The achieved goal should be returned by each strategy¶
Problem description¶
Today, there is no way to know what Goal is achieved by a given Strategy. The mapping between goal and strategies is done in the Watcher configuration.
Beyond that, there is no way to know that several strategies achieve the same optimization goal.
There should be a way to return the list of available goals depending on which strategies have been deployed on the node where the Watcher Decision Engine is running.
Use Cases¶
As an Administrator I want to be able to get the list of available optimization goals So that I can select one Goal and use it in my Audit Template
As an Administrator I want to be able to install new strategies and get an updated list of available goals So that I am sure that the returned list of goals is aligned with the deployed strategies
As an Administrator I want to be notified when the Goal of an Audit Template is not any more available So that I know that I have to update or delete this Audit Template
As an Administrator I want to be able to get the translated name of each Goal So that I can understand what kind of optimization(s) it provides
As an Administrator I want to be able to get the list of available strategies for a given Goal So that I can select a specific strategy for my Audit Template
Project Priority¶
Not relevant because Watcher is not in the big tent so far.
Proposed change¶
Each Strategy should be able to return the Goal it achieves.
All strategies related to the same Goal should derive from the same parent class and return the same Goal properties.
Below you will find a class diagram showing a hierarchy of Strategies for several goals:

In the future, it will also enable Watcher strategies to provide other common attributes and methods for a given goal (input parameters, efficacy indicators, …).
The synchronization of goals consists in establishing data consistency between goals and strategies automatically found by the DefaultLoader class via the function list_available to then applying the changes in the Watcher database. Harmonization of the goals over time should be automatically performed by the decision_engine during start. We should create a Synchronizer class which compares records in Watcher database with those found by the DefaultLoader. Then, altered goals and strategies will be replaced in order to establish identity between the entry points and the Watcher database. As a result of the synchronization, all the available goals and strategies are updated. The synchronization is required for two main reasons. The first reason is that we don’t want a strong coupling between the Watcher API component and the Watcher Decision Engine component. In fact, we want the watcher-api only interact with Watcher database and the message broker. The synchronization avoids the watcher cli having to call the watcher-api which would then have to call the watcher-decision-api, which is in charge of listing the resources. The second one is performance and HA.
Below the strategy class and sequence diagram for syncing the goals.

Keep the current system which reads the mapping between goals and strategies from the Watcher configuration file.
Data model impact¶
The list of available goals should be stored in the Watcher database. For each goal, the list of available strategies should also be stored in the Watcher database. A new table should be created in the database for this. Therefore a new table should be created in the database for this. The proposed modification in the Watcher database. is illustrated on the diagram below:

In the audit_template object, the ‘strategy’ attribute is optional.
If the admin wants to force the trigger of a Strategy it could
specify the Strategy uuid in the Audit Template.
There may be several strategies applying for a given optimization Goal.
If the admin didn’t specify a Strategy, the watcher strategy
selector is responsible for selecting an appropriate
one given the provided Goal.
This blueprint should reuse the DefaultStrategySelector
that is currently responsible for selecting the strategy.
This selection of the strategy is complex but likely
outside the scope of this blueprint (watcher-strategy-selector).
However, we need to provide a basic/minimum strategy selector.
So, the strategy selector will select the first available strategy
for a given goal.
In the future, we plan have a more complex strategy selector
that would be able to select the strategy depending on many
parameters such as the usage of infrastructure, workloads, etc.
The soft delete is a commonly-used pattern and cascading must be implemented in order to maintain integrity. If a strategy is deleted, we need to update every audit template linked to this strategy and setting the strategy id to None. So the audit template can still achieve the same goal but with a different strategy. However, if we delete a goals we didn’t plan to maintain the integrity as it is outside the scope of this blueprint (soft-delete-goals)
Note: The id attribute is used by oslo.db to handle the soft_delete feature.
REST API impact¶
There will be an impact on every REST resource URLs that starts with /v1/goals/ and that uses the type Goal:
GET /v1/goals
GET /v1/goals/(goal_uuid)
GET /v1/goals/detail
The type Goal will contain two attributes:
The unique goal id.
The display name of the goal: i.e. the translated name of the Goal in the language of the Administrator.
Here is a sample of the new JSON payload for a list of 2 goals, the first goal having only one strategy and the second goal having 2 available strategies:
"goals": [
"goal_id": "REDUCE_ENERGY",
"goal_display_name": "Reduce Energy Consumption",
"strategies": [
"strategy_id": "POWERING_DOWN",
"strategy_display_name": "Powering down unused compute
"goal_display_name": "Reduce the number of compute nodes needed
to support current projects workloads"
"strategies": [
"strategy_id": "FFD",
"strategy_display_name": "First-Fit Decreasing",
"strategy_id": "BFD",
"strategy_display_name": "Best-Fit Decreasing",
Security impact¶
Notifications impact¶
Other end user impact¶
python-watcherclient should be able to return all goal attributes when requesting the list of goals and to return the list of available strategies when requesting the detail of a given goal.
It should also be possible to browse the list of available goals in Horizon when the admin is creating a new Audit Template. When the admin has selected a given goal, he/she should be able to see the list of available strategies for this goal and select the preferred Strategy.
Performance Impact¶
Other deployer impact¶
Now the association between a Goal and a Strategy should no more be configured in the main Watcher configuration file.
Developer impact¶
- Primary assignee:
Other contributors: jed56
Work Items¶
Here is the list of foreseen work items:
Remove the previous Goal listing and mapping mechanism which was read from the Watcher configuration file. The following Python files should be impacted:
In the
class, the following attributes should be added:The unique goal id.
The display name containing the name of the goal translated in the language of the Administrator.
The unique strategy id.
The display name containing the name of the Strategy translated in the language of the Administrator.
For each XYZ Goal, there should be a base Strategy class, named XYZBaseStrategy, containing the goal attribute values indicating what goal id and display name all child strategies achieve.
Update all existing strategies with this new way of handling goals. Create a base strategy class for each common optimization Goal.
add a new Goal object in /watcher/db/sqlalchemy/ for the storage of goals in the Watcher database.
add a new class in the /watcher/objects/ package to handle CRUD operations on goal objects in the database.
when the Watcher Decision Engine service is started, Watcher should browse the list of available strategies, get their Goal attributes and create a new entry in the Watcher database for each new goal id. After that, the Watcher Decision Engine should be able to check whether all audit templates in the Watcher database contain an existing goal. If not, an error should be traced in the logs. During this phase, the Watcher Decision Engine should also create a record in the database for each new Strategy id and associate this record to the Goal object it achieves. Note that this very same model would then be used by other blueprints such as blueprint optimization-threshold to expose the input parameters of each Strategy.
update the Watcher devstack plugin setup to adapt it (remove the auto [watcher_goals] config setup).
Update unit tests in the Watcher Decision Engine
Update Tempest test to run a strategy
Add some Tempest tests to get the list of available goals and for each Goal the list of available strategies
Documentation Impact¶
Update the page named “Build a new optimization strategy” explaining that when a new goal is added, a new base strategy class should be created.
Update the page named “Configuring Watcher”, removing the “Goals mapping configuration” section.
Update the page named “Watcher User Guide”, providing CLI examples showing how to get the list of goals and how to get the list of available strategies for a given Goal.
IRC discussions: