Designate Integration

Designate provides DNS as a service so we can use hostnames instead of IP addresses. This spec is proposal to implement this feature in Sahara.

Problem description

Users want to use meaningful hostnames instead of just ip addresses. Currently Sahara only changes /etc/hosts files when deploying the cluster and it allows to resolve vms by hostnames only through console and only between these vms. But with Designate integration the hostnames of vms could be used in the dashboard and we don’t need to change /etc/hosts.

Proposed change

With this change we’ll be able to act in such way: user have pre installed Designate on controller machine and set up it with network (see [0]). Also user have added DNS address to /etc/resolv.conf file on client machine. User creates a cluster template in which it chooses domain names for internal and external resolution. Then user launches the cluster and all its instances can be resolved by their hostnames:

  1. from user client machine (e.g., links in Sahara-dashboard)

  2. between instances

Designate integration will work if we point that we want to use it in sahara configs. So new config option should be added in the default section:

  • use_designate: boolean variable which indicates should Sahara use Designate or not (by default is False).

  • nameservers: list of servers’ ips with pre installed Designate. This is required if ‘use_designate’ option is True.

Domain records format will be instance_name.domain_name.. Domain records will be created by Heat on create heat stack step of cluster creation process. The hostnames collision isn’t expected: 1. Designate allows only unique domain names so user can’t create domain with the same name in different tenants. Also domain names are created in one tenant and aren’t available in another. 2. Nova allows to launch instances with the same name but Sahara adds indexes (0,1,2,…) for each instance name. The single collision case is when we launch two clusters with the same node group names and the same cluster names then Designate doesn’t allow to create duplicated records so user can just change cluster name.

We should maintain backward compatibility. Backward compatibility cases:

  • Old version of Openstack. Then user can switch off designate with use_designate = false (this value by default).

  • Cluster already exists. Then user can’t use designate feature.

Addresses of the domain servers should be written to /etc/resolv.conf files on each of vms in order to successfully resolve created domain records across these vms. It could be done with cloud-init capabilities.


None. We can leave all as is: now we change /etc/hosts files for resolving hostnames between vms.

Data model impact

Cluster, Cluster Template and Instance entities should have two new columns:

  • internal_domain_name

  • external_domain_name

REST API impact


Other end user impact

User need to pre install and setup designate by self (see [0]). Also user should change resolv.conf files on appropriate machines in order to resolve server with designate.

Deployer impact


Developer impact


Sahara-image-elements impact


Sahara-dashboard / Horizon impact

Cluster template creation page will contain additional ‘DNS’ tab with two dropdown fields: internal domain and external domain.




Primary assignee:

msionkin (Michael Ionkin)

Work Items

  • implement designate heat template

  • implement writing dns server address to resolv.conf files

  • provide backward compatibility

  • add new db fields

  • add tab and fields for cluster template page in Sahara dashboard

  • add unit tests


  • python-designateclient for Sahara-dashboard


Unit tests should be added.

Documentation Impact

This feature should be documented.

