Implement mechanism of compatibility between components in Fuel.
Currently, when Fuel plugins provide deployment scenarios to install some components for OpenStack Compute, Network or Storage parts, there is no way to check compatibility between themselves (or with core components) which causes fail of deployment process or broken OpenStack environment in the end. For instance: in future we want to have multi-networking functionality but not all Network core plugins like Contrail can be combined via ML2 . So we need to restrict available options before deployment. Another example: we have NSX network type plugin which works only when ESX provided. In such case we should disable this options if only inappropriate hypervisors like KVM was chosen.
New entity called ‘component’ will be introduced. This abstraction shows which part of OpenStack current plugin extend. According to this definition, component can be one of next types:
Plugin developers can specify incompatibility matrix between components when they defently in conflict and compatibility matrix when not. It can be done through mechanism of subtypes. For example: some plugin provide new Network type component which compatible only with core hypervisor like (KVM, QEMU) or only with vmware (ESXi). Plugin can extend different parts of OpenStack so potentially it can provide many components. Also some components can know nothing about compatiblity/incompatibility but requires other, for example DVS requires vCenter which means in fact more strict rule than just compatiblity.
Compatibility, inncompatibility and requires between components should be shown explicitly.To avoid direct incompatible relation between specific component we can group them in sets (or subtypes) and then working in context of compatibility between subtypes. Such aproach decrease dimension of compatibility matrix (K-map matrix) which represents compatible/incompatible relations. For example current list of subtypes can be next (in future may be extended):
- hypervisor:libvirt:kvm
- hypervisor:libvirt:qemu
- hypervisor:hyperv
- hypervisor:vmware
- hypervisor:xen
- network:neutron:ml2:ovs
- network:neutron:ml2:dvs
- network:neutron:ml2:linux_bridge
- network:neutron:ml2:sr_iov
- network:neutron:ml2:brocade
- network:neutron:ml2:cisco
- network:neutron:ml2:mellanox
- network:neutron:core:ml2
- network:neutron:core:nsx
- network:neutron:core:contrail
- network:neutron:core:midonet
- network:neutron:service:vpnaas
- network:neutron:service:fwaas
- network:neutron:service:lbaas
- network:neutron:service:l3
- network:neutron:service:l2
- network:neutron:ipam:builtin
- storage:object:backend:swift
- storage:object:backend:ceph
- storage:object:backend:gluster
- storage:object:backend:sheepdog
- storage:block:backend:ceph
- storage:block:backend:nfs
- storage:block:backend:lvm
- storage:block:backend:zfs
- storage:image:swift
- storage:image:ceph
- storage:ephemeral:ceph
- additional_service:sahara
- additional_service:murano
- additional_service:ceilometer
Example of compatibility matrix (some subtypes skipped for simplifying):
hypervisor: libvirt | network:neutron: core:contrail | network:neutron: ml2 | |
hypervisor: libvirt | C | C | C |
network:neutron: core:contrail | C | C | X |
network:neutron: ml2 | C | X | C |
NOTE: In this representation incompatibility between elements marked as ‘X’ and compatiblility as ‘C’
From this matrix we can see that Contrail network type is incompatible with any ML2 type plugin. For DVS ML2 plugin we can show that it requires hypervisor:vmware and so on. Requires means that components needs any other component from the list. Example:
- name: 'hypervisor:sub:A'
- name: 'hypervisor:sub:B'
- name: 'network:C'
- name: 'storage:D'
- name: 'hypervisor:sub:A'
- name: 'hypervisor:sub:B'
- name: 'network:C'
Condition is next: A OR B OR C
We can even use a wildcard for hypervisor:
- name: 'storage:D'
- name: 'hypervisor:sub:*'
- name: 'network:C'
Result should be the same.
In future there should be a possibility to describe complex logical structures with exmplicit relations: AND, OR, NOT, etc., as it done in UI restrictions.
All components, chosen in Wizard tab, should be enabled on Setting tab. This can be achieved by enabling proper plugins based on [0] and core components by changing default cluster attributes with binded values.
Nailgun DB changes:
components_metadata JSON field with info about compatiblity/incompatibility/requires between plugin components
components_metadata JSON field with info about compatiblity/incompatibility/requires between release(or core) components
components JSON field with specific list of components for cluster
There will be a new API call for getting JSON data of compatible components for release and all plugins releated with it.
HTTP | URL | Description |
GET | /api/v1/releases/<:id>/components/ | Get components data for specific release |
The response format for GET /api/v1/releases/<:id>/components/:
"name": "network:core:contrail",
"label" "Contrail",
"description": "Contrail network",
"weight": 10,
"incompatible": [
"name": "hypervisor:vmware",
"description": "Contrail not compatible with VMware for now"
"name": "hypervisor:libvirt:kvm",
"label": "KVM",
"description": "KVM hypervisor",
"weight": 10,
"incompatible": {
"name": "hypervisor:libvirt:qemu",
"description": "KVM not compatible with QEMU"
"name": "network:core:test_net",
"label": "TestNet",
"description": "Test network"
"weight": 20,
"compatible": [
{"name": "hypervisor:xen"}
"incompatible": [
"name": "hypervisor:libvirt:*",
"message": "TestNet not compatible with libvirt type computes"
"name": "network:neutron:core:ml2",
"label": "ML2 plugin",
"description": "ML2 plugin"
"weight": 20
"name": "network:neutron:ml2:dvs",
"label": "DVS driver",
"description": "DVS driver"
"weight": 20,
"requires": [
{"name": "network:neutron:core:ml2"}
"name": "storage:block:ceph",
"label": "Ceph",
"description": "Ceph as block backend"
"weight": 20,
"incompatible": [
{"name": "storage:block:lvm"}
"name": "storage:block:lvm",
"label": "LVM",
"description": "LVM as block backend"
"weight": 20,
"incompatible": [
{"name": "storage:block:ceph"}
Here hypervisors:libvirt:* means that TestNet is incompatible with both KVM and QEMU. It is definitely compatible with the Xen hypervisor, but we can say nothing about the compatiblity with vCenter. So, a user can choose it on his own risk.
Cluster creation API should be changed for handling chosen components on the wizard tab.
The request format for POST /api/v1/clusters/:
id: 1,
name: "Some cluster",
components: [
nodes: [],
tasks: []
Algorithm of processing components is next:
Wizard tab uses new component API for retriving all components from nailgun.
Compute components will be checkboxes. It gives us the possiblity to select multiple hypervisors or only vCenter. For them we can describe incompatibilities between hypervisors. For example, we can use only KVM or QEMU but not both of them. So we can say that KVM is not compatible with QEMU and when KVM is checked QEMU checkbox element should be disabled and vice versa.
Currently, network supports only Neutron and Nova as deprecated option. Neutron has core plugins which are incompatible with each other and core ML2 plugin which helps some specific plugins work together (like OVS, DVS, etc.). So nova and neutron core components should be radio buttons. Under ML2 radio button option we can group ML2 plugins options as checkboxes. If some ML2 component is not in incompatible state with previous choosen components and all requires options (if they exist) enabled, this ML2 component also should be enabled for checking. If all checkboxes under ML2 radio button are disabled, it should be disabled as well. For example: we have OVS which requires KVM or QEMU and DVS which requires vCenter, then in case of multi-HV we can choose both.
Storage components will be displayed as checkboxses in four sections for each storage subtype: object, block, image, ephemeral. Storage incompatible list can contain hypervisor, network and storage components.
Additional components should be checkboxes. Incompatible list can have all types of components.
Every type can have a compatible list or whitelist. It will be used to highlight definitely compatible components with ‘green light’ if all elements from compatible list are enabled.
"name": "hypervisor:A",
"label" "HA",
"description": "Hypervisor A",
"weight": 10
"name": "hypervisor:B",
"label" "HB",
"description": "Hypervisor B",
"weight": 15
"name": "network:A",
"label" "NA",
"description": "Network A",
"weight": 10,
"name": "storage:A",
"label": "SA",
"description": "Storage A",
"weight": 10,
"compatible": [
{"name": "hypervisor:A"},
{"name": "hypervisor:B"},
{"name": "network:A"}
In this case storage A compatible only for combination with hypervisor A AND hypervisor B AND network A. For hypervisor type components we can describe compatibilities between hypervisors, for network between networks and hypervisors, for storage between storages, networks and hypervisors, for additional services between all of them.
For disabled options we should have alerts with messages for user. In case of ‘incompatible’ options, component has message and in case of ‘requires’ just ‘Not all requires options enabled’. In future we enhance it to dynamically generate informative text based on ‘requires’ elements relations.
To describe incompatiblities/requires between components, new yaml file called ‘components’ will be provided with additional structure:
- name: 'hypervisor:xen'
label: 'Xen'
description: 'Xen hypervisor'
- name: 'network:core:contrail'
label: 'Contrail'
description: 'Contrail network'
- name: 'hypervisor:vmware',
description: 'Contrail not compatible with VMware for now'
- name: 'network:ml2:dvs'
label: 'DVS'
description: 'Vmware DVS network'
- name: 'hypervisor:vmware'
- name:'hypervisor:vmware'
note:: Data given above illustrates the concept, and does not claim to reality.
In this example plugin provides additional component for Compute (new hypervisor Xen) and new Network (Contrail). There can be many components for plugin but usually it has only one. Each component can have the following keys:
Also plugin version in metadata.yaml should be changed to 4.0.0. Plugin developer takes responsibility for describing compatibility between his/her own plugin component and others. Each component which represents ML2 driver should requires ML2 core plugin.
Keep notes about plugin compatibility in documentation for end users. In such case they should manually handle combinations for possible plugins and core components.
Fuel Plugin SDK should describe the metadata which required for the compatibility matrix.