Support HA Kubernetes Master deployment with MgmtDriver

This specification describes enhancement of HA operation for the VNF which includes Kubernetes cluster.

Problem description

The Kubernetes cluster can be deployed as a VNF instance, but in high availability(HA) use cases, Master-nodes need to be composed of three or more. This spec enables to deploy a Kubernetes cluster with HA-Master-nodes.

Proposed change

The Kubernetes cluster can be instantiated with VNF Lifecycle Management Interface in ETSI NFV-SOL 003 [1]. According to ETSI NFV-SOL 001 [2], instantiate_end operation allows users to setup their Kubernetes cluster with MgmtDriver support. This spec extends the instantiate_end operation with MgmtDriver to deploy HA Master-nodes.

In the HA configuration, the HAProxy that performs load balancing is deployed in front of the multiple Master-nodes, and etcd is installed on each Master-node to build an in-memory DB. If one Master-node fails, the etcd ensures service continuity as a Kubernetes cluster by taking over synchronization information stored in the in-memory DB running on the other Master-node.

The following changes are needed:

  1. MgmtDriver supports the construction of an HA master node through the instantiate_end process as follows:

    • Identify the VMs created by OpenStackInfraDriver.

    • Invoke the script to configure for HAProxy to start signal distribution to Master nodes.

    • Install all Master-nodes first, followed by Worker-nodes by invoking the script setting up the new Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Provide a sample script to be executed by MgmtDriver

    • To install the Kubernetes cluster for an HA configuration that requires information such as the IP address of the HAProxy as input.

    • To configure for HAProxy to start signal distribution to Master nodes.


Regarding the configuration of HAProxy, it is assumed that HAProxy has a representative address of multiple Master-nodes, and all control signals for Kubernetes cluster from VNFM are distributed to each Master-node node via HAProxy. Since there is a concern that the HA Proxy may become a SPOF, it is preferable to adopt a redundant configuration of the HAProxy in combination with keepalived.


HAProxy can be configured in two ways, one to deploy outside of a Master-node and the other to coexist within each Master-node. The diagram below shows the latter. Each HAProxy has a representative address as a VIP and is configured for signal distribution to each Master-node. It should be noted that the signal distribution settings for k8s-api and etcd are required. On the other hand, redundancy of HAProxy routes can be implemented by Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) and failure monitoring of HAProxy can be implemented by keepalived.


Kubernetes v1.16.0 and Kubernetes python client v11.0 are supported for Kubernetes VIM.

The diagram below shows Kubernetes HA deployment operation:

                                   +---------+ +---------+  +---------------+
                                   | Cluster | |         |  | Instantiation |
                                   | Install | |  VNFD   |  | Request with  |
                                   | Script  | |         |  | Additional    |
                                   +---------+ +---------+  | Params        |
                                        |           |       +---------------+
                                        |           v                   |
                                        |      +---------+              |
                                        |      |         |              |
                                        +----->|  CSAR   |------+       |
                                               |         |      |       |
                                               +---------+      |       |
                                                             |  v       v    |
                                                             |+------------+ |
                                                             ||TackerServer| |
                                                             |+------+-----+ |
                                                             |       |       |
                                                             |       v       |
     3.Kubernetes Cluster                                    |+-------------+|
       Installation to all VMs                               ||+----------+ ||
         +-----------------------------------------------------|MgmtDriver| ||
         |                                                   ||+------+---+ ||
+--------+------------------------------------+              ||       |     ||
|        |                                    | 2.HAProxy    ||       |     ||
|        |                                    | Configuration||       |     ||
|        |         +--------------------------------------------------+     ||
|        v         |                          |              ||             ||
|+-----------------|----------+    +--------+ |              ||             ||
||                 v          |    |        | |              ||+-----------+||
||+---------+    +---------+  |    |        | | 1.Create VMs |||OpenStack  |||
||| VIP -   |    | HAProxy |  |    |        | |<---------------|InfraDriver|||
|||  Active |--->| (Active)|----+  |        | |              |||           |||
|||(keep-   |    +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||+-----------+||
|||  alived)|    +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||+---------+    | k8s-api |<---+  |        | |              ||             ||
||       ^       +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||       |       +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||  VRRP |    +->|  etcd   |  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||       |    |  +---------+  | |  |Worker01| |              ||             ||
||       |    |   Master01 VM | |  |   VM   | |              ||             ||
|+-------|--- | --------------+ |  +--------+ |              ||             ||
|        |    |                 |             |              ||             ||
|+-------|--- | --------------+ |  +--------+ |              ||             ||
||       v    |               | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||+---------+ |  +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||| VIP -   | |  | HAProxy |  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
|||  Standby| |  |(Standby)|  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
|||(keep-   | |  +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
|||  alived)| |  +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||+---------+ |  | k8s-api |<---+  |        | |              ||             ||
||       ^    |  +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||       |    |  +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||  VRRP |    +->|  etcd   |  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||       |    |  +---------+  | |  |Worker02| |              ||             ||
||       |    |   Master02 VM | |  |   VM   | |              ||             ||
|+-------|--- | --------------+ |  +--------+ |              ||             ||
|        |    |                 |             |              ||             ||
|+-------|--- | --------------+ |  +--------+ |              ||             ||
||       v    |               | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||+---------+ |  +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||| VIP -   | |  | HAProxy |  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
|||  Standby| |  |(Standby)|  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
|||(keep-   | |  +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
|||  alived)| |  +---------+  | |  |        | |              ||             ||
||+---------+ |  | k8s-api |<---+  |        | |              ||             ||
||            |  +---------+  |    |        | |              ||             ||
||            |  +---------+  |    |        | |              ||             ||
||            +->|  etcd   |  |    |        | |              ||             ||
||               +---------+  |    |Worker03| |              ||             ||
||                Master03 VM |    |   VM   | |              ||             ||
|+----------------------------+    +--------+ |              ||  Tacker     ||
+---------------------------------------------+              ||  Conductor  ||
+---------------------------------------------+              |+-------------+|
|             Hardware Resources              |              |     VNFM      |
+---------------------------------------------+              +---------------+

The diagram shows related component of this spec proposal and an overview of the following processing:

  1. OpenStackInfraDriver creates the VMs.

  2. MgmtDriver invokes the script to configure the HAProxy.

  3. MgmtDriver constructs of an HA Kubernetes cluster in instantiate_end.

    1. MgmtDriver uses a shell script to install Kubernetes on multiple Master and Worker nodes.


In this configuration, because the HA Proxy lives in the Master-node, you must configure the ports separately to avoid conflicts between the receiving ports on the k8s-api and the receiving ports on the HAProxy side.

VNFD for Kubernetes HA deployment operation

VNFD needs to have instantiate_end definition as the following sample:

        instantiate: []
        instantiate_start: []
          implementation: mgmt-drivers-kubernetes
        description: Management driver for Kubernetes cluster
        type: tosca.artifacts.Implementation.Python
        file: /.../mgmt_drivers/]

    type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
      name: masterNode
      description: masterNode
        min_number_of_instances: 3
        max_number_of_instances: 3

    type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
      name: workerNode
      description: workerNode
        min_number_of_instances: 1
        max_number_of_instances: 3

This specification assumes that the number of min_number_of_instances for the Master-node must be set to a value greater than or equal to 3.


Example of /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf By changing priority, change the order of activation when a failure occurs.


vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
    script "killall -0 haproxy"
    interval 3 fall 3
vrrp_instance VRRP1 {
    state MASTER
    interface enp0s3
    virtual_router_id 123
    priority 103
    advert_int 1
    virtual_ipaddress {
    track_script {


vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
    script "killall -0 haproxy"
    interval 3 fall 3
vrrp_instance VRRP1 {
    state BACKUP
    interface enp0s3
    virtual_router_id 123
    priority 102
    advert_int 1
    virtual_ipaddress {
    track_script {


vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
    script "killall -0 haproxy"
    interval 3 fall 3
vrrp_instance VRRP1 {
    state BACKUP
    interface enp0s3
    virtual_router_id 123
    priority 101
    advert_int 1
    virtual_ipaddress {
    track_script {


Example of /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg The following is an example of SSL pass-through setting.

frontend k8s-api
    bind *:6440
    mode tcp
    default_backend    k8s-api

backend k8s-api
    balance   roundrobin
    mode      tcp
    server    master1  master01:6443  check
    server    master2  master02:6443  check  backup
    server    master3  master03:6443  check  backup

Request data for Kubernetes HA deployment operation

Below is a sample of body provided in the VNF instantiation request POST /vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/{vnfInstanceId}/instantiate

  "flavourId": "cluster_install",
  "additionalParams": {
  "vimConnectionInfo": [
      "id": "8a3adb69-0784-43c7-833e-aab0b6ab4470",
      "vimId": "7dc3c839-bf15-45ac-8dff-fc5b95c2940e",
      "vimType": "openstack"

Sequence diagram

Following sequence diagram describes the components involved and the flow of HA Kubernetes Master deployment in instantiate_end:


The procedure consists of the following steps as illustrated in above sequence. The following No.3 and later processes are executed as instantiate_end.

  1. Client sends a POST request to the Instantiate VNF.

  2. Basically the same sequence as described in the “2) Flow of Instantiation of a VNF instance” chapter of spec etsi-nfv-sol-rest-api-for-VNF-deployment, except for the MgmtDriver.


    Heat templates contain resource information for VM instantiation. This specification assumes that the number of redundant VMs for the Master node is specified in the variable “desired_capacity”. This variable must be set to a value greater than or equal to 3.

  3. MgmtDriver gets new VM information from Heat.

  4. MgmtDriver changes HAProxy configuration by invoking shell script using RemoteCommandExecutor.

  5. MgmtDriver repeats the setup of the Master-node and Worker-node for the number of newly created VMs by invoking shell script using RemoteCommandExecutor.


As an alternative, HA Proxy can be configured in another VM other than the Master-node VM. However the number of deployed VM increases and it may lead poor resource effectiveness.

The diagram below shows the operation with the alternative:

                                   +---------+ +---------+  +---------------+
                                   | Cluster | |         |  | Instantiation |
                                   | Install | |  VNFD   |  | Request with  |
                                   | Script  | |         |  | Additional    |
                                   +---------+ +---------+  | Params        |
                                        |           |        +---------------+
                                        |           v                   |
                                        |      +---------+              |
                                        |      |         |              |
                                        +----->|  CSAR   |------+       |
                                               |         |      |       |
                                               +---------+      |       |
                                                             |  v       v    |
                                                             |+------------+ |
                                                             ||TackerServer| |
                                                             |+------+-----+ |
                                                             |       |       |
                                                             |       v       |
         3.Kubernetes Cluster                                |+-------------+|
           Installation to Master-nodes and Worker-nodes     ||+----------+ ||
         +-----------------------------------------------------|MgmtDriver| ||
         |                                                   ||+------+---+ ||
+--------+------------------------------------+              ||       |     ||
|        |          +------------------------+|              ||       |     ||
|        |          |                        ||              ||       |     ||
|        |          |+---------+  +---------+|| 2.HAProxy    ||       |     ||
|        |          || HAProxy |  | VIP -   ||| Configuration||       |     ||
|        |       +---|(Active) |<-|  Active |<------------------------+     ||
|        |       |  ||         |  |(keep-   |||              ||             ||
|        |       |  ||         |  |  alived)|||              ||+-----------+||
|        |       |  |+---------+  +---------+|| 1.Create VMs |||OpenStack  |||
|        |       |  |                    ^   ||<---------------|InfraDriver|||
|        |       |  |     HAProxy01 VM   |   ||              |||           |||
|        |       |  +--------------------|---+|              ||+-----------+||
|        |       |                  VRRP |    |              ||             ||
|        |       |  +--------------------|---+|              ||             ||
|        |       |  |                    v   ||              ||             ||
|        |       |  |+---------+  +---------+||              ||             ||
|        |       |  || HAProxy |  | VIP -   |||              ||             ||
|        |       |  ||(Standby)|  |  Standby|||              ||             ||
|        |       |  ||         |  |(keep-   |||              ||             ||
|        |       |  ||         |  |  alived)|||              ||             ||
|        |       |  |+---------+  +---------+||              ||             ||
|        |       |  |     HAProxy02 VM       ||              ||             ||
|        v       |  +------------------------+|              ||             ||
|+-------------+ |  +--------+                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  | |  |        |                |              ||             ||
||| k8s-api |<---+  |        |                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  | |  |        |                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  | |  |        |                |              ||             ||
|||  etcd   |<----+ |        |                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  | || |Worker01|                |              ||             ||
|| Master01 VM | || |   VM   |                |              ||             ||
|+-------------+ || +--------+                |              ||             ||
|                ||                           |              ||             ||
|+-------------+ || +--------+                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  | || |        |                |              ||             ||
||| k8s-api |<---+| |        |                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  | || |        |                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  | || |        |                |              ||             ||
|||  etcd   |<----+ |        |                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  | || |Worker02|                |              ||             ||
|| Master02 VM | || |   VM   |                |              ||             ||
|+-------------+ || +--------+                |              ||             ||
|                ||                           |              ||             ||
|+-------------+ || +--------+                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  | || |        |                |              ||             ||
||| k8s-api |<---+| |        |                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  |  | |        |                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  |  | |        |                |              ||             ||
|||  etcd   |<----+ |        |                |              ||             ||
||+---------+  |    |Worker03|                |              ||             ||
|| Master03 VM |    |   VM   |                |              ||             ||
|+-------------+    +--------+                |              ||  Tacker     ||
+---------------------------------------------+              ||  Conductor  ||
+---------------------------------------------+              |+-------------+|
|             Hardware Resources              |              |     VNFM      |
+---------------------------------------------+              +---------------+

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Yoshito Ito <>

Other contributors:

Shotaro Banno <>

Ayumu Ueha <>

Liang Lu <>

Work Items

  • MgmtDriver will be modified to implement:

    • Support the construction of HA Master-nodes in “instantiate_end”.

    • Provide a sample script to be executed by MgmtDriver to install and/or configure Kubernetes cluster and HAProxy.

  • Add new unit and functional tests.


instantiate_end referred in “Proposed change” is based on the spec of mgmt-driver-for-k8s-cluster.


Unit and functional tests will be added to cover cases required in the spec.

Documentation Impact

Complete user guide will be added to explain how to build Kubernetes HA from the perspective of VNF LCM APIs.
