Provide a scoring module for Watcher¶
Watcher Decision Engine currently allows to define multiple Goals and implement several Strategies to reach them. However, in some more advanced scenarios, Strategies might use machine learning models, which can be trained and evaluated using external machine learning engines.
This blueprint aims at providing a generic scoring engine module, which will standarize interactions with scoring engines through the common API. Also, it will be possible to use the scoring engine by different Strategies, which will improve the code and data model re-use.
The scoring module will be independent and optional. There is no need for any Strategy to use it.
Problem description¶
Today, the Strategy implementation is free to use any algorithm or any external framework in order to achieve a given Goal. There is no standard interface or API which would help to share these algorithms or frameworks between different Strategies.
It should be possible to implement scoring engines independently from Strategies. Once implemented prediction or classifier could be shared and re-used allowing to implement more advanced Strategies, which could even use multiple scoring engines.
Use Cases¶
As a developer. I want to be able to list the available Scoring Engines. So that I can quickly identify them and reuse the available predicted results in my strategy, e.g. prediction energy consumption of the VMs, predicted CPU of the VMs, etc.
As a developer. I want to be able to create and use Scoring Engines in the optimization Strategies. So that I can quickly switch the Scoring Engine or implement multiple versions of the same Scoring Engine (e.g. created using a different data set for learning).
As a developer. I want to be able to configure multiple Scoring Engines without needing an upgrade of Watcher.
As a developer. I want to be able to provide a dynamic list of Scoring Engines in a single plug-in. So that I can register/unregister similar types of Scoring Engines without restarting any Watcher service.
As a developer. When implementing a new Strategy I want to work with different Scoring Engines (possibly from different vendors) in a similar way, using similar API.
As a developer. I want to get metadata information about a given Scoring Engine. The metadata might contain an important information how to work with a specific Scoring Engine, for example: number of input parameters (e.g. number of features), the response format (e.g. label order used by classifier).
Project Priority¶
Not relevant because Watcher is not in the big tent so far.
Proposed change¶
The proposal is to define an abstraction layer in the Decision Engine, which will provide an abstract ScoringEngine class, which will have to be implemented by all Scoring Engines and a ScoringFactory class, which will be used by a Strategy implementation to select a Scoring Engine to work with.
Usage scenarios¶
The most basic scenario is presented on the following diagram:

It’s important to notice that Scoring Engines might have different requirements and the implementations might vary. Some of them might be implemented as plain Python classes executing (possibly heavy) calculations. In these cases it makes a sense to delegate the execution to Watcher Scoring module, which will be a new Watcher service, similar to Watcher Decision Engine or Watcher Applier:

Some other Scoring Engines might be implemented using external frameworks or even live entirely in the cloud, exposing only some API to work with them. In this scenario, the abstraction layer will simply delegate work to these external systems (e.g. using some HTTP client libraries), as illustrated on the diagram below:

Implementation details¶
This above an impact on the design of the Scoring Module and its implementation. The goal of the abstraction layer proposed above is to allow for both:
Simple usage of any Scoring Engine by any Strategy.
Implementation freedom: if a Scoring Engine performs some heavy calculations, its implementation could be moved to external process, which will not affect the Watcher Decision Engine module.
That said, the following changes are going to be implemented:
In the watcher/common package:
ScoringEngine class defining an abstract base class for all Scoring Engine implementations. The abstract class will include the following abstract methods:
- get_engine_id:
Method will return a unique string identifier of the Scoring Engine. This ID will be used by factory classes and Strategies wanting to use a specific Scoring Engine
- Input:
- Result:
unique string ID (must be unique across all Scoring Engines)
- get_model_metadata:
Method will return a map with metadata information about the data model. This might include informations about used algorithm, labels for data returned by the score method (useful for interpreting the results)
- Input:
- Result:
dictionary with metadata, both keys and values as strings
For example, the metadata can contain the following information (real world example):
scoring engine is a classifier, which is based on the learning data with these column labels (last column is the result used for learning): [MEM_USAGE, PROC_USAGE, PCI_USAGE, POWER_CONSUMPTION, CLASSIFICATION_ID]
during the learning process, the machine learning decides that it actually only needs these columns to calculate the expected CLASSIFICATION_ID: [MEM_USAGE, PROC_USAGE]
because the scoring result is a list of doubles, we need to know what it means, e.g. 0.0 == CLASSIFICATION_ID_2, 1.0 == CLASSIFICATION_ID_1, etc.
there is no guarantee of the order of the columns or even the existence of them in input/output list
this information must be passed as metadata, so the user of the scoring engine is able to “understand” the results
in addition, the metadata might provide some insights like what was the algorithm used for learning or how many training records were used
- calculate_score:
Method responsible for performing the actual scoring, such as classifying or predicting data
- Input:
list of float numbers (e.g. feature values)
- Result:
list of float numbers (e.g. classified values, predicted results)
In the Watcher Decision Engine:
New scoring package containing:
ScoringFactory class defining a factory for Scoring Engine implementations.
engines subpackage containing implementations of the Scoring Engines. The Scoring Engines must all extend the ScoringEngine base class.
Two sample Scoring Engine implementations:
simple Scoring Engine working within Decision Engine module.
simple Scoring Engine using the Scoring Module, which will demonstrate how to defer the heavy calculations to the external Python process.
In Strategies: two sample Strategies using the above Scoring Engines.
In the Watcher API:
New REST resource URLs to expose list of Scoring Engines and their metadata (read-only)
GET /v1/scoring_engines/
GET /v1/scoring_engines/(scoring_engine_uuid)
In the Watcher CLI:
Expose new API in the command line
New Watcher Scoring Module:
New top level scoring_engine directory inside watcher directory with Watcher source code.
A new service: watcher-scoring.
A sample Scoring Engine (not using any external dependencies).
The deployment model for Scoring Engine implementations will use the Stevedore pluggability model. There will be entry points defined for the abstraction layer and for the Watcher Scoring module as well. The abstraction layer part will be required to implement, whether the Watcher Scoring module part will be optional (it’s not needed for example when using external analytics platforms running in the cloud).

In addition, it will be possible to register multiple Scoring Engines from a single plug-in. The Scoring Engine list will also be dynamic, meaning that it will be possible to register and unregister a Scoring Engine without any need to restart Watcher services.
Scoring Engine versioning¶
The rules similar to API versioning should apply to Scoring Engine versioning. Scoring Engines will be identified using their unique ID. A new version of the Scoring Engine should have a different ID, so it doesn’t break the existing usage. Of course it’s possible that the Scoring Engine developer will decide to update the existing Scoring Engine (so ID of the updated version will stay the same), but then she/he should take the full responsibility for that and understand the fact, that it might change the other use cases. The recommendation is to update Scoring Engines only for small bug fixing and give a new ID to the Scoring Engines using different ML algorithm or trained using different learning data.
Each developer could implement a new Strategy using a custom integration with machine learning frameworks. Data Models and Scoring Engines are relatively difficult and time consuming to create, so it would be a big loss if they are not available for wider usage.
Data model impact¶
REST API impact¶
Security impact¶
There will be a new Watcher Scoring Module service, which means an additional network port open, which is always increasing the security impact.
Notifications impact¶
Other end user impact¶
Performance Impact¶
Other deployer impact¶
When delivering a new Scoring Engine, the operator will deploy the following softwares:
the main Python class implementing the Scoring Engine
all additional resources or classes required by the new Scoring Engine implementation (for example client code to communicate with external service if a Scoring Engine is implemented and hosted in the cloud)
Developer impact¶
- Primary assignee:
Work Items¶
The list of foreseen work items:
Review this BluePrint, improve it based on feedback received
Implement generic Watcher Scoring Module
Implement Scoring Engine loader
Implement a sample Scoring Engine to demonstrate Scoring Module design and provide a guidance how to use it (no external dependencies)
Implement a sample Strategy using sample Scoring Engine from previous point
Provide documentation of the new Scoring Module
Update glossary with terms related to Watcher Scoring
Provide a guidance / tutorial how to implement a Scoring Engine plugin
There are no direct dependencies.
However, in the long run Watcher should provide a flexible plugin model, which would allow to easily integrate Scoring Engines, Strategies and Actions with Watcher without needing to reinstall or upgrade it. The ideal scenario would be that the third party developers would provide implementations in a separate repository, which could then be included in one of the Watcher configuration files. Solving this problem is not in scope of this document.
Unit tests will be needed for the code in the new Scoring Module. Implementing this module will be transparent for the existing Watcher code base, so no existing tests or functionality will be affected.
Documentation Impact¶
The documentation will have to be updated, especially the glossary, in order to explain the new concepts regarding Scoring Module definition and Scoring Engine implementations.
The API documentation and Watcher User-Guide will have to be updated to demonstrate how to get information about available Scoring Engines and their metadata.
The architecture description will also need to be updated because there will be a new Watcher component available.
The documentation regarding Watcher installation and configuration will also need to be updated in order to explain:
howto deploy new Scoring Engines into Watcher
howto integrate Strategies with existing Scoring Engines