Create a single entry point for user to have access to all the necessary information before, in progress and after deployment.
It might be quite hard for a newbie user to understand what he should do after OpenStack environment creation. To help user setup the OpenStack environment and show what can be done with it we’ll introduce dashboard. Dashboard will accumulate information about the OpenStack environment It also will give the user an idea of what to do next and what in general can be done with OpenStack environment.
Create a separate tab in UI combining all the necessary information and useful links for the user. This tab will also replace current Actions tab, combining data from there.
The main information should be displayed in the separate block - with instructions what to do next and what currently is wrong.
For the new just-created OpenStack environment there should be:
To be short - all warnings and errors, shown in Deploy changes dialog should be shown here.
For deployed OpenStack environment there will be link to Horizon, OSTF tests status with link to Healthcheck tab. For new OpenStack environment Healthcheck block will be shown but disabled.
For error OpenStack environment here will be error message, replacing the one under OpenStack environment page breadcrumbs.
The additional content here will be:
The suggestion is to have a unified source of truth for either deployed OpenStack environment and a new one, this tab would be the first one and Nodes tab will go after it.
The proposed mockups of dashboard: for new OpenStack environment:
For new OpenStack environment being deployed:
For OpenStack environment already deployed:
and in case of warnings:
Provide API with links to all possible necessary resources after OpenStack environment deployment.
We’ll have special /cluster/:id/dashboard_entries url by GETting which it will be possible to get the list of dashboard entries in the format like this:
title: 'plugin',
description: '',
url: '',
id: Number
with optional ‘description’ field.
To solve authentication issues we’ll use auth exemption.
UX will be affected in several aspects with this change:
The new table for dashboard entries should be created, containing the following fields:
id | Title | Description | url | cluster_id |
id | String | String | String | id |
cluster_id field means one cluster may have many dashboard entries for plugin, but it will belong to one cluster (one-to-many relationship)
API POST, PUT and DELETE method should be available for plugins in their post- deployment hooks.
There will be a new REST API url added:
method | URL | action | auth exempt |
POST | /api/v1/clusters/:cluster_id/ dashboard_entries | create a new item for dashboard entries | true |
GET | /api/v1/clusters/:cluster_id/ dashboard_entries |
false |
PUT | /api/v1/clusters/:cluster_id/ dashboard_entries/:entry_id |
false |
DELETE | /api/v1/clusters/:cluster_id/ dashboard_entries/:entry_id | delete a dashboard entry with specified id | false |
GET returns JSON like this:
title: 'Zabbix',
description: 'Zabbix is software that monitors numerous' +
+ 'parameters of a network and the health and integrity' +
+ ' of servers',
url: '',
id: Number(identificator)
title: 'Murano',
url: '',
id: Number(identificator)
title: 'My plugin',
description: 'My awesome plugin',
url: '/my_plugin',
id: Number(identificator)
A migration should be created for DashboardEntries model, also migrations are needed to generate dashboard entries for old OpenStack environments - for Horizon, Sahara and Murano entries.
Will improve user experience. Unlikely to impact python-fuelclient.
Will provide an entry point for plugins to access post-deployment dashboard.
Blueprint will be implemented in several stages:
Tests to be created for new REST API items. UI side of Dashboard implementation should also be covered with functional and unit tests - React components, new UX, new js model.
User can access OpenStack documentation, list of changes, available actions, cumulated information and what is missing for OpenStack environment, also plugin urls will be shown on this separate Dashboard tab. Cumulated environment information, actions that can be done with environment and links to OpenStack documentation should always be visible for the user. Before deployment user can see list of changes, a list of warnings/errors if any in addition to information displayed always. In the process of environment deployment, user can see current deployment progress state, besides the information mentioned above. After OpenStack deployment has successfully completed, the default displayed tab shows links out to all relevant dashboards (Horizon, Murano, plugin UIs). If plugins were included, links should include plugin-relevant UI blocks. Changing plugin settings and/or removing plugins is not a part of this page.
Part about user flow, with new Dashboard tab should be updated.