Support VNF package (TOSCA CSAR) in Tacker

This specification describes onboarding VNF Packages in Tacker.

Problem description

Currently, Tacker is able to onboard VNF descriptors using files in YAML format. VNF Package is not supported (but it is possible to use files with ‘csar’, Cloud Service Archive, extension in horizon-tacker).

The Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) is a package described in TOSCA-Simple-Profile-YAML-v1.2 [1] and VNF Package extends CSAR for NFV in ETSI GS NFV-SOL 004 [2]. TOSCA Simple Profile definitions along with all accompanying artifacts (e.g. scripts, binaries, configuration files) can be packaged together in a CSAR file.

The CSAR file is an archive file using the ZIP file format whose structure complies with the TOSCA Simple Profile YAML v1.1 Specification. The CSAR file may have one of the two following structures:

  1. CSAR containing a TOSCA-Metadata directory, which includes the TOSCA.meta metadata file providing an entry information for processing a CSAR file as defined in TOSCA v1.0 Specification.

  2. CSAR containing a single yaml (.yml or .yaml) file at the root of the archive. The yaml file is a TOSCA definition template that contains a metadata section with template_name and template_version metadata. This file is the CSAR Entry-Definitions file.

VNF Package also shall contain the VNFD and many extra files needed for successful deployment or used in a TOSCA template and configurations:

  • Metadata file that provides entry information for a TOSCA orchestrator

  • VNFD files as the main TOSCA definitions of the VNF

  • The manifest file is the key for a decision regarding a VNF package integrity and validity in terms of its contained artifacts.

  • The change history file describing any change of the VNF Package

  • Licensing information for the released VNF

  • Virtual machine images

  • Configuration artifacts

  • Monitoring configurations

  • Testing files

  • The certification file

  • Non-MANO artifact sets

VNF Packages are essential for most VNF and NS that contain a lot of artifacts, security sensitive data, and etc. The lack of support for VNF Packages makes Tacker incompatible with most modern VNF descriptors.

The goal here is to implement the functionality in Tacker and provide interfaces for onboarding and deploying VNF Package files.

Proposed change

The changes needed to Tacker in order to accommodate this new feature will include changes to following components:

  • Tacker API service: Add new APIs for managing VNF csar packages.

  • TOSCA-Parser: Tosca-parser supports reading CSAR package. Make suitable changes to the parser for creating topology template object as per tosca simple definition version 1.2..

  • Add new commands to support management of VNF csar packages using python-openstackclient.

  • Tacker-horizon: Add a new interface to support management of VNF csar packages.

  • Tacker-conductor service: Uploading and processing of vnf packages will be done by tacker-conductor service. When a request to upload a VNF package is received by the tacker API service on the controller node, the responsibility of uploading and extraction of the CSAR file will be assigned to the tacker-conductor service using new RPC API calls. The CSAR file will be uploaded in the glance store (in case of multiple controller node deployment we need to make csar file available on all nodes) and later it will be downloaded from glance store and extracted in the path configurable using a new config option vnf_package_csar_path so that any subsequent calls to fetch VNF packages doesn’t require to download CSAR file from glance_store again and again.


In tacker.conf, a new section glance_store will be added to configure the backend to be used for storing the vnf packages csar zip file. In case of default_store is set to filesystem or file, we recommend to configure filesystem_store_datadir option on shared storage in case you plan to deploy tacker API and tacker-conductor services on multiple controller nodes.

Changes include:

  • Implement 2-stage onboarding of VNF Package file according to ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 specification [3]:

    • Create a new individual VNF package resource.

    • Upload a VNF package by providing the content of the VNF package.

  • Support for new endpoints according to ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 [3] specification for getting and removing VNF packages.

  • Add the ability to use VNF Packages in Tacker for on-boarding and deploying:

    • Make changes to Tacker-horizon: add a field to specify user defined data if necessary (e.g. management driver) and change the southbound API to new endpoints.

    • Add new commands in python-openstackclient to use new Tacker-server REST APIs.

    • Make necessary changes to Tacker-server.

+------------+         +--------------+         +---------------+
|            |         |              |         |               |
|    VNF     |         |              |         |     Tacker    |
|  Package   +--------->    Horizon   +--------->     Client    |--+
|            |         |              |         |               |  |
+------------+         +--------------+         +-------+-------+  |
                                                        |          |
+--------------------------------+                      |          |
|              Tacker            |                      |          |
|   +------------+               |                      |          |
|   |            <---------------|----------------------+          |
|   |    REST    |               |1. POST /vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages |
|   | Controller |               |                                 |
|   |            <---------------|---------------------------------+
|   +--+---------+               |2. PUT /vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}/package_content
|      |                         |
|      |                         |
|      |  +--------------------+ |
|      |  |    NFVO Plugin     | |       +----------------------+
|      |  | +----------------+ | |       |       Libraries      |
|      +----> create_package | | |       |   +--------------+   |
|      |  | +----------------+ | |       |   |    TOSCA     |   |
|      |  |                    +------------->    PARSER    |   |
|      |  | +----------------+ | |       |   +--------------+   |
|      +----> upload_content | | |       +----------------------+
|         | +----------------+ | |
|         +--------------------+ |

VNF Package state model

VNF Package has three state, i.e. onboardingState, operationalState and usageState.

The onboardingState can take below values:

  • CREATED: The VNF Package information object is created.

  • UPLOADING: The VNF Package is being uploaded.

  • PROCESSING: The VNF Package is being processed, e.g. validation.

  • ONBOARDED: The VNF Package is successfully on-boarded.

The operationalState can take below values:

  • ENABLED: The VNF Package is enabled.

  • DISABLED: The VNF Package is disabled.

The usageState can take below values:

  • IN_USE: The VNF Package is in use.

  • NOT_IN_USE: The VNF Package is not in use.

See ETSI GS NFV-SOL 005 [3] Figure B.2.2-1 for state transions of these three states.

Flow of uploading of VNF package content


Precondition: The individual VNF package resource has been created with the value of “onboardingState” attribute equals to “CREATED”.

Uploading the content of a VNF package, as illustrated in above sequence diagram, consists of the following steps:

  1. Consumer sends a PUT request to the “VNF package content” resource including in the payload body a copy of the VNF package content.

  2. The CSAR file will be validated using tosca-parser. If it finds any errors, then it will raise 400 error.

  3. The NFVO returns a “202 Accepted” response with an empty payload body if validation succeeds.

  4. The NFVO continues processing the VNF package populating various db tables with the required information.

Postcondition: Upon successful completion, the content of the VNF package is on-boarded. And the state of the VNF package is changed as follows: the value of the “onboardingState” attribute equals to “ONBOARDED”, the value of the “operationalState” attribute equals to “ENABLED” and the value of the “usageState” attribute equals to “NOT_IN_USE”.

Error handling: In case of failure, appropriate error information is provided in the response.


Images and flavors will be created when user will instantiate VNF using uploaded VNF Package.

When user will upload the CSAR package_contents, it will be extracted in the folder which will be configurable with a new config option vnf_package_csar_path. Inside this folder, it will create a new folder with name equal to vnfPkgId of the uploaded package. The details of package contents will be stored in the db schema except actual files as described in Data model Impact. The CSAR file contents will be stored using glance_store library which supports a wide array of storages like Swift, FileSystem, HTTP, Ceph etc. Once the CSAR file is extracted in the configurable path, it will remain there till vnf_package is deleted. In case, the vnf_package contents are not present in the configurable path, it will get the csar zip file from glance_store and extract it for further processsing in the configurable path..

|    Server file storage     |
|                            |
| /var/lib/tacker/<vnfPkgId> |
|   -- TOSCA-Metadata        |
|   -- definitions           |
|   -- implementations       |
|   -- ...                   |

Data model Impact

Add below new tables in ‘tacker’ database. The corresponding schemas are detailed below:-


id varchar(36) Pri

onboarding_state varchar(255) NOT NULL

operational_state varchar(255) NOT NULL

usage_state varchar(255) NOT NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

tenant_id varchar(64) NOT NULL

algorithm varchar(64) NULL

hash text varchar(128) NULL

location_glance_store text NULL

This table will have id as primary key.


id int(11) Pri, auto_increment

package_uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL

key varchar(255) NOT NULL

value varchar(255) NOT NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

This table will have id as primary key. package_uuid will be foreign key of vnf_packages.`id`.


id int(11) Pri, auto_increment

package_uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL

vnfd_id varchar(36) Unique, NOT NULL

vnf_provider varchar(255), NOT NULL

vnf_product_name varchar(255), NOT NULL

vnf_software_version varchar(255), NOT NULL

vnfd_version varchar(255), NOT NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

This table will have id as primary key. package_uuid will be foreign key of vnf_packages.`id`.


The existing vnfd db tables will not used here. When the VNF Package will be uploaded, it will read the VNFD files and store basic information in this table like vnf_product_name, vnf_software_version etc which can be returned when user will query information about an individual VNF package without the need to read that particular information from the VNF Package file


id varchar(36) Pri, NOT NULL

package_uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL

flavour_id varchar(255) NOT NULL

flavour_description text NOT NULL

instantiation_levels text NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

This table will have id as primary key. package_uuid will be foreign key of vnf_packages.`id`.


id varchar(36) Pri, NOT NULL

software_image_id varchar(255) NOT NULL # VDU Name

flavour_uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL

name varchar(255) NOT NULL

provider varchar(255) NOT NULL

version varchar(255) NOT NULL

algorithm varchar(64) NOT NULL

hash text varchar(128) NOT NULL

container_format varchar(20) NOT NULL

disk_format varchar(20) NOT NULL

min_disk int(11) NOT NULL

min_ram int(11) NOT NULL

size bigint(20) NOT NULL

image_path text NOT NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

This table will have id as primary key. flavour_uuid will be foreign key of vnf_deployment_flavours.`id`.


id int(11) Pri, auto_increment

image_uuid varchar(36) NOT NULL

key varchar(255) NOT NULL

value varchar(255) NOT NULL

created_at datetime NOT NULL

updated_at datetime NULL

deleted_at datetime NULL

deleted tinyint(1) NULL

This table will have id as primary key. image_uuid will be foreign key of vnf_software_images.`id.

Upgrade tacker Database to HEAD version

tacker-db-manage --config-file /etc/tacker/tacker.conf upgrade HEAD

REST API impact

Below new RestFul APIs will be added:-

Resource name

Resource URI

HTTP Method


Response Codes

VNF packages



Query VNF packages information

Success: 200 Error: 401, 403


Create a new individual VNF package resource

Success: 201 Error: 400, 401, 403

Individual VNF package



Read information about an individual VNF package

Success: 200 Error: 401, 403, 404


Delete an individual VNF package

Success: 204 Error: 401, 302,404

VNF package content



Upload a VNF package by providing the content of the VNF package

Success: 202 Error: 401, 403, 404, 409

Upload VNF package from URI task

/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{vnfPkgId}/package_content /upload_from_uri


Upload a VNF package by providing the address information of the VNF package

Success: 202 Error: 401, 403, 404, 409

Other end user impact

Below new OpenStackClient commands will be added for managing VNF packages.

openstack vnf package create
openstack vnf package list
openstack vnf package show
openstack vnf package upload
openstack vnf package delete

Other deployer impact

Changes in api-paste.ini

/vnfpkgm/v1: vnfpkgmapi_v1

use = call:tacker.auth:pipeline_factory
noauth = request_id catch_errors extensions vnfpkgmapp_v1
keystone = request_id catch_errors authtoken keystonecontext extensions vnfpkgmapp_v1

paste.app_factory = tacker.api.vnfpkgm.v1.router:VnfpkgmAPIRouter.factory

Changes in tacker.conf

vnf_package_delete_interval = 1800

vnf_package_csar_path = /var/lib/tacker/vnfpackages/

default_backend = file
filesystem_store_datadir = /var/lib/tacker/csar_files

Changes in policy.json

Below default policies will be added for the newly added restFul APIs. If you want to customize these policies, you must edit policy.json file.

# Creates a vnf package.
# POST  /vnf_packages
# "os_nfv_orchestration_api:vnf_packages:create": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Show a vnf package.
# GET  /vnf_packages/{vnf_package_id}
# "os_nfv_orchestration_api:vnf_packages:show": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# List all vnf packages.
# GET  /vnf_packages/
# "os_nfv_orchestration_api:vnf_packages:index": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# Delete a vnf package.
# DELETE  /vnf_packages/{vnf_package_id}
# "os_nfv_orchestration_api:vnf_packages:delete": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# upload a vnf package content.
# PUT  /vnf_packages/{vnf_package_id}/package_content
# "os_nfv_orchestration_api:vnf_packages:upload_package_content": "rule:admin_or_owner"

# upload a vnf package content from uri.
# POST  /vnf_packages/{vnf_package_id}/package_content/upload_from_uri
# "os_nfv_orchestration_api:vnf_packages:upload_from_uri": "rule:admin_or_owner"



Primary assignee:

Hiroyuki Jo <>

Other contributors:

Tushar Patil <> Niraj Singh <> Neha Alhat <>>

Work Items

  • Add new onboarding REST API Endpoints to Tacker-server

  • Support for storing unpacked VNF Packages stored in local file system

  • TOSCA-Parser: Add ability to use CSAR packages as a parameter of ToscaTemplate init method

  • Add new plugin to support management of VNF Packages

  • Changes for tacker-horizon and python-openstackclient for using new APIs

  • Add unit and functional tests cases for onboarding of VNF Packages

  • Provide user documentation and developer documentation which explains the new onboarding process




Unit and functional test cases will be added for onboarding of VNF Packages.

Documentation Impact

Complete user guide will be added to explain how to deal with VNF packages.
