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Updateable Object Sysmeta

The original system metadata patch ( ) supported only account and container system metadata.

There are now patches in review that store middleware-generated metadata with objects, e.g.:

Object system metadata should not be stored in the x-object-meta- user metadata namespace because (a) there is a potential name conflict with arbitrarily named user metadata and (b) system metadata in the x-object-meta- namespace will be lost if a user sends a POST request to the object.

A patch is under review ( ) that will persist system metadata that is included with an object PUT request, and ignore system metadata sent with POSTs.

The goal of this work is to enable object system metadata to be persisted AND updated. Unlike user metadata, it should be possible to update individual items of system metadata independently when making a POST request to an object server.

This work applies to fast-POST operation, not POST-as-copy operation.

Problem Description

Item-by-item updates to metadata can be achieved by simple changes to the metadata read-modify-write cycle during a POST to the object server: read system metadata from existing data or meta file, merge new items, write to a new meta file. However, concurrent POSTs to a single server or inconsistent results between multiple servers can lead to multiple meta files containing divergent sets of system metadata. These must be preserved and eventually merged to achieve eventual consistency.

Proposed Change

The proposed new behavior is to preserve multiple meta files in the obj_dir until their system metadata is known to have been read and merged into a newer meta file.

When constructing a diskfile object, all existing meta files that are newer that the data file (usually just one) should be read for potential system metadata contributions. To enable a per-item most-recent-wins semantic when merging contributions from multiple meta files, system metadata should be stored in meta files as key: (value, timestamp) pairs. This is not necessary when system metadata is stored in a data file because the timestamp of those items is known to be that of the data file.

When writing the diskfile during a POST, the merged set of system metadata should be written to the new meta file, after which the older meta files can be deleted.

This requires a change to the diskfile cleanup code (hash_cleanup_listdir). After creating a new meta file, instead of deleting all older meta files, only those that were either older than the data file or read during construction of the new meta file are deleted.

In most cases the result will be same, but if a second concurrent request has written a meta file that was not read by the first request handler then this meta file will be left in place.

Similarly, a change is required in the async cleanup process (called by the replicator daemon). The cleanup process should merge any existing meta files into the most recent file before deleting older files. To reduce workload, this merge process could be conditional upon a threshold number of meta files being found.

Replication considerations

As a result of failures, object servers may have different existing meta files for an object when a POST is handled and a new (merged) metadata set is written to a new meta file. Consequently, object servers may end up with identically timestamped meta files having different system metadata content.


To differentiate between these meta files it is proposed to include a hash of the metadata content in the name of the meta file. As a result, meta files with differing content will be replicated between object servers and their contents merged to achieve eventual consistency.

The timestamp part of the meta filename is still required in order to (a) allow meta files older than a data or tombstone file to be deleted without being read and (b) to continue to record the modification time of user metadata.

ssync - TBD

Deleting system metadata

An item of system metadata with key x-object-sysmeta-x should be deleted when a header x-object-sysmeta-x:”“ is included with a POST request. This can be achieved by persisting the system metadata item in meta files with an empty value, i.e. key : (“”, timestamp), to indicate to any future metadata merges that the item has been deleted. This guards against inclusion of obsolete values from older meta files at the expense of storing the empty value. The empty-valued system metadata may be finally removed during a subsequent merge when it is observed that some expiry time has passed since its timestamp (i.e. any older value that the empty value is overriding would have been replicated by this time, so it is safe to delete the empty value).


Consider the following scenario. Initially the object dir on each object server contains just the original data file:

        x-object-sysmeta-p: ('p1', t0)

Two concurrent POSTs update the object on servers A and B, with timestamps t2 and t3, but fail on server C. One POST updates x-object-sysmeta-p and adds x-object-sysmeta-y. The other POST adds x-object-sysmeta-z. These POSTs result in two meta files being added to the object directory on A and B:

        x-object-sysmeta-p: ('p1', t0)
        x-object-sysmeta-p: ('p2', t2)
        x-object-sysmeta-x: ('x1', t2)
        x-object-sysmeta-y: ('y1', t2)
        x-object-sysmeta-p: ('p1', t0)
        x-object-sysmeta-x: ('x2', t3)
        x-object-sysmeta-z: ('z1', t3)

(hx in filename represents hash of metadata)

A response to a subsequent HEAD request would contain the composition of the two meta files’ system metadata items:

x-object-sysmeta-p: 'p2'
x-object-sysmeta-x: 'x2'
x-object-sysmeta-y: 'y1'
x-object-sysmeta-z: 'z1'

A further POST request received at t4 deletes x-object-sysmeta-p. This causes the two meta files to be read, their contents merged and a new meta file to be written. This POST succeeds on all servers, so on servers A and B we have:

obj_dir: :
       x-object-sysmeta-p: ('p1', t0)
       x-object-sysmeta-p: ('', t4)
       x-object-sysmeta-x: ('x3', t3)
       x-object-sysmeta-z: ('z1', t3)
       x-object-sysmeta-y: ('y1', t2)

whereas on server C we have:

obj_dir: :
       x-object-sysmeta-p: ('p1', t0)
       x-object-sysmeta-p: ('', t4)

Eventually the meta files will be replicated between servers and merged, leaving all servers with:

obj_dir: :
       x-object-sysmeta-p: ('p1', t0)
       x-object-sysmeta-p: ('', t4)
       x-object-sysmeta-x: ('x3', t3)
       x-object-sysmeta-z: ('z1', t3)
       x-object-sysmeta-y: ('y1', t2)


One alternative approach would be to preserve all meta files that are newer than a data or tombstone file and never merge their contents. This removes the need to include a hash in the meta file name, but has the obvious disadvantage of accumulating an increasing number of files, each of which needs to be read when constructing a diskfile.

Another alternative would store system metadata in separate sysmeta file. It may then be possible to discard the timestamp from the filename (if the timestamp.hash format is deemed too long).



Primary assignee:
Alistair Coles (acoles)

Work Items






DNS Entries



No change to external API docs. Developer docs would be updated to make developers aware of the feature.




Additional unit tests will be required for, object server. Probe tests will be useful to verify replication behavior.


Patch for object system metadata on PUT only:
Spec for updating containers on fast-POST:

There is a mutual dependency between this spec and the spec to update containers on fast-POST: the latter requires content-type to be treated as an item of mutable system metadata, which this spec aims to enable. This spec assumes that fast-POST becomes usable, which requires consistent container updates to be enabled.