Persistent resource claims

This blueprint plans to enhance the compute resource tracker to keep resource claim as persistent to across nova-compute restart. This will be helpful to move the resource claim process to the conductor.

Problem description

The resource tracker provides an interface to claim resources for an instance. However, the claim result is only kept in memory instead of kept persistently and a context manager is returned to the caller.

There are several potential issue with this implementation. Firstly, it is not easy to support two-phases resources claim, because it return the claim as a context manager. Secondly without the persistent claim, the resource tracker has to recalculate the claims from instances and migration object, which requires more DB access and also requires locks to create the migration object and to set the instance’s host/node. Thirdaly, it’s not easy to move the _prep_resize() to the conductor because the claim is not persistent and can’t be invoked remotely.

Proposed change

We suggest to change the resource tracker to track the resources claim and persist the resources claim.

  • When resources claim, the resource tracker will track the result claim. Each claim will be identified by compute node and a unique ID in the node.

  • The resources claim is kept persistently by compute manager.

    There are several solutions to persist the claim like keeping it in central DB or in a local sqlite. In this spec, we will persistent the claim in local sqlite only, and a claim table is created to track the resources claim. We will enhance it later to be configurable as local sqlite or central DB. A mechanism like service_group is used to make the future extension easier.

    See “Alternative” for more info.

  • The claim persistent code defines claim format version and upgrades the claim table if new version is required, so that we can enhance the resources claim, like support for extra_info, easily. A separate sqlite table is created to save the current claim table’s version information.

    When a compute service is restarted after upgrade, it will check the claim table version. If the claim table version is lower than the latest version in the claim persistent code, it will upgrade the claim table to latest version and then update the version table. The upgrade code knows about the schema for each version so that we don’t need keep schema information in the sqlite.

  • When the compute node upgrades from non-persistent claim to persist claim, the upgrade code will find the table does not exist and thus will create the table from scratch based on the instance/migration information.

  • The compute manager’s periodic task will clean up any orphan claims. If a resources claim has no corresponding instance or migration object in the node, and it has been created for a specified period, it’s an orphan claim and will be cleaned. The ‘specified’ time is a configuration item.

    Also if a server is evacuated when host is shutdown, the corresponding resources claim will be released when the compute service is restarted.

    In future, such clean up should happen in conductor which will take response of garbage collector.


We had some discussions on how to keep the claims persistent. Originally it’s proposed to keep the claims in central DB. central DB will provide a global view and will be more robust, but it will impact performance for each periodic task. Later, it’s suggested to keep in sqlite first which will provide much better performance and can be extended to central DB in future.

Data model impact

A sqlite table (claim table) is created to keep the claim. Below is the data model to be used in sqlite. Although defined with sqlite type, but it should similar to central DB also:

id: INTEGER host: TEXT node: TEXT instance_uuid: TEXT vcpus: INTEGER memory_mb: INTEGER disk_gb: INTEGER pci: TEXT resize_target: INTEGER created_at: TEXT

The resize_target is to distinguish the resources claims in the same host for the same instance, when resize in the same host. It is in fact a boolean value stored as integers 0 (false) and 1 (true).

The created_at is the timestamp when the claim is created. It’s a ISO 8601 format string.

Another table is created to keep the claim format version information. table_name: TEXT version: INTEGER

This table has only one entry, with the table_name as “claims” and the version is the version of the claims in the claim table. As stated above, the upgrade code knows about the schema of each version and knows how to upgrade between versions.

REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

No for this BP since we will not cover the DB solution.

Other deployer impact

A new configuration ‘claim_db’ will be added to define how the sqlite database is stored on disk. It will be a relative path to state_path configuration item. The default value is claim.sqlite, which means $state_path/claim.sqlite.

A new configuration ‘claim_expiry_time’. A claim that has been created for ‘claim_expiry_time’ seconds and not is not associated with a instance or migration object is an orphan claim and will be released. The default value is 300 seconds.

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Claims persistent code.

  • Update the resource tracker.




We should have test code to check the sqlite is really populated correctly.

Documentation Impact

The documentation should be updated to describe the ‘claim_db’ configuration, where is the sqlite db lives now. Also the documents should describe how the upgrade works according to the “Proposed change” section.
