Make Watcher objects versioned

As we are making Watcher more stable, we now have to tackle the question of retro-compatibility. Other OpenStack projects already faced this problem and the community came up with a common answer which is object versioning.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of blueprint specifications written on the subject by other projects:

Problem description

As of now, Watcher maintains some (but not all) building blocks previously used by other projects such as Nova in order to enable the versioning of objects. As Watcher is now part of the Big Tent, we should start taking into account backwards compatibility. Moreover, we should standardize the code and therefore make use of oslo.versionedobjects.

Use Cases

Whenever existing Watcher objects are created or modified or deleted, the concerned Watcher objects should see their version bumped whilst indicating the changes that occurred in order to ease retro-compatibility handling throughout the codebase.

Proposed change

The focus of this blueprint is to rewrite the Watcher codebase implements its objects to leverage oslo.versionedobjects library to enable the versioning of Watcher objects.

Besides, oslo.versionedobjects brings along many new field types, among which ObjectField can be found. This field can reveal itself useful in subsequent work about building versioned notifications as we will be most certainly keen on notifying a more complete set of information that would also include some data that are directly related to the given Watcher object. This work will hence be tackled within this blueprint.


  • Keep the current codebase and enhance it to support some form of versioning

  • Do not support any form of object versioning

Data model impact

Add DB relationships on existing models wherever foreign key fields where already defined:

  • The Strategy will have one ORM relationship field:

    • A goal field reflecting the goal_id ForeignKey field

  • The AuditTemplate will have two ORM relationship fields:

    • A goal field reflecting the goal_id ForeignKey field

    • A strategy field reflecting the strategy_id ForeignKey field

  • The Audit will have two ORM relationship fields:

    • A goal field reflecting the goal_id ForeignKey field

    • A strategy field reflecting the strategy_id ForeignKey field

  • The ActionPlan will have two ORM relationship fields:

    • A audit field reflecting the audit_id ForeignKey field

    • A strategy field reflecting the strategy_id ForeignKey field

  • The Action will have one ORM relationship field:

    • An action_plan field reflecting the action_plan_id ForeignKey field

  • The EfficacyIndicator will have one ORM relationship field:

    • An action_plan field reflecting the action_plan_id ForeignKey field

Moreover, unused DB fields will be removed in order to avoid non retro-compatible changes as much as possible.

REST API impact

The API design will not be impacted by the eager flag. Indeed, API endpoints will not return any eagerly-loaded data.

Security impact


Notifications impact

This work will help building versioned notifications.

Other end user impact


Performance Impact

Loading ObjectField data makes queries slower. This is the reason why the concept of eager loading is introduced alongside this blueprint to limit the associated performance hit to areas where this eager loading is necessary. Also note that this eager loading will not be cascaded which means that eagerly loaded related objects will not be subject to eager loading themselves.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact

As objects are being versioned from now on, any modification of an existing Watcher object should be directly translated into a version bump. Retro-compatible changes should see the minor version of the related object bumped whereas any disrupting changes should be translated by a transition to a new major version.



Primary assignee:


Work Items

Here below are the changes to be made:

  • Enable database loading of ORM relationships in the case of One-to-One and One-to-Many foreign keys.

  • Add the possibility to either eager load or not the newly added ORM relationships for performance purposes.

  • Overhaul the code in watcher/objects/ to now use oslo.versionedobjects.

  • Update all Watcher objects which had foreign key fields to add ObjectField fields that will have to be filled whenever an eager loading of the underlying DB model is requested.




Apart from updating existing unit test suites, this blueprint does not bring any new end-user functionality. Hence, the current set of Tempest test should remain unchanged and still pass upon completion.

Documentation Impact

The DB schema shown in the architecture will have to be updated.



