Enable VFIO devices with kernel variant drivers


This spec outlines the necessary steps to enable support for SR-IOV devices using the new kernel VFIO SR-IOV variant driver interface.

Problem description

Starting with kernel 5.16 and continuing in subsequent kernels, including those in Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) and future RHEL 10 releases, the SR-IOV mechanism for sharing Virtual Functions (VFs) with a guest has evolved.

While the older interfaces are still supported, a new interface using variant drivers has been introduced. Several devices already leverage this newer variant driver interface.

As a result, Nova should update its VFIO device support to accommodate this advancement.

Use Cases

  • As an operator, I want to use SR-IOV devices on Linux distributions that require variant drivers.

  • As an operator, I want “legacy” SR-IOV devices support to remain compatible.

Proposed change


SR-IOV devices using the variant driver interface can likely be integrated with Nova by building upon the existing PCI passthrough and SR-IOV support, combined with several modifications proposed in this specification.

According to the device documentation, users should configure the devices to be accessible as PCI Virtual Functions (VFs) identified by their PCI addresses.

Subsequently, by following the Nova documentation on attaching physical PCI devices to guests, users should arrive at a main configuration PCI section that specifies device attributes and aliases.

Configuring managed mode:

Users must specify whether the PCI device is managed by libvirt to allow detachment from the host and assignment to the guest, or vice versa. The managed mode of a device depends on the specific device and the support provided by its driver.

The proposed solution is to add a managed tag to the device specification.

  • managed='yes' means that nova will let libvirt to detach the device from the host before attaching it to the guest and re-attach it to the host after the guest is deleted.

  • managed='no' means that nova will not request libvirt to detach / attach the device from / to the host. In this case nova assumes that the operator configured the host in a way that these VFs are not attached to the host.


If not set, the default value is managed=’yes’ to preserve the existing behavior, primarily for upgrade purposes.

The behavior, specifically for Nova, assumes that the devices are already bound to vfio-pci or the relevant variant driver and are directly usable without any additional operations to enable passthrough to QEMU.


Incorrect configuration of this parameter may result in host OS crashes.

When this tag is encountered by the PCI resource tracker, the corresponding information will be stored in the respective PciDevice object under the extra_info field. This allows the code responsible for generating the XML definition to configure the libvirt-managed mode with the appropriate value.


The PciDevice object version remains unchanged.

Sanitize device specification:

As part of the initialization process, checks are performed to validate the correctness of the device specifications. Currently, if duplicates are present in the specifications, only the first entry is retained. While this behavior is acceptable, we may consider extending it in the future to log a warning and notify the user.

Display management:

From libvirt documentation:

An optional display attribute may be used to enable using a vgpu device as a display device for the guest. Supported values are either on or off (default). There is also an optional ramfb attribute with values of either on or off (default). When enabled, the ramfb attribute provides a memory framebuffer device to the guest. This framebuffer allows the vgpu to be used as a boot display before the gpu driver is loaded within the guest. ramfb requires the display attribute to be set to on.

There is a constraint to activate these settings for only one VGPU, even if multiple VGUs are attached to a VM.


In this initial implementation, display management is out of scope, consistent with the existing mdev implementation.



The following example demonstrates device specifications and alias configurations.

device_spec = { "vendor_id": "10de", "product_id": "25b6", "address": "0000:25:00.4", managed: "no" }

alias = { "vendor_id": "10de", "product_id": "25b6", "device_type": "type-VF", "name": "MYVF" }

Creating a VM based on the configuration above will include the following snippet in the XML definition:

<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='no'>
  <driver name='vfio'/>
    <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x25' slot='0x00' function='0x4'/>
  <alias name='hostdev0'/>
  <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>

The above example does not apply if users need to support multiple kinds of VFs.

Support for multiple kinds of VFs:

SR-IOV devices, such as GPUs, can be configured to provide VFs with various characteristics under the same vendor ID and product ID.

To enable Nova to model this, if you configure the VFs with different resource allocations, you will need to use separate resource_classes for each.

This can be achieved by following the steps below:

  • Enable PCI in Placement: This is necessary to track PCI devices with custom resource classes in the placement service.

  • Define Device Specifications: Use a custom resource class to represent a specific VF type and ensure that the VFs existing on the hypervisor are matched via the VF’s PCI address.

  • Specify Type-Specific Flavors: Define flavors with an alias that matches the vendor, product, and resource class to ensure proper allocation.

Device specification resource class:

This is necessary for users who want to support multiple kinds of VFs, requiring the “PCI in placement” feature to be enabled.

The resource class can user defined provided it conforms to the placement, validation requirements. While nova will normalize the resource class string to produce a valid resource class, relying on this is considered bad practice.

Normalisation is done by making the string upper case, replacing any consecutive character outside of [A-Z0-9_] with a single ‘_’, and prefixing the name with CUSTOM_ if not yet prefixed.

For example, CUSTOM_<TYPE_OF_VF> i.e. CUSTOM_GOLD_GPU would be a valid resource class.



The following example demonstrates device specifications and alias configurations, utilizing resource classes as part of the “PCI in placement” feature.

device_spec = { "vendor_id": "10de", "product_id": "25b6", "address": "0000:25:00.4", "resource_class": "CUSTOM_A16_16A", "managed": "no" }

alias = { "device_type": "type-VF", resource_class: "CUSTOM_A16_16A", "name": "A16_16A" }



REST API impact


Data model impact

Only the existing extra_info free dict will be extended.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

If PCI in placement is enabled, this bug should be taken into account as it may impact performance.

Mitigation measures are currently being developed to minimize this impact.

Other deployer impact

The user is fully responsible for configuring the following:

  • Host device: Define the kinds of virtual VFs required.

  • Compute Node: Configure device specifications, including whether the device/driver supports managed=true, along with the necessary aliases.

  • Flavors: If multiple kinds of VFs are needed, users must create and use different flavors for each VF type.

Developer impact


Upgrade impact

Users with Nvidia virtual GPUs must review their configuration.



Primary assignee:

Uggla (René Ribaud)

Main contributors:

Bauzas (Sylvain Bauza)

Feature Liaison

Feature liaison:


Work Items

  • Parse managed parameter from PCI device specification.

  • Sanitize device specification.

  • Change XML generation to deal with managed parameter.

  • Documentation updates.

  • Unit tests + functional tests.


  • Performance impact bug.

  • PCI in placement features for multiple kinds of VFs.


  • Unit tests and functional tests.

  • Tempest and/or whitebox tests cannot be executed in CI due to hardware limitations. They can, however, be developed in parallel with this implementation and deferred for later inclusion in CI.

Documentation Impact

Extensive admin and user documentation will be provided.




Release Name


