Efficacy Indicator¶
Provide efficacy indicators associated with an Audit to give tangible indicators of the possible improvement of the proposed optimization.
When the Administrator trigger an audit using Watcher, we provide a list of Actions that should be run to attain a specific goal (defined in the audit template). Today, there is no incentive to give a predicted result of the optimization after running the action plan. This feature will give the admin an estimated gain of running Watcher on its infrastructure.
Problem description¶
Today, Watcher does not provide efficacy indicators to give more accuracy to an action plan. An administrator would require to have an idea of the level of optimization Watcher can provide. The indicators must be related to the initial goal set in the audit template, for example if the goal is “thermal optimization”, we should provide an estimated average inlet temperature of the cluster (or an estimated decrease in % of the average inlet temperature). These indicators must be computed by the chosen strategy.
In later versions of Watcher, there should also be a way to compare the efficacy of different Strategies for a given optimization goal. Therefore, all the strategies associated to a given goal should provide the same efficacy indicators so that the Administrator can decide which strategy is the best.
In an even longer run, it will enable Watcher to automatically decide:
which strategy to use (via some StrategySelector component in the Watcher Decision Engine). See Strategy Selector blueprint.
or which planner implementation is the most efficient. See Planner Selector blueprint.
Use Cases¶
As an administrator, I would like to have efficacy indicators to be able to judge if the proposed optimization fit my objectives before running the recommended action plan.
As an administrator, I would like to be able to compare in a fair way the efficacy of several strategies for the same optimization goal
As a strategy developer, I will provide a list of indicators that can be evaluated during the execution of the audit and displayed to the administrator with the corresponding action plan.
As a developer, I would like to make sure that all strategies associated to a given goal provide the same list of efficacy indicators.
As an administrator, I would like to be able to update a given goal and its associated optimization strategies. In that case, all the previously launched audits and action plans which are still in recommended or pending state should be cancelled (in order to make it clear that the estimated efficacy indicators are not relevant anymore and that a new audit should be launched with the new deployed version).
Project Priority¶
Not relevant because Watcher is not in the big tent so far.
Proposed change¶
A dictionary should be added to the action plan providing a list of efficacy indicators with a name and a value (the name is used as the key for each indicator and should be unique).
The same dictionary should also be added to the solution generated by each Strategy (which contains a non scheduled list of actions).
We propose to use the DDD Specification Pattern to express the constraints regarding efficacy indicators for a given goal.
For each XYZ goal, we should create a XYZEfficacySpecification class which contains the list of expected efficacy indicators. This class would contain the following properties for each expected efficacy indicator:
the name of the indicator, which must be translated via i18n oslo lib
a description, which must be translated via i18n oslo lib
the unit of the indicator (percent, kWh, second, …), which must be translated via i18n oslo lib
the type of the value (integer, float, enum, string, …) and range of allowed values.
a flag indicating whether it is mandatory or optional
Each strategy associated to a given XYZ goal should have access to a singleton of the XYZEfficacySpecification class in order to make sure the generated solution contains the expected efficacy indicators. In other words, in each strategy, it should be possible to call the check_efficacy_indicators(Solution) method of the XYZEfficacySpecification which returns a boolean saying whether all mandatory efficacy indicators are provided in a given solution and whether the indicator values are compliant with the expected types and ranges (we may rely on Voluptuous Python data validation library to manage the schema definition and validation of indicators).
It should be possible to call a get_global_efficacy(Solution) method from the XYZEfficacySpecification class (or directly from the XYZGoal class) which returns a global score of efficacy for a given solution. This global score would be computed using a weighted sum of the different efficacy indicators.
For example, for the BASIC_CONSOLIDATION goal, the following efficacy indicators would be returned:
nb_migrations: the number of virtual machine migrations
nb_empty_nodes: the number of empty nodes (i.e. where all the virtual machines have been migrated to some other machines).
And the global score of efficacy would be computed with the following formula:
global_score = (nb_empty_nodes/nb_migrations*100)
Of course, in this case, we should handle the case when nb_migrations is 0.
Note that for simpler implementation, it is also possible to put directly these methods in the XYZGoal class (which would then act as the specification class for the XYZ goal efficacy).
Note also that whenever a XYZGoal class is updated, Watcher should automatically change to a CANCELLED state the previously generated audit and action plans . This would make sure that we can handle the consistency between the indicators described in the goal and those returned in the action plan. See State machine diagrams for more details on the different possible states of the audit or an action plan objects.
All those efficacy indicators are set in the _post_execute() method of the strategy, i.e. just after a solution has been found in the _do_execute() method.
Note that the _pre_execute() method of each strategy will be the place where all necessary data is fetched and prepared in order to compute a solution (i.e. build a model of the data-center, get some previously stored metrics, …).
Below you will find a class diagram showing the hierarchy of Strategies for several goals and how they are related to efficacy specification classes:

In the future, the DDD Specification Pattern will enable Watcher to compose several efficacy indicators whenever an Audit is launched with multiple goals.
The administrator will let Watcher do the optimization without having a forecast of the potential gain on the infrastructure.
Data model impact¶
The following data object will be impacted:
We may need to store in the database a list of efficacy indicators associated with the action plan
A new Goal object should be stored in the Watcher database with the following information:
the unique name of the goal
the translated name of the display name of the goal
the list of efficacy indicator descriptions. Note that the regarding the name, unit and description of each indicator, the database stores the i18n unique name of the string, not the translated version.
A new table should also be created in order to store the specification of each efficacy indicator and reference the goal that uses it.
REST API impact¶
There will be an impact on every REST resource URLs that starts with /v1/action_plans/ and that uses the type ActionPlan:
GET /v1/action_plans
GET /v1/action_plans/(action_plans_uuid)
POST /v1/action_plans
DELETE /v1/action_plans
PATCH /v1/action_plans
GET /v1/action_plans/detail
The type ActionPlan will contain a new efficacy object with a dictionary of indicators.
Here is a sample of the new JSON payload for an action plan which includes one global efficacy indicator and three detailed indicators:
"action_plans": [
"audit_uuid": "abcee106-14d3-4515-b744-5a26885cf6f6",
"first_action_uuid": "57eaf9ab-5aaa-4f7e-bdf7-9a140ac7a720",
"links": [
"href": "http://localhost:9322/v1/action_plans/9ef4d84c-41e8-4418-9220-ce55be0436af",
"rel": "self"
"href": "http://localhost:9322/action_plans/9ef4d84c-41e8-4418-9220-ce55be0436af",
"rel": "bookmark"
"state": "ONGOING",
"updated_at": "2016-02-08T12:59:33.445869",
"uuid": "9ef4d84c-41e8-4418-9220-ce55be0436af",
"global_efficacy": 89,
"efficacy_indicators" : [
"name" : "Average CPU load",
"value" : "22"
"name" : "Average inlet temperature",
"value" : "34"
"name" : "Number of sleeping hosts",
"value" : "2"
There will also be an impact on every REST resource URLs that starts with /v1/goals/ and that uses the type Goal:
GET /v1/goals
GET /v1/goals/(goal_uuid)
GET /v1/goals/detail
Each Goal object will be a dictionary with a goal_name and an efficacy_specification which contains an array of indicator descriptions.
Here is a sample of the new JSON payload for a goal which includes the efficacy_specification object composed of four indicators:
"goals": [
"goal_name": "REDUCE_ENERGY",
"goal_display_name": "Reduce Energy Consumption",
"efficacy_specification" : [
"name" : "Relative energy gain",
"description" : "The amount of gained energy in %",
"unit" : "%",
"type" : "integer",
"range" : "[0..100]",
"mandatory" : "true"
"name" : "Absolute energy gain",
"description" : "The amount of gained energy in kWh",
"unit" : "kWh",
"type" : "long",
"mandatory" : "true"
"name" : "Number of VM migrations",
"description" : "The total number of VM to migrate",
"unit" : "counter",
"type" : "integer",
"mandatory" : "true"
"name" : "Estimated action plan duration",
"description" : "The estimated time needed to execute the
action plan, in seconds",
"unit" : "second",
"type" : "long",
"mandatory" : "true"
Note that, from the user point of view, the link between indicators returned in the Goal object and in the ActionPlan object can be done through the name of the indicator (which is unique for a given goal).
Security impact¶
Notifications impact¶
Other end user impact¶
Efficacy indicators needs to be added to the python-watcherclient to provide extra information when requesting action plans or goals.
The indicators must also be added to watcher-dashboard to allows the cloud administrator to take appropriate decision in Horizon.
Performance Impact¶
The calculation of efficacy indicators will be done by the targeted strategy, we should keep in mind that this calculation must not add delay to the building of the solution.
Other deployer impact¶
Developer impact¶
- Primary assignee:
<launchpad-id or None>
- Other contributors:
v-mahe, jed56, acabot
Work Items¶
Here is the list of foreseen work items:
add a new Goal object in /watcher/db/sqlalchemy/models.py
add a new EfficacyIndicatorSpecification object in /watcher/db/sqlalchemy/models.py*
add a new goal.py class in the /watcher/objects/ package
add a dictionary to BaseSolution and ActionPlan classes to store the list of efficacy indicator values.
the ActionPlan class should be able to read/write the efficacy indicator values from/to the Watcher database (see /db/api.py and /db/sqlalchemy/api.py classes).
the BaseSolution class should have a new method named set_efficacy_values() which enables a Strategy to set the list of efficacy indicator values in the solution that it builds.
implement an example of efficacy specification class which contains a description of the expected efficacy indicators for a given goal and the needed methods:
check_efficacy_indicators(Solution) which returns a boolean. The developer may use the Voluptuous Python data validation library to define the constraints on the efficacy indicators in this method.
get_global_efficacy(Solution) which returns the computed global efficacy value.
implement a base class dedicated to a goal that will hold a list of possible Strategies and an efficacy specification.
when the Watcher Decision Engine service is started, Watcher should browse the list of available goal unique names, get for each goal the list of efficacy indicator descriptions and store them in the Watcher database.
make sure that when a new version of a goal is deployed, when the Watcher Decision Engine service is restarted, all recommended and pending action_plan and audit are changed to a CANCELLED state.
update all existing strategies so that they define three private methods which are automatically called from the public execute() method (i.e. use a Template method design pattern):
_pre_execute(): which prepares the data needed by the optimization algorithm.
_do_execute(): which computes the solution. This is where the main optimization algorithm is executed and where the efficacy indicators are computed.
_post_execute(): which can do some cleaning task but, more importantly, this is where efficacy indicators are set.
update the Watcher devstack plugin setup to adapt it (remove the auto watcher_goals config setup).
update python-watcherclient to provide extra information regarding efficacy indicators when requesting action plans or goals.
There are some dependencies with the following blueprints:
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/get-goal-from-strategy : there should be a common base class XYZBaseStrategy for all Strategies associated to the same XYZGoal.
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/optimization-threshold : this blueprint deals with input parameters provided to Strategies and there may be some common impacts with this blueprint which deals with output parameters generated by Strategies.
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/persistent-audit-parameters : this blueprint must be implemented so that it is possible to get from the database the information regarding the goal and strategy to which the indicators of the action plan were related (hence the specification of these indicators) when the audit was launched.
Strategy Selector blueprint : this component will probably use the efficacy indicators to automatically select the best strategy.
Planner Selector blueprint : this component will probably use the efficacy indicators to automatically select the best scheduler.
There is also a dependency with the following bug:
https://bugs.launchpad.net/watcher/+bug/1546630 : the API documentation should explain how to request the list of available goals and for each goal it should be possible to see the list of efficacy indicators.
Unit tests on the Watcher Decision Engine
Tempest test to run a strategy to get efficacy indicators
Tempest test to get the list of available goals and for each goal the list of efficacy indicator specification.
An admin should be able to launch an Audit with Watcher with a BASIC_CONSOLIDATION goal on an OpenStack cluster and get efficacy indicators associated with the generated action plan.
Documentation Impact¶
The developer guide should explain how to specify efficacy indicators for a given goal.