Notifications in Watcher

Provide a notification mechanism into Watcher that supports versioning.

Whenever a Watcher object (i.e. Goal, Strategy, AuditTemplate, Audit, ActionPlan, Action, EfficacyIndicator or ScoringEngine) is created, updated or deleted, a versioned notification should, if it’s relevant, be automatically sent to notify in order to allow an event-driven style of architecture within Watcher. Moreover, it will also give other services and/or 3rd party softwares (e.g. monitoring solutions or rules engines) the ability to react to such events.

This blueprint is heavily inspired on similar blueprints made on other projects:

Problem description

As of now, Watcher does not emit any notification whenever performing some actions such as an update of an object. These information should be notified so that Watcher services can inter-operate on an event-based basis instead of having to rely on data polling. Moreover, these notifications may find themselves useful to other OpenStack services which can also make use of them, especially Congress, Vitrage, Monasca or Aodh.

Therefore, the purpose of this blueprint is to give Watcher the ability to send versioned notifications.

Use Cases

As an OpenStack developer, I want to be able to listen to notifications coming from Watcher. I also want to know what is the format of the notifications.

As an OpenStack developer, I want to be able to detect and follow up the changes in the notification format later on.

As an OpenStack operator, I want to be able to disable notifications in Watcher.

As an OpenStack operator, I want to be able to define the topic(s) to which Watcher will send its notifications.

Project Priority


Proposed change

Based on the oslo.versionedobjects library, the objective is to create versioned objects that will later on be serialized and sent as payload for the notifications, each one of these objects will hence be able to hold a version number that will facilitate retro-compatibility whenever adding new fields.

The basic structure for all notifications will be the same as the one that is used in Nova for the versioned-notification-api blueprint, i.e.:

    "priority": "INFO",
    "event_type": "audit.update",
    "timestamp": "2016-10-07 09:31:10.895274",
    "publisher_id": "infra-optim:localhost",
    "message_id": "a13cb7a6-8fae-4e20-8fc8-1c4e851fa6f5",
    "payload": {
      // [...]

In order to send the versioned notification, we will use the oslo.messaging library which is a standard OpenStack library. Already used within Watcher to listen to notifications emitted by other projects (e.g. Nova), oslo.messaging will help us declare a notifier that allows us to configure the topics all notifications will be sent to.


Instead of using oslo.versionedobjects, we can define the payload of our notifications without any support for versioning.

Data model impact

The following base objects will be defined:

class NotificationPriorityType(Enum):
    AUDIT = 'audit'
    CRITICAL = 'critical'
    DEBUG = 'debug'
    INFO = 'info'
    ERROR = 'error'
    SAMPLE = 'sample'
    WARN = 'warn'


class NotificationPhase(BaseWatcherEnum):
    START = 'start'
    END = 'end'
    ERROR = 'error'


class NotificationAction(BaseWatcherEnum):
    CREATE = 'create'
    UPDATE = 'update'
    EXCEPTION = 'exception'
    DELETE = 'delete'


class NotificationPriorityField(BaseEnumField):
    AUTO_TYPE = NotificationPriority()

class NotificationPhaseField(BaseEnumField):
    AUTO_TYPE = NotificationPhase()

class NotificationActionField(BaseEnumField):
    AUTO_TYPE = NotificationAction()

class EventType(NotificationObject):
    VERSION = '1.0'

    fields = {
        'object': fields.StringField(nullable=False),
        'action': fields.NotificationActionField(nullable=False),
        'phase': fields.NotificationPhaseField(nullable=True),

class NotificationBase(NotificationObject):
    VERSION = '1.0'

    fields = {
        'priority': fields.NotificationPriorityField(),
        'event_type': fields.ObjectField('EventType'),
        'publisher': fields.ObjectField('NotificationPublisher'),

    def emit(self, context):
        """Send the notification."""

REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact

None, although this blueprint introduces the required building blocks necessary to implement any notification.

Other end user impact


Performance Impact

When enabled, code to send the notification will be called each time an event occurs that triggers a notification. This shouldn’t be much of a problem for Watcher itself, but the load on whatever message bus is used should be considered.

Other deployer impact

The following configuration option will be added:

  • A notification_level string parameter will be added to indicate the minimum priority level for which notifications will be sent. Available options will be DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or None to disable notifications. INFO will be the default.

Note that some already existing configuration options coming from oslo.messaging that were auto-generated into the watcher.conf.sample configuration sample will now be taken into account. For more information, refer to the oslo.messaging configuration options documentation.

Developer impact

Developers should adhere to proper versioning guidelines and use the notification base classes when creating new notifications.



Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Implement all base objects presented in Data model impact

  • Add new sphinx directive that will help documenting the Watcher notifications by giving a notification sample.




Unit tests should be added to ascertain the good behavior of the newly implemented notifications.

Documentation Impact

Create a new documentation section in Watcher that will automatically expose all the implemented notifications with a complete notification sample that can be used as a reference by the developers trying to consume them.

