TripleO network configuration

We need a tool (or tools) to help configure host level networking in TripleO. This includes things like:

  • Static IPs

  • Multiple OVS bridges

  • Bonding

  • VLANs

Problem Description

Today in TripleO we bootstrap nodes using DHCP so they can download custom per node metadata from Heat. This metadata contains per instance network information that allows us to create a customized host level network configuration.

Today this is accomplished via two scripts:

The problem with the existing scripts is that their feature set is extremely prescriptive and limited. Today we only support bridging a single NIC onto an OVS bridge, VLAN support is limited and more advanced configuration (of even common IP address attributes like MTUs, etc) is not possible.

Furthermore we also desire some level of control over how networking changes are made and whether they are persistent. In this regard a provider layer would be useful so that users can choose between using for example:

  • ifcfg/eni scripts: used where persistence is required and we want to configure interfaces using the distro supported defaults

  • iproute2: used to provide optimized/streamlined network configuration which may or may not also include persistence

Our capabilities are currently limited to the extent that we are unable to fully provision our TripleO CI overclouds without making manual changes and/or hacks to images themselves. As such we need to expand our host level network capabilities.

Proposed Change

Create a new python project which encapsulates host level network configuration.

This will likely consist of:

  • an internal python library to facilitate host level network configuration

  • a binary which processes a YAML (or JSON) format and makes the associated python library calls to configure host level networking.

By following this design the tool should work well with Heat driven metadata and provide us the future option of moving some of the library code into Oslo ( or perhaps Neutron itself.

The tool will support a “provider” layer such that multiple implementations can drive the host level network configuration (iproute2, ifcfg, eni). This is important because as new network config formats are adopted by distributions we may want to gradually start making use of them (thinking ahead to for example).

The tool will also need to be extensible such that we can add new configuration options over time. We may for example want to add more advanced bondings options at a later point in time… and this should be as easy as possible.

The focus of the tool initially will be host level network configuration for existing TripleO features (interfaces, bridges, vlans) in a much more flexible manner. While we support these things today in a prescriptive manner the new tool will immediately support multiple bridges, interfaces, and vlans that can be created in an ad-hoc manner. Heat templates can be created to drive common configurations and people can customize those as needed for more advanced networking setups.

The initial implementation will focus on persistent configuration formats for ifcfg and eni, like we do today via ensure-bridge. This will help us continue to make steps towards bringing bare metal machines back online after a power outage (providing a static IP for the DHCP server for example).

The primary focus of this tool should always be host level network configuration and fine tuning that we can’t easily do within Neutron itself. Over time the scope and concept of the tool may shift as Neutron features are added and/or subtracted.


One alternative is to keep expanding ensure-bridge and init-neutron-ovs which would require a significant number of new bash options and arguments to configure all the new features (vlans, bonds, etc.).

Many of the deployment projects within the OpenStack ecosystem are doing similar sorts of networking today. Consider:

Most of these options are undesirable because they would add a significant number of dependencies to TripleO.

Security Impact

The configuration data used by this tool is already admin-oriented in nature and will continue to be provided by Heat. As such there should be no user facing security concerns with regards to access to the configuration data that aren’t already present.

This implementation will directly impact the low level network connectivity in all layers of TripleO including the seed, undercloud, and overcloud networks. Any of the host level networking that isn’t already provided by Neutron is likely affected.

Other End User Impact

This feature enables deployers to build out more advanced undercloud and overcloud networks and as such should help improve the reliability and performance of the fundamental host network capabilities in TripleO.

End users should benefit from these efforts.

Performance Impact

This feature will allow us to build better/more advanced networks and as such should help improve performance. In particular the interface bonding and VLAN support should help in this regard.

Other Deployer Impact


Developer Impact




Primary assignee:

Dan Prince (dan-prince on Launchpad)

Work Items

  • Create project on GitHub: os-net-config

  • Import project into openstack-infra, get unit tests gating, etc.

  • Build a python library to configure host level networking with an initial focus on parity with what we already have including things we absolutely need for our TripleO CI overcloud networks.

    The library will consist of an object model which will allow users to create interfaces, bridges, and vlans, and bonds (optional). Each of these types will act as a container for address objects (IPv4 and IPv6) and routes (multiple routes may be defined). Additionally, each object will include options to enable/disable DHCP and set the MTU.

  • Create provider layers for ifcfg/eni. The providers take an object model and apply it (“make it so”). The ifcfg provider will write out persistent config files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<name> and use ifup/ifdown to start and stop the interfaces when an change has been made. The eni provider will write out configurations to /etc/network/interfaces and likewise use ifup/ifdown to start and stop interfaces when a change has been made.

  • Create a provider layer for iproute2. Optional, can be done at a later time. This provider will most likely not use persistent formats and will run various ip/vconfig/route commands to configure host level networking for a given object model.

  • Create a binary that processes a YAML config file format and makes the correct python library calls. The binary should be idempotent in that running the binary once with a given configuration should “make it so”. Running it a second time with the same configuration should do nothing (i.e. it is safe to run multiple times). An example YAML configuration format is listed below which describes a single OVS bridge with an attached interface, this would match what ensure-bridge creates today:

    type: ovs_bridge
    name: br-ctlplane
    use_dhcp: true
      - br-set-external-id br-ctlplane bridge-id br-ctlplane
        type: interface
        name: em1

The above format uses a nested approach to define an interface attached to a bridge.

  • TripleO element to install os-net-config. Most likely using pip (but we may use git initially until it is released).

  • Wire this up to TripleO…get it all working together using the existing Heat metadata formats. This would include any documentation changes to tripleo-incubator, deprecating old elements, etc.

  • TripleO heat template changes to use the new YAML/JSON formats. Our default configuration would most likely do exactly what we do today (OVS bridge with a single attached interface). We may want to create some other example heat templates which can be used in other environments (multi-bridge setups like we use for our CI overclouds for example).




Existing TripleO CI will help ensure that as we implement this we maintain parity with the current feature set.

The ability to provision and make use of our Triple CI clouds without custom modifications/hacks will also be a proving ground for much of the work here.

Additional manual testing may be required for some of the more advanced modes of operation (bonding, VLANs, etc.)

Documentation Impact

The recommended heat metadata used for network configuration may change as result of this feature. Older formats will be preserved for backwards compatibility.


Notes from the Atlanta summit session on this topic can be found here (includes possible YAML config formats):