Disk-intensive workloads require the storage layer to be able to provide both high IOPS and sequential operations capabilities. Apache Hadoop is one of the most storage-sensitive frameworks which is widely used for Data Processing in production. Sahara service provides Hadoop installations on top of OpenStack.
The best performance on the virtualized environment can be achieved by providing the direct access from a VM to a block device located on the same compute host. OpenStack Cinder service has such attachment option implemented in the BlockDeviceDriver.
The current implementation requires a user to set up the Fuel plugin to have the BlockDeviceDriver support. Some manual configuration steps are required as well.
Having a built-in functionality for this use-case will provide a better user experience without plugin installation and manual configurations.
The implementation requires a new role to be added. The new role should be available in Fuel Web UI. The proposed name for new role is Cinder-Block-Device Storage.
The main aim of assigning a host to this role is to give a user a choice of which block devices should be dedicated exclusively to Cinder BlockDeviceDriver. BlockDeviceDriver is supposed to work with entire device not with its partitions.
This implies that a host with the Cinder-Block-Device role should be validated to have at least one extra device for host OS and VM root disks.
The Block-Device-Role is not supposed to be combined with other Cinder roles. The Block-Device-Role should require to be placed on compute hosts only.
The user configuration should be applied in the following flow:
Example of yaml file:
- cinder-block-devices:
node-2: /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc
Example of cinder.conf
volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.block_device.BlockDeviceDriver
available_devices = /dev/sdb,/dev/sdc
The Puppet manifests should be updated to be able to handle new configuration options on the hosts with Cinder-Block-Device role.
No new packages are required for the Cinder-Block-Device, because it is a part of Cinder codebase.
According to the description above the following implementation steps are required:
A new Cinder-Block-Device node role should be added. For this role should be used only entire disk space, should not be any other partitions on chosen disks. Hence every node with this role should have at least two physical disks.
Chosen disks should be serialized to yaml format, then should be passed to Astute and should not be mounted by partition manager.
Will be added a new structure to existing astute.yaml config files, which should contains serialized data from Nailgun.
Example of a new structure:
- cinder_block_devices:
node-2: /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc
Another changes in astute config files are not needed.
After resetting cluster all disks which were chosen for Cinder-Block-Device role should be formatted.
A new Puppet task should be added. The new task will be called cinder_block_device and only run for the new cinder_block_device role and will contain the cinder.conf changes and running all needed processes.
Also should be updated cinder filters list on controllers, when Cinder-Block-Device role is used.
As alternative can be used Cinder LVM or Ceph RBD backend with worse performance.
User will be able to configure new node role and set of disks for this role via CLI and UI.
Need add one more job and tests, which will cover a new deployment scheme.
All infrastructure changes should be documented.
Create environment with a new role: * Allocate nodes and disks for this role; * Deploy environment with controllers and at least one compute node; * Check that deploy was successfull; * Create Sahara cluster using “Volume locallity”; * SSH to master node of Sahara cluster; * Run dfsio tests for checking speed of reading/writing (speed should be much greater ~10 mb/s); * Check that there are no any errors;