodes and adds new ones to VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo.

Heal entire Kubernetes Cluster VNF

This case follows the same logic in Terminate and Instantiate operations. It is worth noting that VIM and VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo table should be updated with new Kubernetes Cluster information.

Instantiate CNF with Helm chart

The diagram below shows the Instantiate operation with Helm chart:

                                                                          +------+ +------------+
                                                                          | VNFD | | Helm chart |
                                                                          |      | |            |
                                                                          +-+----+ ++-----------+
                                                                            |       |
                                                                          +-v-------v-+ +-----------------+
                                                                          |           | | Instantiation   |
                                                                          | CSAR      | | Request with    |
                                                                          |           | | additionalParam |
                                                                          +-----+-----+ +-----------+-----+
                                                                                |                   |
   +-----------------------+                                                    |  1. Request with  |
   | CNF with Helm chart   |                                                    |     Helm chart    |
   |                       |                                              +-------------------------------+
   |  +------+   +------+  |                                              |     |                   |     |
   |  | Pod  |   | Pod  |  |                                              |  +--v-------------------v--+  |
   |  |      |   |      |  <--------------------+                         |  |                         |  |
   |  +------+   +------+  |                    |                         |  |      TackerServer       |  |
   |                       |                    |                         |  |                         |  |
   +-----------------------+                    |                         |  +------+------------------+  |
                                                |                         |         |                     |
+--------------------------------------------------------+                |  +-------------------------+  |
| Kubernetes cluster VNF                        |        |                |  |      |  TackerConductor |  |
|                                               |        |                |  |      |                  |  |
|  +-----------------------+  +-----------------------+  |                |  |  +---v---------------+  |  |
|  |        Worker         |  |        Master   |     |  |                |  |  | VnflcmDriver      |  |  |
|  |                       |  |                 |     |  |                |  |  |                   |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +--------------+--+  |  |                |  |  +---+---------------+  |  |
|  |                       |  |  | kubectl         |  |  |                |  |      |                  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +--------------^--+  |  |                |  |  +---v---------------+  |  |
|  |                       |  |                 |     |  |                |  |  | Kubernetes        |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +--------------+--+  |  |                |  |  | InfraDriver       |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  | Helm            |  |  | 3. Helm cli    |  |  |                   |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +-----------------+  |  |    via SSH     |  |  |  +-------------+  |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  | Helm cli        <-------+-----------------------+ Helm client |  |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +-----------------+  |  | |              |  |  |  +-------------+  |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  | Helm Repository <-------+              |  |  |                   |  |  |
|  |                       |  |  +-----------------+  |  | 2. Register    |  |  +-------------------+  |  |
|  |                       |  |                       |  |    repository  |  |                         |  |
|  +-----------------------+  +-----------------------+  |    with Helm   |  +-------------------------+  |
|                                                        |    cli via SSH |                               |
+--------------------------------------------------------+                +-------------------------------+
  1. The KubernetesInfraDriver registers Helm charts using Helm cli to the Helm repository.

  2. The KubernetesInfraDriver creates Kubernetes resource using Helm cli.

Following sequence diagram describes CNF instantiation with Helm chart:

  1. The Client sends an instantiate request.

  2. No changes from existing implementation until Kubernetes InfraDriver is invoked.

  3. The Kubernetes InfraDriver performs the following steps.

    1. Determine “use_helm” parameter in the InstantiateVnfRequest.

    2. Get Master node access information from VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo.extra in Tacker Database.

    3. (Optional: “exthelmchart” == “false”) Get Helm chart from VNF Package and forward it to the Master node.

      scp /<helmchartfile_path> <masternode username>@<masternode_ip>:/var/tacker/helm/<vnf_instance_id>


      • <helmchartfile_path>: Path of Helm chart files in the request.

      • <masternode_username>: Username of Master node for SSH login stored in VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo.

      • <masternode_ip>: IP address of Master node stored in VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo.

      • <vnf_instance_id>: ID of VNF instance provided in TackerAPI requests.

      Extract the forwarded package file on Master node.

      tar -xzf /var/tacker/helm/<vnf_instance_id>/<chartfilepackage>


      • <chartfilepackage>: Forwarded .tgz package file name, which will be obtained from <helmchartfile_path>.

    4. (Optional: “exthelmchart” == “true”) Get target Helm chart from repository.

      helm repo add <helmrepositoryname> <repositoryURL>


      • <helmrepositoryname>: Directory name specified as the name of repository. This parameter is provided by “helmrepositoryname” field in additionalParams.

      • <repositoryURL>: This parameter specifies “exthelmrepo_url” of request parameter or URL of local repository otherwise.

    5. Instantiate CNF via Helm cli.

      If “exthelmchart” is “true”,

      helm install <helmreleasename> <helmrepositoryname>/<helmchartname> --namespace <namespace> <helmparameter>

      If “exthelmchart” is “false”,

      helm install <helmreleasename> /var/tacker/helm/<vnf_instance_id>/<extracted_package>


      • <namespace>: This parameter is obtained from the “namespace” of request parameter. If it is not set in the “namespace” of request parameter, this parameter is not set.

      • <helmchartname>: This parameter is obtained from the “helmchartname” of the request parameter.

      • <helmreleasename>: This parameter is obtained from the “helmreleasename” of request parameter and set.

      • <helmparameter>: This parameter is obtained from the “helmparameter” of request parameter and set. Those parameters must be added with --set flag in helm install cli command.

      • <extracted_package>: This parameter will be a directory name extracted from <chartfilepackage>.

    6. Get Kubernetes resource files.

      helm get manifest <helmreleasename>


      • <helmreleasename>: This parameter is obtained from the “helmreleasename” of request parameter and set.

    7. Save Kubernetes resource in TackerDB.


      The data table should be generated in the same manner with Python client.

    8. Get and update the status of deployed resources.

Request data for CNF instantiate using Helm chart

The following parameters will be required to instantiate CNF with Helm chart. These are specified in additionalParams, which is defined as KeyValuePairs in ETSI NFV-SOL003 v2.6.1 [4].

Attribute name

Data type

Parameter description



Namespace to deploy Kubernetes resources. If absent, the value in Helm chart is used as default.



If “true”, Kubernetes InfraDriver utilizes Helm client, otherwise, Kubernetes Python client is used. true: with Helm, false: without Helm



Parameters for the step related to Helm chart. Shall be present if “use_helm” is “true”.

> exthelmchart


If true, Helm chart is not in VNF Package. true: external Helm chart, false: in VNF Package

> helmchartfile_path


Path of Helm chart files in VNF Package. Shall be present if “exthelmchart” is “false”.

> helmreleasename


Name of release as instance of Helm chart.

> helmparameter


Parameters of KeyValuePairs, which is specified during Helm installation.

> helmrepostitoryname


Helm repository name. Shall be present if “exthelmchart” is “true”.

> helmchartname


Helm chart name. Shall be present if “exthelmchart” is “true”.

> exthelmrepo_url


URL of external Helm repository. Shall be present if “exthelmchart” is “true”.

The following sample shows a request body with the case of exthelmchart is “true”:

  "additionalParams": {
    "namespace": "namespaceA",
    "use_helm": "true",
    "using_helm_install_param": [
        "exthelmchart": "true",
        "helmreleasename": "myrelease",
        "helmparameter": [
        "helmrepositoryname": "mychart",
        "helmchartname": "example",
        "exthelmrepo_url": ""

The following sample shows a request body with the case of exthelmchart is “false”:

  "additionalParams": {
    "namespace": "namespaceA",
    "use_helm": "true",
    "using_helm_install_param": [
        "exthelmchart": "false",
        "helmchartfile_path": "Files/kubernetes/example-0.1.0.tgz",
        "helmreleasename": "myrelease",
        "helmparameter": [

Terminate CNF with Helm chart

In the Terminate operation for CNF, Kubernetes InfraDriver performs the following steps to deregister Helm chart from repository and to delete Kubernetes resources. In other parts, no change is required.

  1. Get Helm chart related information from VnfInstance.vimConnectionInfo.

  2. Delete Kubernetes resources via Helm cli.

    helm uninstall <helmreleasename>


    • <helmreleasename>: This parameter is obtained from the “Additional Params” table in TackerDB.

    Discussion: It might be better to use other tables because additionalParams should not be in Tacker DB according to ETSI NFV-SOL003 VnfInstance.instantiatedVnfInfo.

  3. (Optional: “exthelmchart” == “true”) Delete the Helm repository.

    helm repo remove <helmrepositoryname>


    Discussion: It might be better to use other tables because additionalParams should not be in Tacker DB according to ETSI NFV-SOL003 VnfInstance.instantiatedVnfInfo.

  4. KubernetesInfraDriver deletes Helm chart. This processing is executed if “exthelmchart” of TackerDB’s “Additional params” table is “false”.

    rm -f /var/tacker/helm/<vnf_instance_id>

Data model impact

Helm chart support described in this spec adds extra column into vims table as type json.

REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Yoshito Ito <>

Other contributors:

Tatsuhiro Furuya <>

Yoshiyuki Katada <>

Ayumu Ueha <>

Liang Lu <>

Work Items

  • Implement MgmtDriver to support:

    • Provide a sample script to be executed to install Helm related packages when instantiate Kubernetes Cluster VNF and when heal Master node VNF.

    • Store Master nodes SSH connection info when instantiate Kubernetes cluster VNF and when heal entire Kubernetes cluster VNF.

  • Implement Kubernetes InfraDriver to support:

    • Register Helm chart to Helm repository when CNF Instantiate.

    • DeRegister Helm chart to Helm repository when CNF Terminate.

    • Call Helm chart client when CNF Instantiate, scale, heal and terminate.

    • Store deployed Kubernetes resources info in Helm chart to Database when CNF Instantiate.

  • Add new unit and functional tests.


  • Instantiate operation for the Kubernetes cluster

    Depends on spec “Support deploying Kubernetes cluster with MgmtDriver” [3].

  • Scale operation for the Kubernetes cluster

    Depends on spec “Support scaling Kubernetes Worker-nodes with MgmtDriver” [5].

  • Heal operation for the Kubernetes cluster

    Depends on spec “Support Healing Kubernetes Master/Worker-nodes with MgmtDriver” [6].

  • Instantiate operation for the Kubernetes cluster


Unit and functional tests will be added to cover cases required in the spec.

Documentation Impact

Complete user guide will be added to explain CNF instantiation using Helm chart.
