Python Persister Performance Metrics Collection

Story board:!/story/2001576

This defines the list of measurements for the metric upsert processing time and throughput in Python Persister and provides a rest api to retrieve those measurements.

Problem description

The Java Persister, built on top of the DropWizard framework, provides a list of internal performance related metrics, e.g., the total number of metric messages that have been processed since the last service start up, the average, min and max metric processing time etc. The Python Persister, on the other hand, lacks such instrumentation. This presents a challenge to the operator who wants to monitor, triage, and tune the Persister performance and to the Persister performance testing tool that was introduced in Queens release. The Cassandra Python Persister plugin depends on this feature for performance tuning.

Use Cases

  • Use case 1: The developer instruments the defined performance metrics.

    There are two approaches towards the internal performance metrics. The first approach is in memory metering similar to the Java implementation. The data collection starts when the Persister service starts up and is not persisted through service restart. The second approach is to treat such measurement exactly the same as the “normal” metrics Monasca collects. The advantage is that such metrics will be persisted and rest apis are already available to retrieve the metrics. The list of Persister metrics includes:

    1. Total number of metrics upsert request received and completed on a given Persister service instance in the given period of time

    2. Total number of metrics upsert request received and completed on a process or thread in a given period of time (P2)

    3. The average, min, max metric request processing time in a given period of time for a given Persister service instance and process/thread.

  • Use case 2: Retrieves persister performance metrics through rest api.

    The performance metrics can be retrieved using the list metrics api in the Monasca API service.

Proposed change

  1. Monasca Persister

    • Python Persister integrates with monasca-statsd to send count and timer metrics

    • Persister conf to add properties for statsd

  2. Persister performance benchmark tool adds support to retrieve the metrics from Monasca rest api source in addition to the DropWizard admin api.



Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

TBD, The statsd call to update counter and timer is expected to have small performance impact.

Other deployer impact

No change in deployment of the services.

Developer impact




Contributors are welcome!

Primary assignee:

Other contributors:

Work Items

  1. Monasca Persister

    • Python Persister integrates with monasca-statsd to send count and timer metrics

    • Persister conf to add properties for statsd

  2. Persister performance benchmark tool adds support to retrieve the metrics from Monasca rest api source in addition to the DropWizard admin api.




  • Set up a system, use JQuery to automate storing many metrics, check results. The tools to accomplish this testing can be found in monasca-persister/perf/

Documentation Impact

The existing in monasca-persister/perf describes the needed steps. Some minor changes may need to be made to stay current.







Revised with testing notes