Support Scale Operation for CNF

This specification describes the “Scale VNF” operation of VNF Lifecycle Management for Container Network Function (CNF) in Tacker.

Problem description

In Victoria release, the Instantiate and Terminate VNF operations with VNF Lifecycle Management defined in ETSI NFV-SOL003 v2.6.1 for CNF are supported in the spec container-network-function. The CNF scale operation with ETSI specifications also needs to be implemented. However, the current ETSI NFV-SOL documents have not defined the detailed specifications for OS container based VNF. This spec provides the definition of the scale operation for CNF in Tacker and also the design to be implemented.

Proposed change

This spec proposes the definition of the scale operation and its design to be implemented.

Definition of CNF scaling

We propose the scale operation for CNF to be changing the number of VNFC in a VNF instance. When a VNF instance is composed of OS containers and the VIM is assumed to be Kubernetes, the VDUs can be mapped to Deployment, DaemonSet, StatefulSet, or ReplicaSet, and a VNFC instance can be a Pod. The scale operation changes the number of replicas for the VDU resource and Kubernetes controller automatically creates or deletes Pods.


It is also possible to define the scale operation to be changing the number of maxReplicas or minReplicas in HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA), however, it is a future work. To deploy HPA, how to instantiate and configure the required metrics server also needs to be defined.


When scaling-in, the assigned PersistentVolume (PVC) and PersistentVolume (PV) are left. Also, when scaling-out, Users need to provision the required PVC and PV before the operation if the Pod has a spec section for PVC.

Design of the “Scale CNF” operation

Before the scale operation, CNF containing the resources which have the properties for replicas need to be instantiated. Kubernetes Infra Driver needs following changes:

  1. To validate the target Kubernetes resource to support the scale operation

  2. To load scalingAspect from VNFD

  3. To calculate the required number of replicas with scalingAspect

  4. To store current scaleLevel to InstantiateVnfInfo.ScaleStatus after the scale operation

  5. To support Kubernetes Python client to update the number of replicas for the following Kubernetes resource kinds:

    • Deployment

    • ReplicaSet

    • StatefulSet


DaemonSet can be also mapped to VDU but it’s not supported in the scale operation because it doesn’t have the replicas property.

The diagram below shows the CNF scale operation for an instantiated CNF:

                                                 | Scale Request with |
                                                 | additional Params  |
                                                          | 1. Request scale
                                                          |    CNF
                                                 |        v                |
                                                 |  +-------------------+  |
                                                 |  |   Tacker-server   |  |
                                                 |  +-----+-------------+  |
                                                 |        |                |
                                                 |        v                |
                                                 | +--------------------+  |
                                   2. Scale CNF  | |  +--------------+  |  |
                                        +--------+-+--| Kubernetes   |  |  |
+------------------+ 3. Change the      |        | |  | Infra Driver |  |  |
|                  |    number of       v        | |  +--------------+  |  |
| +-----+ +-----+  |    Pods     +------------+  | |                    |  |
| | Pod | | Pod |<-+-------------| Kubernetes |  | |                    |  |
| +-----+ +-----+  |             | cluster    |  | |                    |  |
|                  |             | (Master)   |  | |                    |  |
| Kubernetes       |             +------------+  | | Tacker-conductor   |  |
| cluster (Worker) |                             | +--------------------+  |
+------------------+                             +-------------------------+
  1. Tacker-server receives the scale request by user.

  2. Kubernetes Infra Driver calls Kubernetes client API for scaling.

  3. Kubernetes cluster increases or decreases the number of pods running on worker nodes according to the calculated number of replicas.

VNFD for the “Scale CNF” operation

VNFD needs to have ScalingAspects definition as the following sample:

    type: Company.Tacker.Kubernetes
      flavour_description: The pre_installed flavour

    type: tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute
      name: deployment_name
      description: Deployment of Kubernetes resource
        min_number_of_instances: 1
        max_number_of_instances: 3

  - scaling_aspects:
      type: tosca.policies.nfv.ScalingAspects
            name: deployment_name
            description: deployment_name scaling aspect
            max_scale_level: 3
              - delta_1

  - deployment_name_scaling_aspect_deltas:
      type: tosca.policies.nfv.VduScalingAspectDeltas
        aspect: deployment_name
            number_of_instances: 1
      targets: [ deployment_name ]


The VDU and aspects names should be the same with the name of Kubernetes resource defined in Kubernetes manifest files.


The other part of VNFD is described in the spec container-network-function with a sample.

Scale in/out of CNF

User gives the following request parameters in “POST /vnf_instances/{id}/scale” as ScaleVnfRequest data type defined in ETSI NFV-SOL003 v2.6.1:

Attribute name

Parameter description


Indicates the type of the scale operation:n “SCALE_IN” or “SCALE_OUT”


Indicates the name of target Kubernetes resource. This is defined in VNFD, and user can find it as InstantiatedVnfInfo.ScaleStatus in the response of “GET /vnf_instances/{id}”.


Number of scaling steps.


Not needed.

The following is a sample of request body for scale-in:

  "type": "SCALE_IN",
  "aspectId": "deployment_name",
  "numberOfSteps": "1"

The following sequence diagram describes the components and the flow involved in the CNF scale operation:

  1. Client sends a POST request to a CNF Instance.

  2. Basically the same sequence as the one described in the spec support-scale-api-based-on-etsi-nfv-sol, except for the Tacker-conductor. In case of the CNF scale operation, the MgmtDriver action is not needed.

  3. KubernetesDriver sends get API request to Kubernetes with KubernetesPythonClient to read the current number of replicas in scale() method.

  4. KubernetesDriver sends scale API request to Kubernetes with KubernetesPythonClient to scale in/out the resource in scale() method. The number of Pods to scale in/out is calculated by multiplying “number_of_steps” contained in the Scale VNF request and “number_of_instances” in VNFD.

  5. KubernetesDriver checks the scaling result in scale_wait() method.

  6. VnfLcmDriver saves the current scaleLevel in VnfInstance.InstantiatedVnfInfo.scale_status if the scale operation is successful.


The number of replicas after the scale operation is not stored in Tacker DB, therefore heal operation may result in the different Pod counts from the scaled CNF. The replicas should result in the number calculated with instantiation level of instantiation because Tacker terminates and instantiate CNF in the heal operation.

Kubernetes API support

Kubernetes Infra Driver calls following API to get current number of replicas and updates the number replicas of target resource.

API Group


API method

apps (AppsV1Api)









The arguments of Read API are name and namespace, and the return type of API is V1Scale described in V1Scale in Kubernetes-client docs.

The arguments of Patch API are name, namespace, and body. The body is set to be the updated value of “spec.replicas” with the returned value in Read API.

The number of “spec.replicas” in V1Scale is calculated as follows:

  • Scale-in: update_replicas = current_replicas - scaling_step * number_of_steps

  • Scale-out: update_replicas = current_replicas + scaling_step * number_of_steps

The parameters used in the calculation are defined below:

  • current_replicas: “spec.replicas” from V1Scale got by Read API

  • scaling_spec: “number_of_instances” in scalingAspect defined in VNFD

  • number_of_steps: Parameter given in ScaleVnfRequest



Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Yoshito Ito <>

Other contributors:

Ayumu Ueha <>

LiangLu <>

Work Items

  • Validate the target Kubernetes resource to support the scale operation.

  • Kubernetes Infra Driver will be modified to implement:

    • Load scalingAspect from VNFD

    • Calculate the required number of replicas with scalingAspect

    • Store current scaleLevel to InstantiateVnfInfo.ScaleStatus after scale operation

    • Support Kubernetes Python client to update the number of replicas for following Kubernetes resource kind:

      • Deployment

      • ReplicaSet

      • StatefulSet

  • Add new unit and functional tests.




Unit and functional tests will be added to cover cases required in the spec.

Documentation Impact

Complete user guide will be added to explain CNF scaling.

