Specification Repository Backlog Refactor


This specification proposes the refactoring of the sahara-specs repository to inform a new workflow for backlogged features. This new workflow will increase the visibility of specifications that have been approved but which require implementation.

Problem description

Currently the sahara-specs repository suggests a layout that creates “implemented” and “approved” subdirectories for each release. This pattern could create duplicates and/or empty directories as plans that have been approved for previous releases but have not been completed are moved and copied around as necessary.

Additionally, this pattern can increase the barrier for new contributors looking for features to work on and the future direction of the project. By having a single location for all backlogged specifications it will increase visibility of items which require attention. And the release directories can be devoted entirely to specifications implemented during those cycles.

Proposed change

This change will add a backlog directory to the specs directory in the repository, and refactor the juno directory to contain only the specs implemented in juno.

It will also update the documentation to clearly indicate the usage of the backlog directory and the status of the release directories. This documentation will be part of the root readme file, a new document in the backlog directory, and a reference in the main documentation.

This change is also proposing a workflow that goes along with the repository changes. Namely that any work within a release that is either predicted to not be staffed, or that is not started at the end of a release should be moved to the backlog directory. This process should be directed by the specification drafters as they will most likely be the primary assignees for new work. In situations where the drafter of a specification feels that there will be insufficient resources to create an implementation then they should move an approved specification to the backlog directory. This process should also be revisited at the end of a release cycle to move all specifications that have not been assigned to the backlog.


Keep the directory structure the way it is currently. This does not improve the status of the repository but is an option to consider. If the directory structure is continued as currently configured then the release directories will need to create additional structures for each cycle’s incomplete work.

Refactor each release directory to contain a backlog. This is very similar to leaving things in their current state with the exception that it changes the names in the directories. This change might add a small amount of clarification but it is unlikely as the current names for “implemented” and “approved” are relatively self explanatory.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Other end user impact


Deployer impact


Developer impact

The main impact will be for crafters of specifications to be more aware of the resource requirements to implement the proposed changes. And potentially move their specifications based on those requirements.

Sahara-image-elements impact


Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact




Primary assignee:

mimccune (Michael McCune)

Work Items

  • Create the backlog directory and documentation.

  • Clean up the juno directory.

  • Add references to backlog in the contributing documentation.





Documentation Impact

The “How to Participate” document should be updated to make reference to the backlog directory as a place to look for new work.


Keystone is an example of another project using this format for backlogged work. Examples of the documentation for the backlog directory[1] and the root documentation[2] will be used as reference in the creation of Sahara specific versions.

[1]: https://github.com/openstack/keystone-specs/tree/master/specs/backlog [2]: https://github.com/openstack/keystone-specs