Improve share and back end capabilities in Stein

Manila’s back-end storage drivers offer a wide range of capabilities. The variation in these capabilities allows cloud administrators to provide a storage service catalog to their end users.

Sometimes back-end capabilities are very specific to the storage system, and are opaque to manila or the end users - they provide programmatic directives to the concerned storage driver to do something during share creation or share manipulation. Cloud administrators know of the opaque capabilities through driver documentation and they configure these capabilities within share types as scoped extra-specs (e.g.: hpe3par:nfs_options). The manila scheduler ignores scoped extra-specs during its quest to find the right back end to provision shares.

There are some back-end capabilities in manila that do matter to the scheduler. For our understanding, lets call these non-opaque capabilities. The documentation for these capabilities is here [1] and the share back end feature support classification is provided here [2]. All non-opaque capabilities can be used within share types as non-scoped extra-specs. The non-opaque capabilities can be of three types:

  • Capabilities pertaining to a specific back end storage system driver: For example, huawei_smartcache, these are considered by the scheduler’s capabilities filter (and any custom filter defined by deployers). These capabilities are reported via the scheduler-stats API, however, no other manila API relies on them.

  • Common capabilities that are not tenant visible: The manila community has standardized some cross-platform capabilities like thin_provisioning, dedupe, compression, qos, ipv6_support and ipv4_support. Values of these options do not matter to any manila APIs, however, they can signify something to the manila services themselves. For example when a back end supports thin_provisioning, the scheduler service performs over-provisioning, and if a back end does not report ipv6_support as True, the share-manager service drops IPv6 access rules before invoking the storage driver to allow/deny access rules.

    Although these capabilities are not tenant visible, administrators may use them as extra-specs in share types and the scheduler will match these capabilities in the various filters, including the Capabilities filter included with manila.

  • Common capabilities that are tenant visible: Some capabilities affect functionality exposed via the manila API. For example, not all back ends support snapshots, and even if they do, they may not support all of the snapshot operations. For example, snapshot_support, create_share_from_snapshot_support, revert_to_snapshot_support, mount_snapshot_support and replication_type, etc. The support for these extra-specs determines whether users would be able to perform certain control-plane operations with manila. For example, the CEPHFS back end may report snapshot_support as True allowing end users to invoke the snapshot API, however, CEPHFS snapshots cannot be used by the driver to create a new share, so it reports create_share_from_snapshot_support as False. This reporting allows cloud administrators to create a share type that supports snapshots but not creating shares from snapshots. When a user uses such a share type and their share is created on a CEPH cluster, they cannot invoke the snapshot API successfully because the share type specifies that the feature be disabled for that specific share.

Tenant-visible capabilities aid manila in validating requests and failing fast on requests it cannot accommodate. They also help level set the user expectations on some failures. For example, if snapshot_support is set to False on the share type, since users can see this, they will not invoke the create snapshot API, and even if they do, they will understand the HTTP 400 (and error message) in better context.

Synchronous failures can be acted upon by automation as well as end users interacting manually with manila. Therefore, to the extent possible, all validation that can be performed in the API must be performed because failing early and fast is better than failing asynchronously.

Asynchronous failures may be a bit more painful to react to. With user messages [3] tenants can examine the cause of asynchronous failures. However not all user messages are actionable by end users.

Problem description

This specification focuses on two problem areas: shrinking of shares and storage protocol:

Shrinking shares

Shared File Systems are meant to be elastic. However, not all storage systems can support reducing the size of the allocated filesystems. Consider the case where manila is deployed with a back end that does not support shrinking of shares. When a user tries to shrink a share provisioned on that back end, the call reaches the share-manager process and fails at the driver with a NotImplementedError. The result of the failure causes a state change on the share to shrinking_error. There is no user message either [4]. Even though the share itself is not manipulated in any way, the status on the share makes it impossible to do anything else with it. Typically, users would have to contact the cloud administrator to recover from this status change.

Storage Protocols supported

Currently there is a configuration option enabled_share_protocols that is used by the manila API service to validate if a user’s request can be accepted for scheduling. If this option is mis-configured, we expect a scheduling failure to occur (See Bug 1783736 [5]). Users have no way of knowing what storage protocols are have been configured and what protocols are supported in a given deployment. Drivers themselves may support one or more storage protocols that they report to the scheduler. We introduced capability lists in manila [6] several releases ago. However, drivers that support multiple protocols are reporting a fused string to the scheduler (ex: NFS_CIFS).

Use Cases

  • Users must be able to determine beforehand if shrinking a share is possible

  • Users must receive a synchronous API failure if shrinking is not supported for a given share, but they attempt it anyway.

  • Cloud administrators must be able to configure storage protocols supported on a share type as extra-specs.

  • Users must be able to determine what storage protocols are supported on a manila deployment through share types.

  • The UI should be able to filter share protocols supported and enabled through the share types and vice versa.

Proposed change

  • A new common capability called shrink_support will be introduced. The base driver will determine if the shrink_share() interface is implemented and report the capability shrink_support appropriately.

  • Cloud administrators will be able to configure shrink_support as an extra-spec in share types. This extra-spec will be tenant visible, and can have one of three values: True, False or legacy (reserved value).

  • The scheduler will match only back ends that report shrink_support=True if the extra-spec’s value is set to True. If the extra-spec’s value is set to False or legacy, the share could be scheduled to a back end that may or may not support shrinking shares.

  • If the extra-spec’s value is set to False, manila will set a boolean flag (also called shrink_support) on the share object to False. This flag is inspected by the shrink API and if the value is False, shrinking will be disallowed right off the bat.

  • If the extra-spec’s value is set to legacy, the scheduler disregards the capability and allows the share to be provisioned on any back end (as filtered and weighed by all other factors). On successful scheduling and share creation, the real value of shrink_support will be determined and set on the share by the share-manager process.


The extra-spec value legacy preserves backwards compatibility to schedule shares with pre-existing share types. See the Upgrade impact section for more discussion on this proposal.

  • Administrators can only set the value of shrink_support to a boolean expression. In consequence, they will be prevented from setting the value to the reserved value legacy.

  • Cloud administrators already have the ability to configure storage_protocol as an extra-spec. This extra spec will become tenant visible. If administrators do not configure this extra-spec, it will have a default value of '*' which indicates that shares of all storage protocols are allowed to be created. The value of this extra-spec can be a single protocol or list form, ex: <in> NFS <in> CIFS.

  • If the extra-spec storage_protocol is present and not set to '*', the API will validate if the requested protocol for the share being created is supported by the share type.

  • The UI will be modified to parse the share type chosen and populate the allowed protocols in the drop down on the create share form.

  • Drivers reporting multiple protocols will be updated to report them as a capability list instead of a string.

  • The base driver will evaluate [DEFAULT]/enabled_share_protocols and intersect this list with the capability reported by the driver code to report the correct protocol/s supported in the deployment to the scheduler.


An alternative to not implementing shrink_support as a capability is to disable the share shrinking API with the help of API policy (share:shrink). However, this mechanism cannot be used if the cloud has multiple back ends, one or more of which support shrinking shares while others don’t.

Users today cannot discover storage protocols they can use. We can live with this situation by expecting cloud administrators to communicate what is supported out-of-band of manila. This strategy may work for small deployments where there is a tight communication between end users and cloud administrators. For many others this inconvenience may be annoying, for instance, consider a cross-cloud application that prefers to discover capabilities and run on any OpenStack cloud.

Data model impact

The manila.db.sqlalchemy.models.Share model will be modified to include a nullable field called shrink_support.

Upgrade impact

There will be no data migration to populate the shrink_support capability field on pre-existing shares. The initial value of this field will be null. When users try to shrink a share that has its shrink_support attribute set to NULL, the API will continue to work as it does today, with no change in behavior, whether or not the share can really be shrunk by the back end.

In the share-manager service if NotImplementedError is raised by the driver, the field is set to False and a user message is generated. The status of the share will be set to shrinking_error. After resetting the share’s status, if users attempt to shrink the same share again, the API will be able to prevent it because the shrink_support has been appropriately determined. If the share-manager service does not detect a NotImplementedError, the shrink_support field will be set to True.

All existing share types will be updated to include the extra-spec shrink_support with its value set to legacy. This upgrade impact will be clearly called out in administrator documentation and release notes. By virtue of setting this extra-spec, we preserve backwards compatibility. The manila scheduler will ignore the shrink_support capability if its value is legacy. If a user uses such a share type to create a share, a warning message will be logged in the scheduler service suggesting that the administrator must override the legacy value to enhance user experience.

The share’s shrink_support attribute is determined at the driver after share creation by the virtue of the capability known by the driver. If cloud administrators do not change the value from legacy, their deployments will continue to provide a bad user experience. Users will not know until the share is created whether they can shrink the share or not. The experience further degrades if the same legacy share type matches two back ends: one that supports shrinking shares, and one that doesn’t. Users will see that some shares are shrinkable while some others are not even when using the same legacy share type.

REST API impact

Please note the current state of these APIs in our API reference.

Create and Manage share APIs:

POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares
POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/manage

Changes to request schema / headers / authorization / endpoint: None

Changes to API behavior / response schema / headers / authorization:

Response schema:

    "share": {
        "shrink_support": true,

The API will set the share attribute of shrink_support to True if the tenant visible extra-spec shrink_support has been set to a value that evaluates to True. If shrink_support extra-spec has not been configured, or if its value has been set to False, the shrink_support attribute on the share is set to False.


Please see Upgrade impact to understand how pre-existing share types will be dealt with.

The API will evaluate if the requested protocol is present in the storage_protocol extra-spec of the share type used. If not present, HTTP 400 is sent back to the requester suggesting that they are using a protocol that is not supported.

Shrink share API:

POST /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}/action

Changes to request schema / headers / authorization / endpoint: None

Changes to API behavior / response schema / headers / authorization:

In a new API version, the shrink_support attribute of the share object will be evaluated, and HTTP 400 will be returned to the requester if shrinking is not allowed. Since this action is bound to fail if allowed, API backwards compatibility will not be preserved to provide for a better user experience.

Other APIs:

GET /v2/{tenant_id}/shares
GET /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/detail
GET /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}
PUT /v2/{tenant_id}/shares/{share_id}

All of the above APIs will include a response schema change to include the shrink_support in a new API version.

The share types APIs:

POST /v2/{tenant_id}/types
POST /v2/{tenant_id}/types/{share_type_id}/extra_specs

already disallow non-boolean values for a list of tenant visible common extra-specs. shrink_support will be added to this list.

Security impact


Notifications impact

A fix for LP 1783736 [4] will add a notification for a share shrink operation that can fail asynchronously.

Other end user impact


Performance impact


Other deployer impact

See Upgrade impact for the deployer’s action when this feature lands.

Developer impact


Driver impact

The driver capability storage_protocol will be changed as part of this effort to cleanup support for multiple protocols. From an underscore separated string it will be converted into a capability list.



Primary assignee:

Work Items

  • Introduce shrink_support capability. Modify create/manage share APIs and other share API view builders. Add database migration to introduce share capability attribute. Add base driver implementation to detect support for shrinking shares.

  • Introduce storage_protocol tenant visibe extra-spec, modify driver reporting

  • Add support for shrink_support in python-manilaclient and manila-ui

  • Add support for storage_protocol in python-manilaclient and manila-ui

  • Add tempest tests for both changes




Unit test coverage will be added/maintained as per community standards. Tempest tests will be modified/added to cover new API changes. Share shrink tests will now create a new share type with shrink_support set to True to test shrinking shares.

Documentation Impact

The following OpenStack documentation will be updated to reflect this change:

  • OpenStack User Guide: Capabilities documentation will be improved

  • OpenStack Admin Guide: Share types changes will be documented and upgrade impact will be re-emphasized (Release notes will contain the impact and the actions in detail).

  • OpenStack API Reference: New APIs will be documented

  • Manila Developer Reference: No new documentation expected

  • OpenStack Security Guide: No new documentation expected
