libvirt - Store and allow the default machine type to be changed

Problem description

QEMU’s “machine type” concept can be thought of a virtual chipset that provides certain default devices (e.g. PCIe graphics card, Ethernet controller, SATA controllae, etc). QEMU supports two main variants of “machine type” for x86 hosts: (a) pc, which corresponds to Intel’s I440FX chipset, which is twenty-two years old as of this writing; and (b) q35, which corresponds to Intel’s 82Q35 chipset (released in 2007; a relatively modern chipset). For AArch64 hosts, the machine type is called: virt.

The pc machine type is considered “legacy”, and does not support some of the modern features. Although at this time of writing, upstream QEMU has not reached an agreement to remove new versioned variants of the pc machine type, some long-term stable Linux distributions (CentOS, RHEL, possibly others) are moving to support q35 only.

The libvirt virt driver has long supported the configuration of a per compute host default machine type via the [libvirt]/hw_machine_type configurable for use by QEMU and KVM based instances. This configurable provides a default machine type per host architecture to be used when no corresponding hw_machine_type image property is provided for the instance.

When the configurable is not defined the libvirt driver relies on the following hardcoded dictionary of default machine types per architecture:

default_mtypes = {
    obj_fields.Architecture.ARMV7: "virt",
    obj_fields.Architecture.AARCH64: "virt",
    obj_fields.Architecture.S390: "s390-ccw-virtio",
    obj_fields.Architecture.S390X: "s390-ccw-virtio",
    obj_fields.Architecture.I686: "pc",
    obj_fields.Architecture.X86_64: "pc",

However the resulting machine type used by the instance is not recorded by Nova. As such the configurable (if set) and hardcoded defaults within the libvirt driver must remain consistent between hosts in an environment and can never be changed without changing the emulated hardware exposed to the guest, breaking the application binary interface (ABI) of the instances after hard reboot, move or re-creation operations.

This spec aims to outline how we can avoid this by always storing the machine type for the lifetime of the instance. This will allow both operators and developers to make changes to the default machine type over time while not breaking existing instances.

Use Cases

  • As a developer working on the libvirt driver I would like to update the default machine type for a given host architecture to make use of newer models of emulated hardware and features of QEMU.

  • As an operator of an existing OpenStack environment I want to default to a new machine type while not breaking the ABI of existing instances.

  • As a user I want to ensure the ABI of my instance remains the same throughout the lifetime of the instance, regardless of default configurable changes made by an operator or virt driver developers.

Proposed change

  • Store the used machine type in the instance system metadata table during the initial spawn of the instance or init_host of the compute service for all running instances that don’t have a hw_machine_type already stored.

  • Ensure the stored machine type is used during a hard reboot, move or any other action that results in the domain being redefined aside from a full rebuild of the instance.

  • Unset the stored machine type during a rebuild allowing a new image defined machine type or host configured default to be used.

  • Allow operators to get the machine type of instances via a new get_machine_type nova-manage command.

  • Allow operators to set or update the machine type of instances with a vm_state of STOPPED, SHELVED or SHELVED_OFFLOADED via a new update_machine_type nova-manage command.



Data model impact

The machine type will be stored within the Instance object under the system_metadata field that is a DictOfNullableStringsField using the key hw_machine_type.

REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact


Other deployer impact

Deployers will now be able to change the default machine type for a given architecture without changing the underlying ABI presented to existing instances.

Developer impact

Libvirt driver developers will now be able to change the default machine type without changing the underlying ABI presented to existing instances.

Upgrade impact

When upgrading to Wallaby from Victoria (or earlier) on startup the libvirt driver will attempt to record the current machine type of each non-deleted instance residing on the host. This includes STOPPED, PAUSED and SHELVED instances. Where possible this will come from a direct query of the underlying guest domain but if one is not found it will instead come from the instance image metadata property hw_machine_type, [libvirt]/hw_machine_type configurable or legacy hardcoded defaults.

For non-deleted instances that are marked as SHELVED_OFFLOADED and thus don’t reside on a compute host a update_machine_type nova-manage command will be introduced that will allow operators to set a machine type. As above this will rely first on any stored image properties but if none is found will require a specific machine type to be provided by the caller.

A nova-status command will be introduced to allow operators to determine when all non-deleted instances have had a machine type recorded across an environment.

While the aliased machine types (q35 for example) will be documented as the recommended choice admins and operators will be allowed to configure a versioned machine either per image or per architecture on a given compute host.

As a result the same update_machine_type nova-manage command used to set the machine type of SHELVED_OFFLOADED instances will also be able to update the machine type of instances with a vm_state of STOPPED, SHELVED or SHELVED_OFFLOADED.

This will allow operators to migrate instances between these versioned machine types overtime without a full rebuild of the instance.

It should be noted that by default this command will not allow the machine_type to be changed between actual types of machine_type, for example pc to q35 or between a newer and older version of a machine type.

By default both will continue to require a full rebuild of the instance using a new image with associated hw_machine_type image property set or once the [libvirt]/hw_machine_type defaults have been updated on the launching compute host.

A --force flag will be inlcuded to allow operators to force through changes in both cases with a warning that the operation will likely break the ABI within the instance once restarted.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:

Feature Liaison

Feature liaison:


Work Items

  • Store the used machine type in the instance extras table during the initial spawn of the instance or init_host of the compute service for all running instances.

  • Ensure the stored machine type is used during a hard reboot, move or any other action that results in the domain being redefined aside from a full rebuild of the instance.

  • Unset the stored machine type during a rebuild allowing a new image defined machine type or host configured default to be used.

  • Introduce a get_machine_type nova-manage command to allow operators to get the recorded machine_type of an instance.

  • Introduce a update_machine_type nova-manage command to allow operators to set or update the recorded machine_type for a given instance with a vm_state of STOPPED, SHELVED or SHELVED_OFFLOADED allowing upgrades between versioned machine types over time.

  • Introduce a nova-status upgrade check to ensure the machine_type has been updated for all instances residing on a given host in the env or across all hosts.

  • Write extensive operator documentation for the above.




The grenade job will be extended to ensure the machine_type field is being populated during compute service startup when using the libvirt driver.

Documentation Impact

Extensive operator documentation covering the upgrade impact and use of the configurable will be written.




Release Name


