Database Synchronization between TackerDB and KubernetesDB

Problem description

In the current implementation, TackerDB and VIM DB(KubernetesDB) such as etcd in Kubernetes are only synchronized when SOL002 heal is executed. However, when Kubernetes auto-heals or auto-scales and the pod restarts, the information is only reflected in the KubernetesDB and not in TackerDB. As a result, the following problems occurs.

  • When a user uses a command or API to get information about a Pod resource, they see the information stored in TackerDB and get an out-of-date output.

  • If a user attempts to scale when the database is inconsistent, the Pod scales at a number that the user does not intend because it sees and processes old information.


The existing heal process already supports the ability to synchronize information about a Pod.

This specification supposes the below changes:

  • Adds periodic synchronization of Pod information between TackerDB and KubernetesDB

Proposed Change

The following functions are incorporated in this specification.

  • Regularly retrieve information of pods that TackerDB and KubernetesDB hold, compare the data, and update TackerDB from KubernetesDB if there are differences.


    When the TackerDB is updated by synchronization processing, the information is shown in a log. The log contains the name of the old pod and the new one.

  • Enable config to specify the frequency of synchronization.

The attributes in the TackerDB to be updated are as follows:

  • vnf_instantiated_info.scaleStatus.scaleLevel: Calculate the scaleLevel from the number of Pods retrieved from KubernetesDB and update it if it differs from TackerDB.

  • vnf_instantiated_info.vnfc_resource_info: If the number of running Pods changes, increase or decrease the number of data in vnfcResourceInfo to match the number of running Pods.

  • vnf_instantiated_info.vnfc_resource_info.computeResource.resourceId: Update resourceId with the new resource ID as Pod name.

  • VnfInstanceV2.instantiatedVnfInfo.scaleStatus.scaleLevel: Calculate the scaleLevel from the number of Pods retrieved from KubernetesDB and update it if it differs from TackerDB.

  • VnfInstanceV2.instantiatedVnfInfo.vnfcResourceInfo: If the number of running Pods changes, increase or decrease the number of data in vnfcResourceInfo and VnfInstanceV2.instantiatedVnfInfo.vnfcInfo to match the number of running Pods.

  • VnfInstanceV2.instantiatedVnfInfo.vnfcResourceInfo. computeResource.resourceId: Update resourceId with the new resource ID as Pod name.


Get the following resource information from KubernetesDB

  • Pod

  • Deployment

  • Replicaset

  • Daemonset

  • StatefulSet

Pods under the control of StatefulSet have static names, thus resourceId does not change even if they are recreated by Kubernetes. However, Tacker must fetch the current number of Pods to update ScaleStatus during DB synchronization.

Synchronizes between TackerDB and KubernetesDB

Periodic database synchronization

This feature periodically synchronizes information related to Pod resources between TackerDB and KubernetesDB.

The diagram below shows the database synchronization.

                                                 |   VNFM                                                   |
                                                 |  +-----------------------+                               |
+-------------------------------+                |  |    Tacker-conductor   |                               |
|     Kubernetes                |                |  |  +--------------+     |                               |
|                               |                |  |  | VnflcmDriver |     |                               |
| +--------------------------+  |                |  |  | (v1/v2)      |     |                               |
| |           Master         |  |                |  |  +---+----------+     |                               |
| |                          |  |                |  |      | 1. Start periodic database synchronization     |
| |                          |  |                |  |      |                |                               |
| |                          |  |                |  |      |                |                               |
| | +------+    +---------+  |  |                |  |  +---v----------+     |                               |
| | | etcd |    |         |  |  |                |  |  | Kubernetes   |     |              +-----------+    |
| | |      |<-->|kube-    |<---------------------------+ InfraDriver  +------------------->| TackerDB  |    |
| | +------+    |apiserver|  |  | 3. Get pod     |  |  |              |     |              |           |    |
| |             |         |  |  |    information |  |  +--------------+     |              +-----------+    |
| |             |         |  |  |                |  |   4. Check difference |   2. Get pod information      |
| |             |         |  |  |                |  |                       |                               |
| |             |         |  |  |                |  |                       |   5. If there are difference, |
| |             +---------+  |  |                |  |                       |      update pod information   |
| |                          |  |                |  |                       |                               |
| +--------------------------+  |                |  +-----------------------+                               |
|                               |                |                                                          |
+-------------------------------+                +----------------------------------------------------------+

Sequence for periodic database synchronization:

  1. Start the database synchronization process periodically at intervals specified in Config

  2. KubernetesInfraDriver retrieves Pod information stored in TackerDB

  3. KubernetesInfraDriver retrieves information about currently running Pod name and number of Pod from KubernetesDB

  4. KubernetesInfraDriver compares these two pieces of information

    Comparisons include:

    • Pod name

    • Number of running Pods

  5. If there are differences, KubernetesInfraDriver updates the Pod information and scaleLevel to TackerDB.

    • Any LCM requests of target instances is rejected by HTTP 409 (Conflict).

Step 1’ to 5’ describes the detail of conflict of DB synchronization during LCM process. If DB synchronization is needed for the instance which is affected by ongoing LCM procedure, DB synchronization will be skipped for that instance.

Configuration for Interval timer

Config can set a timer to synchronize pod information between TackerDB and KubernetesDB.

This configuration is common to the v1 and v2 APIs.

The default is 300 seconds.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance impact

Contention may occur when database synchronization and LCM operations are performed simultaneously.

  • If you perform an LCM operation on the same VNF instance while periodic database synchronization is taking place on that VNF instance, Tacker responds with “409 conflicts” and the LCM operation is not performed.

  • If database synchronization is performed for the same VNF instance during an LCM operation for a VNF instance, the database synchronization is skipped.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Masaki Ueno <>

Other contributors:

Hideki Matsuda <>

Ayumu Ueha <>

Yoshiyuki Katada <>

Yusuke Niimi <>

Work Items

  • Support for periodic database synchronization

  • Add a new configuration about interval for checking database synchronization

  • Add new unit and functional tests




Unit and functional tests will be added to cover cases required in the specification.

Documentation Impact

Complete configuration guide will be added to explain configuration about specify the interval between synchronizations.

