Validate project with Keystone

Today there is no functionality to validate the project that is consumed by Nova. One reason for the lack of such functionality is performance, where validating to external services can cause poor performance. However, such functionality is needed in cases where the user passes in the project ID or name (i.e. quota management), so that the correct quota is set. Such functionality is also needed where the user wants to grant a project access to a flavor.

This blueprint is only intended for cases where the API calls are done on a very infrequent basis. More specifically, it is only meant to be used for validating project ID in quota management (i.e. quota-defaults, quota-show, quota-update) and in flavor management (i.e. flavor-access-add, flavor-access-list). A separate blueprint is required for any functionality that is outside of quota and flavor management.

It is important to note that this implementation does not support validating the user ID. Federated users are not mirrored in the Keystone identity backend, i.e. SQL. An external Identity Provider is responsible for authenticating users and communicates the result of authentication to Keystone using SAML assertions.

Problem description

The quota management feature of Nova requires a project ID to be specified as part of the CLI. This affects nova quota-show and quota-update. When a project is specified in one of the quota actions above, they are not checked against Keystone to validate their IDs.

A user could specify a project name instead of the project ID, e.g. nova quota-update –instances 9 demo. Since no checks are done, an entry is created in Nova’s project_user_quotas table where the project_id is set to the project name. This causes invalid quotas to be set and returned if the project ID does not match what is in the project_user_quotas table.

It also affects flavor management. More specifically, nova flavor-access-add and flavor-access-list. When a project is specified in one of the flavor actions above, they are not checked against Keystone to validate their IDs.

Use Cases

As an end user, I want to correctly set the quota and flavor access for a given project ID. I do not want to accidentally set the quota or flavor access using an invalid project ID and assume that the operation succeeded when it actually did not.

This implementation provides a layer of validation, such that the project ID provided by an end user are correctly validated against Keystone for quota and flavor management. Invalid project ID provided by an end user are rejected and would not create an invalid entry in the database.

Project Priority

The priority is undefined at the moment. This implementation provides a layer of validation, such that the project ID provided by an end user are correctly validated against Keystone for quota and flavor management.

Proposed change

The proposed solution is to expose a Keystone client in Nova, similar to the cinder client that exists today in nova/volume/ Methods to get the project by their ID would be implemented. When a project ID is specified, it would be queried against the Keystone client and validated.


The existing behavior, where the project ID is not validated, could be left as-is. It would be up to the user to figure out the appropriate project ID from “keystone tenant-list”. However, this alternative presents user errors, where the user could mistakenly specify the project name instead of the project ID for nova quota-show or quota-update. If this occurs, the quota would not be set correctly.

Another alternative is to have the python-novaclient validate the project ID and expect other clients (e.g. third party) to do the same. However, it does not prevent wrong data from being inserted into Nova if other clients do not do the validation before calling Nova.

Data model impact

It may be possible that there are entries in Nova’s project_user_quotas table, where the project_id is set to an invalid ID. However, these entries do not hold any significant value, since no actual project is tied to them. In such case, the quota-delete command can still be used to delete the invalid entries, since no project_id validation are done against delete operations.

REST API impact

Previously, a POST and GET request using an invalid project ID would create an entry in Nova’s project_user_quotas table or return the quota value (if any) for the project. With this proposal, if a Keystone service account exists to validate the project ID, HTTPBadRequest (code 400) will be returned from the POST and GET requests for an invalid project. If a Keystone service account does not exist, the functionality would continue to function as before and only a warning message would be logged (not returned via the POST or GET request).

Security impact

To properly validate a project ID, a Keystone service account with enough privileges to lookup a project needs to be created. The account should have limited access to Keystone and not any other services. This can be done by creating the appropriate role-based rules in /etc/keystone/policy.json and granting the ability to lookup projects to a role.

For example, an admin can create a user (e.g. validator) and add a role to it (e.g. validation). Under /etc/keystone/policy.json, the admin would add these rules:

"identity:get_project": "rule:admin_required or role:validation",

Under /etc/nova/nova.conf, the admin would add these credentials:

keystone_service_project_name = service
keystone_service_user = validator
keystone_service_password = keystone

A Keystone client would be instantiated using the credentials above, if they exists.

If Nova is not configured to perform the lookup, the operation should not be blocked. Instead, a warning message should be logged stating that Nova is not configured to perform the lookup. If Nova is configured to perform the lookup, but the Keystone service account is invalid, the operation should be blocked and an error should be reported.

Notifications impact


Other end user impact

If a Keystone service account exists to validate the project ID, HTTPBadRequest will be returned from the POST and GET requests for an invalid project. The explaination would be:

  • The specified project ID is not valid.

Performance Impact

There will be minor impact to performance. A connection to Keystone is required to validate the project ID. However, it would be a low-frequency operation because quotas/flavor access are not often changed.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact

To properly validate a project ID, a Keystone service account needs to be created. If a Keystone service account does not exist, the quota and flavor operation should not be blocked. Instead, a warning message should be logged stating that the Keystone service account does not exist. This will allow existing deployments to continue to work.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Create a method to instantiate the Keystone client.

  • Implement methods to get the project by a given ID.

  • Modify QuotaSetsController class in nova/api/openstack/compute/contrib/ to validate the project ID, if any.

  • Modify FlavorActionController class in nova/api/openstack/compute/contrib/ to validate the project ID, if any.

  • Modify devstack to create the Keystone service account, saving its credentials in /etc/nova/nova.conf, and limiting its access in /etc/keystone/policy.json.

  • Create tempest test cases and Nova unit test cases to verify functionality.




Tempest test cases, as well as Nova unit test cases, will be created to verify this feature. The following commands should be tested: nova quota-show and quota-update. More specifically, the –tenant options need to be specified with the proper ID for positive test cases, and invalid IDs for negative test cases. The following commands should also be tested: flavor-access-add and flavor-access-list. The tenant_id needs to be specified with the proper ID for positive test cases, and invalid IDs for negative test cases.

Documentation Impact

